I have a statuette of Baby Jesus in my possession.
If you don't get me the bicycle I asked you, I'll kill him.....
i am who i am that is my name, born among you as the son of mankind, my name i know it now for sure is jehovah
I have a statuette of Baby Jesus in my possession.
If you don't get me the bicycle I asked you, I'll kill him.....
does anyone have thoughts on this?
When I was im my 20s I started tinking about this question and came up with an idea, but then I abbandoned it as WT didn't like it. :-)
I'm actually going back to it now....
God has not won yet. Satan was proven a liar with Jesus, but humans have not proven that they cannot govern them selves.
Yes we die and make wars etc but we're are still here and managing. To prove their incapacity to rule humans have to auto-destroy the human race. God will pull the plug just before that happens.
The idea sprung from another question:
How do you conclusevely prove that humans cannot govern them selves?
As long as the specie goes on you can criticise it but can't say we can't make it.
I don't know if it make any sense but if it does, we are paving our way to self distruction. and all the religions we have created are our milestones.... :-)
for the newbies, this post is a follow up on my situation regarding the watch tower's law suit against my due to my watch tower quotes web site.
for the background on the story so far, see these threads:
quotes website receives "cease & desist"
Quotes I've thanked you before for what your work has done to me, BUT I AM VERY PLEASED TO ADD THAT:
I have informed my jw cousin (almost 20 years) of what the WT was doing to you and I have managed to show her the mirrows of your site. Translating (as she doesn't speak English) the various letters and making her read the WT own words. Their obvious arrogance made her think again and decided to investigate.
After few months she no longer believes that the GB is the FDS. And she's planning her exit (as you can immagine not easy).
Your work lives on and is still doing its job, meeting the target again and again!
Stromboli ==> of the "boy they made a mistake or what" class
some of us are addicted or simply curious or have been referred to, to see what these boards are all about.
even when people say that they're done, they're never coming back, they reappear......what's wrong with us?
I've been a member for a year (I think) and post very little but I read regularly.
I just come here for info, news, links and new point of views.
Maybe in the hope of finally reading that the WT Empire has collappesed....
in compliance with the terms of a settlement agreement, my information and research web site, http://quotes.watchtower.ca, is now "dark".
the domain "watchtower.ca" has been transferred to wts (i assume they will have it pointing to borg.org watchtower.org asap).
my copies of the site have been destroyed, the files deleted, and my wt library cd has been destroyed, in accordance with the settlement agreement which will afford a "discontinuance" of their suit against me.
I stopped believing in the WT when I read your site.
I had read many other sites before and branded as lunatics (yeah I know ) But your site was unique for its absence of comments and it made a big difference in my life.
I don't post much and have moved on with my life but, like many here, I will be forever thankful for what you did.
I can also tell you that many others will benefit from what you did as you have set the model. Maybe like your site they will be shut down but the trend won't die.
One thing I agree with them:
Their words thruly are embarrassing .
it happened one year ago today.
june 4, 2004. they say these things take time and that recovery gets easier as time goes on, and i suppose that's true.
but then again, some things leave a hole in your heart that will never go away.
Sorry to hear your story.....
You're right Truth is harder than lies...
I lost both parents 13 years ago, my mom was only 47....
time will teach you how to live with the pain, but it will never go away....Remember the good times, don't concentrate on the pain...
forget the guilt part it will only complicate things ..... people die and it ain't your fault...
My best wishes
ive just left the jws well got dfed a month ago!
but family want me back so im trying to prove to myself that it isnt true, top get the strength not to go back,i heard the 607 date may be false, can anyone show me about that, i know exactly what the jws say and cant believe the intial date is wrong, is it?
Hi, I posted the following few days ago and as I see scholar here It would be nice if you could discuss this as it will be helpfull for Cordelia too.
I'm know nothing compared to some people here so It could be nice if some of you gave an opinion of a view from the average guy.
Here is my previous post:
Let's assume that the 70 year prophecy will be confirmed by all archeologists and Geremia 29:10 is correctly rendered "at Babilonia" so 607-537 is fine.
(I know everybody, but let's for a second)
When we get to Daniel 4 we have the dream and the tree is compared to the king Nebuchadnezzar. The WT confirms this and all is fine.
in Chapter 6 of the book "Pay attention to Daniel Profecy!" under the subtitle "Seven Times That Effect Us" Pg 94, right at the beginning in four lines they change the premises and say that the tree "symbolizes the universal sovereignty of Jehovah". They don't give any other details about it and they don't seem preoccupied to prove with the scriptures that this sudden change is justifiable. Then, they go on and use this changed premise to support 2520 years and get to 1914.
I'm no scholar but I can't honestly see where that came from? I mean this book is about Daniel prophecy I would expect to find a bit more about it. Where is the connection between the 7 times for Nebuchadnezzar and the end of gentile times and Jehovah sovereignty? Why the sudden change with non explanation?
Maybe I don't know something and this is a stupid question but if it's not I hope the experts here will elaborete on it.
And I add now that Daniel was aware of the all the aspect of the dream and had the help of God for iterpretation but he never makes connection between the Tree and Jehovah.
Here there are many knowledgable people and is seems to me that Daniel 4 can be crucial, I would like to hear from all of you what you think too. Some have already responded with good points but I'm curios about scholar.
let's assume that the 70 year prophecy will be confirmed by all archeologists and geremia 29:10 is correctly rendered "at babilonia" so 607-537 is fine.
when we get to daniel 4 we have the dream and the tree is compared to the king nebuchadnezzar.
the wt confirms this and all is fine.
Thanks Guys....
I submitted the question to forums for JWs and more o less the discussion went as described by OldSoul......
Oh well... I suppose that the fact that 1914 has WWI I believed it, I don't know, but it really is easy to see... And It frustrates me that no JW has given me an aswer to that....
Thanks again.....
let's assume that the 70 year prophecy will be confirmed by all archeologists and geremia 29:10 is correctly rendered "at babilonia" so 607-537 is fine.
when we get to daniel 4 we have the dream and the tree is compared to the king nebuchadnezzar.
the wt confirms this and all is fine.
good points....
I think this is so ovvious that is not there, that 607 becomes almost irrelevant...
I wonder how scholar would defend that....
let's assume that the 70 year prophecy will be confirmed by all archeologists and geremia 29:10 is correctly rendered "at babilonia" so 607-537 is fine.
when we get to daniel 4 we have the dream and the tree is compared to the king nebuchadnezzar.
the wt confirms this and all is fine.
Thanks NeonMadman
But how would a JW defend that?