That was funny!! I agree with animal.... mohawks are cool. LOL
That was funny!! I agree with animal.... mohawks are cool. LOL
A very sad loss indeed.
The explosion woke my wife and oldest daughter this morning, it was bad enough to shake the houses here where we live and its almost 6 hours from DFW area. About 45 minutes from here they have closed a resort area due to the amount of debris being found there, no injuries that I am aware of yet.
if anyone at all would reply to this, it would be great.
first off i'd like to say i only want mature people to reply, so that should cut down on some of the flak that will indefinitely be received for posting this.
i have a few topics i would love to cover with you jehovah's witnesses.
I have a few topics I would love to cover with you Jehovah's Witnesses.
Might help you a bit here Jared, my wife and most others come to this board to discuss the same you have mentioned. Not because they believe it but because most here are EX- Jehovahs Witnesses, not active Jehovahs Witnesses.
I come here to gain a better understanding of the religion she was a part of for so long, a religion you will find most here on this board call a cult. I still dont understand half of it but the people here are more then helpful and friendly.
I think Gizmos point to you was to look at the posts to find that most here are EXs and DO NOT follow the teaching of the faith anymore, if anything they would most likely agree with your pointing out the failed prophecies another thing which I find hard to grasp as so many stayed even though it was proved the Witnesses were wrong.
Those practicing the Jehovahs Witness faith as I understand it would call this site and those posting to it Apostates.
if you travel a distance of 100 miles .
and the first half of the trip you go at 100 mph.
and the second half of the trip you go at 50 mph.
Phone book question answer is None. If the number is unlisted it won't be in a phone book.
if you travel a distance of 100 miles .
and the first half of the trip you go at 100 mph.
and the second half of the trip you go at 50 mph.
That's just MEAN, maximumflash. THERE IS NO DIRT in a hole. It's empty.
The phone book question is just as simple as the dirt in a hole question. Answer is not 128.
if you travel a distance of 100 miles .
and the first half of the trip you go at 100 mph.
and the second half of the trip you go at 50 mph.
In a large western city, 80% of the phone numbers are listed, 20% of the phone numbers are businesses, and 20% of the phone numbers start with the numeral "2". If you were to take a random sample of 1000 phone numbers from the city's phone book, how many numbers would you expect to be unlisted, non-business phone numbers that start with a numeral other than "2"?
if you travel a distance of 100 miles .
and the first half of the trip you go at 100 mph.
and the second half of the trip you go at 50 mph.
How much dirt is there in a hole 3 ft deep, 6 ft long and 4 ft wide?
if you travel a distance of 100 miles .
and the first half of the trip you go at 100 mph.
and the second half of the trip you go at 50 mph.
Here is another:
1. Think of a number, any number. I am going to call your number Y.
2. Multiply your number by 2. That is: Y x 2 = New number called Z.
3. Add 80 to this number Z. Call this number W.
4. Now divide W by 2: W / 2 = New number called X
5. Subtract your original number Y from X.
The answer you get should be 40. If not, check your math.
Here is the entire equation: ((Y x 2) + 80) / 2 - Y = 40.
If you are confused, let someone else balance your checkbook. LOL
if you travel a distance of 100 miles .
and the first half of the trip you go at 100 mph.
and the second half of the trip you go at 50 mph.
Here is some for you all:
What does 10 x 9 x 8 x 7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 x 0 = ?
Shouldn't take much longer than the time to read it to figure this one out.
You shouldn't need a calculator for this one either.
Edited by - maximumflash on 20 January 2003 14:8:1
you're canadian when
signs showing you might be from canada... .
you're not offended by the term "homo milk".
You actually understand these jokes, and forward them to all of your Canadian friends!!! And then you send them to your American friends just to confuse them... further!
I am confused? LOL