C'mon people I need help.....
Anyone I'll pay ya
Well I mean ....I don't know about that....... we'll see
let's assume that the 70 year prophecy will be confirmed by all archeologists and geremia 29:10 is correctly rendered "at babilonia" so 607-537 is fine.
when we get to daniel 4 we have the dream and the tree is compared to the king nebuchadnezzar.
the wt confirms this and all is fine.
C'mon people I need help.....
Anyone I'll pay ya
Well I mean ....I don't know about that....... we'll see
let's assume that the 70 year prophecy will be confirmed by all archeologists and geremia 29:10 is correctly rendered "at babilonia" so 607-537 is fine.
when we get to daniel 4 we have the dream and the tree is compared to the king nebuchadnezzar.
the wt confirms this and all is fine.
Let's assume that the 70 year prophecy will be confirmed by all archeologists and Geremia 29:10 is correctly rendered "at Babilonia" so 607-537 is fine.
(I know everybody, but let's for a second)
When we get to Daniel 4 we have the dream and the tree is compared to the king Nebuchadnezzar. The WT confirms this and all is fine.
in Chapter 6 of the book "Pay attention to Daniel Profecy!" under the subtitle "Seven Times That Effect Us" Pg 94, right at the beginning in four lines they change the premises and say that the tree "symbolizes the universal sovereignty of Jehovah". They don't give any other details about it and they don't seem preoccupied to prove with the scriptures that this sudden change is justifiable. Then, they go on and use this changed premise to support 2520 years and get to 1914.
I'm no scholar but I can't honestly see where that came from? I mean this book is about Daniel prophecy I would expect to find a bit more about it. Where is the connection between the 7 times for Nebuchadnezzar and the end of gentile times and Jehovah sovereignty? Why the sudden change with non explanation?
Maybe I don't know something and this is a stupid question but if it's not I hope the experts here will elaborete on it.
Many thanks....
my 11 year-old is getting picked on at school.
he is not cut out for competitive sports and not interested.
i've pushed my jw mindset aside and am considering letting him take a martial arts class (gasp).
I partially agree with Markfromcali, but at his age I don't think he can reach that state consciously, martial arts like most tings shoud be seen as a step in life not the the end.
The are very good for the body and can make a loner many friends and a bit of respect by his peers. Which can help reach and test what Markfromcali was saying.
I've done martial arts during the development years and I've been out of it for 10 years, my body is still able to do things that most people can never do and I have so many good memories. what more can you ask from it....
It' a bit like basketball when you're young you think your only option is to jump all the way to the basket when you grow older you learn that you can be much better and run a lot less if you're able to throw the ball from the 3 pionts line.(Michel Jordan)
my 11 year-old is getting picked on at school.
he is not cut out for competitive sports and not interested.
i've pushed my jw mindset aside and am considering letting him take a martial arts class (gasp).
I've done Ju-Jitsu for years and I can tell you that it's the best I've seen in terms of all rounded fighting skills. I would not reccomend Karate as they take positions that I don't like and can be harmfull for the body. But I would say that if you have a place in your town where they teach Ju-jitsu and Kick-Boxing it would be perfect.
Do not let him do anything but semi-contact as it's not harmfull but will teach him spead and control. One thing will not do the job a combination of things it's much better.
Many Gyms have few of the above. Remember that to learn how to defend yourself you need to test it with a fight so as you are sending him to martial arts it's better if he has fun in the ring rather then outside and kick-boxing (semi-contact) can do the trick.
Also in kick boxing the protetion for feet and gloves are much softer compared to karate wich adds safety to it.
Kick-boxing alone is not good as it does not teach discipline as much as ju-jitsu.
In ju-jitsu you can do demonstrations (KATA) with music and sounds that can be very nice and add a nice team fealing to it with rehersal and stuff.
It all depends on the gym so check them out well.
watchtower votes in united nations affairs
after clicking on each one of those symbols listed and matching under the (watchtower) name, the reader found u.n. resolutions with a vote of (yes) located beside the words (voting summary) in scans #4 and #6. scan # 4 listed a vote of (yes) u.n. meeting no.
scan #5. if we had clicked on the 2nd un symbol that was located back on scan # 3, then we would come up with this page, which shows another (yes) vote by (total voting membership) or 015---------see scan # 6 (this scan)------------then scan # 7 will show what was voted on (found by clicking on (full english text) see this scan and last scan # 7----coming after this one.. .
Yep....... just type any of the following lower or upper case and you get the same result
W,Y, Z, X, V
uhmm not good
if you follow his website, read his latest essay, to the elders, if he keeps going at this rate, he will be posting here soon.
Yeah he's been saying that the ecomomy will collapse as some kind of prophecy and people as foolish enough to think "oh yes he knows" when people like:
Dick Cheney
Matthew Simmons - W. Bush?s energy advisor
oh well I can't be bothered just go to http://www.lifeaftertheoilcrash.net/ and read (3 pages)
have warned us many times that the near future will see big changes or even collapse.
Anyway, regardless of that, the fact that this system will come to collapse is very easy to predict, we need to produce a bit more every year, of course we're gonna run out of something crucial soon or later.....the process started in Italy in the middle age with Banks (so that estortion was legalized...) Today if you don't produce more you can't pay debts and every nation has debts...We have big problems and only less than half of the world is consuming, so far.....
here you go I'm a prophet too...
of the ***It's easy to be a prophet nowadays, just keep yourself informed, and be self-absorbed*** Class
my wife was born in the jw religion but was never baptised.
she is currently studying and is on the road to baptism.
i am an atheist, and i have little comprehension of the bible.
This site is going to help you locate where and when they said something, you've got to check it out, it's great and there are no comments by the owner.
one thing smile always smile, they will read if you are nervous and will put it down as "devil controlled", sit back and present them with constant failed profecies don't let it go keep getting on the point. People sold their houses in 1975 and it's stated in their KM focus on the hardship they coused to these people. If they say it's not about prophecies say you definately agree but show them that it is for them and there's plenty to show for it)
Do not bring up other religions org just say that they are not "IT". They don't have a clue just like anybody else.
Commend them for their good attitude but state that many other share their fundamental morals.... Last ask them to check how often the FDS put them selves at the center of attention in their publications, it looks like they like the power trip... smile and raise you shoulders at the end.......
For you personally, remember that ironically this will help you study the bible and learn many interesting things, so don't forget it when you're done with them....
he was an older man.
a man that i looked up to.
he was also a business man who owned his own plumbing business.
Ohhh Boy.....
I have exactly the same experience..... my man is now 89 years old..... I loved him .... looked up to him..... but at the end I didn't do what he told me .... when we speak he always encorages me to listen to his wise words... but I now know, it's not the truth...
now here is the difference....
will he die as just an old man??? no way .....
He will always be MY MAN.... I love him and always will... he is wrong .... but he's MY MAN.... and my friends don't die as "just old men"...even if they're wrong
Ya Man Respect
imagine trying to prove to someone that firmly believes in leprechauns that they simply don't exist.
where do you start?
an excellent saying i have heard is "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
If you CAN prove that they are <"NOT Faithfull" OR "NOT D iscreet " OR "NOT SLAVES"> than they cannot be the FDS.
Are they faithfull? No they try to replace God by bla bla bla (easy one)
Are they D iscreet ? boy NO...they talk about themselves so much that ... welll ....( obvious )
Are they slaves? well they could have a bit more so say about this as you can view it in many ways but they can be cornered...(just a bit harder)
if you can prove any of them you've done it......
It's actually simple to prove..... but it's going to be harder to make them understand.....
BTW the same can be used for all other Orgs.....
i've been racking this around my brain for a minute now.
you've got people puttin in an average of 10 hours a month, giving away countless publications, and still only converting one or two families every 20 years or so.
this raises an obvious question, "if the door to door ministry doesn't bring in converts why do it?
That's exactly how it is!!
Edited to add:
The guilt part is always there regardless of what activity a JW may be participating in.
I agree with what_Truth? as the field service acts as a check on people so it increases the dose of guilt. If there wasn't a way to check people up you would gradually lose most of the guilt and live as you wish.