I can only imagine what you feel like. My best wishes to your speedy recovery.
i have been talking with a nurses assistant in retirement and she says that the last nine months with all these leg ulcers, the meds.
i have been taking, the three weeks in the hospital, etc.
has finally all caught up with me and i feel like crap!.
I can only imagine what you feel like. My best wishes to your speedy recovery.
my wife, liza, came home from work this morning (she was doing the 3rd shift thing) and said she was leaving me.
this afternoon at 1 pm i took her to the bus station.
at 4:20 pm she was off to nyc.
Since I don't pray, I will send my best wishes to you. I hope that you will be able to bounce back from all this and move on with your life in a positive manner. Good luck to you.
happy birthday max!!!!!
wishing you many more!!!
cant forget about those wheelchair races and the experiment when i have false teeth??
OOPS forgot those damn experiments were your idea !!!!!!!!!!! LOL
i think it is time to stop cheerleading for the christmas gift x-change......we have quite a few names and i am really excited!
i am crossing off names as they post to this thread...... .
gentlyferal beckmelbourne truckergbveniceit pettygrundger talley mamashel nilfun beautifulgarbage orangefatcat been_there simon angharad heaven vickie butalbeexenawarrior mouthy animal debradoll ladylee mulan the_star joannadandy searchin50 happy2b scarlet randomtask celia siegswife caligirl waiting tinkerbell4125cc ridercoolbreeze onacruise/bikerchick ballistic windchaser flower elsewhere queer_reality kelpie revmalk funkyderek grout notinterested joy2bfree connielyne valis cowboy englishman plumkrzy lyineyes dutchie eyegirl scootergirl perry syn scully mac trotafax lovesdubs wild_thing lilacs yerusalyimbobsgirldawnmackincassiline maximumflash granny linda sortafairytale.
Christmas is getting closer so I thought I would bring this back to the top. Cassiline says Plum should be back soon to add her wishes.
Great day to you all.
another fluff topic that has no useful purpose whatsoever.
i have a big foot.
my shoe size is 12 wide.
LMAO @ Lew
i have been smoking off and on for over a year,,,,,,,never smoked before this year in my life.. it all started just for the hell of it.
then as my hub and i started going out dancing and hitting the town, cig smoke was everywhere.
i would comehome with it in my hair and all over my clothes.
Lyin's original post in this thread:
I would comehome with it in my hair and all over my clothes.
Lyin, you and WT need to control your selves LOL.
On a serious note, I started smoking when I was 14. I wish I never started just because it is a hard habit to break. I still smoke today, Marlboro red. I have tried to quit several times without success.
If you enjoy smoking then smoke away. I would recommend quitting while you are still early in the smoking habit.
does anyone listen to enigma?
i recently started listening to a few of the songs, i love the song gravity of love , all of the songs are so relaxing
I have all 3 Enigma CD's. They are all great! I also have a couple Enya CD's as well and they too are great! Very good music to listen to on the way home from work if you had a bad day.
tuesday november 12th is the date for the much anticipated release of the movie lord of the rings-the fellowship of the ring on dvd.
although the movie was released in august, the package released in 12 days reportedly will have 30 extra minutes of movie not shown at the theatrical release.
which is all the more exciting for the true fan.
Did I miss something? I think I already have LOTR - Fellowship of the Ring on DVD? <Running to take a look at collection>
Yeah I do have it already. Is there a new one coming out with additional footage? The one that I have has 2 discs with additional footage. I am confused about this?
That is funny!!
when talking to someone who never was a jw, and they say to you how could you ever fall for all that?
it does bother me, cause i think it is some what condescending?
how do you feel about these questions?
Personally, since I am a "never been", when I ask anyone that has been a JW a question about the religion, I ask it so that I can try to understand where that person is coming from. I usually try to look at it from there shoes which is hard for me sometimes since I have never worn them. But, anytime that I bother anyone on this board about the questions that I may ask, please let me know and I appoligize in advance if I offend anyone.