JoinedTopics Started by chuckyy
Should God be convicted of war crimes???
by chuckyy injust recently thinking of instances in old testament when jehovah instructed his people to slaughter animals, women, and even children.
if a human being today instructed an army to do this, wouldn't he be convicted of genocide/war crimes???.
How do you feel now? EVOLUTION OR CREATION??
by chuckyy inas jws we were no doubt staunch creationists.
but how do you feel now??
do you still opt for creation or do you now feel evolution offers the right answer.
What convinced u"paradise earth" was ridiculous?
by chuckyy inwhat was the one line of thought that convinced you that a paradise earth was a ridiculous notion???.
by chuckyy inhi all.. my mother in law got "a talking to" by 2 elders today.
thing is, we all live together, my jw mother in law, my disassociated wife and i, and, our little girl.
we have all been living together for 5 months or so.
Have u found a new faith since leaving?
by chuckyy ini was just wondering how many of you have found a "new faith" since leaving the jw"s. for instance, are u a member of another church, another religion, or are u now a committed atheist.
if u have found a new faith, what convinces you that its the right one?.
What was the most laughable JW teaching??
by chuckyy inhi all.
in your opinion, what was the silliest , most laughable watchtower teaching/doctrine, since its beginning until now???.
BETTER/WORSE than a worldly person?"
by chuckyy inafter your own personal experiences within the jws, do you conclude that the normal rank and file jw is worse than a person in the "world", better, or no different.
what do you base your conclusions on???.
Funniest Meeting Memories
by YoungAmerican inthere are always so many bad memories related here i thought it might be nice to change it up a bit.
what are some of your funniestmemories of the meetings, or even field service?
things that happened things said?
WHAT MADE YOU LEAVE? Doctrine or people?
by chuckyy inhi.. just wondering what made you take the final leap out of the org?
was it doctrinal in that certain things just didnt add up or was it because of the actions of people in the org.
that made you leave?
TURIN SHROUD/ Has anyone found a faith after leaving??
by chuckyy inhi.. ive recently been reading some really interesting stuff about the turin shroud, how it could be authentic after all, and the evidence that points to its authenticity.
of course, this gives me reason for thinking that "what if the gospels are true after all?
has anyone else here looked at the subject of the turin shroud??.