I've been a friendly observer to the JW's for about 7 memorials now...and I didn't hear anything different other than the invitation to have a free home bible study.
A family member of my husband's was there that was disfellowshipped. I could tell she was hurting and I made a point to say hello to her, smile at her and make some small talk. I just can't be rude to someone, especially someone that admittedly made some mistakes, but heck, at least she's trying to correct it. I kinda felt hurt for her when I noticed she practically darted out the door at the KH when the thing was over. I'm sure that me talking with her didn't make some people exactly happy, but I just don't see the sense in being mean...especially since I really love her. Crap happens to everyone, none of us are perfect.
On a side note, the unleavened bread seemed especially unappetizing this time around. Not sure if it was because it was darker than I expected or what? Does anyone know what they do with the wine and the overcooked crackers when the memorial is over?