Topics Started by freyd
Visions of Glory
by freyd invisions of glory chapter 1 .
.........."in 1944, when i like ______ was 9 years old, i became one of jehovah's witnesses.
whatever effects the supreme court's ruling may have had on children of jehovah's witnesses in brockton, massachusetts, it is certain that nobody thought to enforce the court's ruling in brooklyn, new york.
What Relgion Would You like to Be After Being a JW?
by freyd inmormon underwear .
this is an informational site to about mormon underwear (mormon garments), what it is, and why mormon's wear it.
there are many sites on the internet about mormon underwear that have incorrect information.
Aging With Humor
by freyd injust before the funeral services, the undertaker came up to the very elderly widow and asked, 'how old was your husband?
' '98,' she replied.
'two years older than me.
When Did Presbyterians Start To Call Pastors, Father?
by freyd in,2933,303881,00.html .
matt 23:9 "and do not call anyone on earth 'father,' for you have one father, and he is in heaven.
Did the title of "overseer" ever bother you
by freyd init bothered me a lot.
overseers used to be called servants.
the roles were reversed when servants became overseers.
Do You Feel Dysfunctional
by freyd indid jw's make you that way, or did you just fit in?
and did they give you purpose?