Thanks for replying. I certainly, for one, do not think that you are a liar. You are genuine, i can tell that from your comments. But...i must reply to you on a few points. David, you mentioned organ transplants. The reason for not accepting organ transplants before 1980 was not to do with blood. If you peruse through some pre 1980 watchtowers with regard to the question of transplants, you will see that the society viewed an organ transplant as a form of 'cannibalism'. (Even cornea transplants of the eye to prevent blindness were viewed this way)
But nevertheless, we could apply the same principles to blood fractions. Some blood fractions that were previously viewed as unscriptural by the society can now be used. Now, if we go back to the time when these fractions WERE available but were considered unscriptural, where does that leave us?
I know for a certainty that people have lost loved ones (Haemophiliacs...children with leukaemia as examples) in the past because a particular blood fraction that is now permissable, was unscriptural then.(FACTOR V111 for example) Consider too, the issue of vaccinations. Before 1952, vaccinations against disease were considered as unscriptural. Now, they would be a matter of conscience if they contained a blood fraction. So, even though it was a comparitively long time ago, what of all the needless suffering of little children that were not protected against disease?
David, my own 5 yr old will need open heart surgery and this is why i have become paticularly empathetic with ones that have been involved in the situations mentioned. There have been reversals/changes of policy and this has resulted in needless suffering. I am not being confrontational but i would like to know your opinion on these things David.