JoinedTopics Started by truth_about_the_truth
Why 1914, 1925, 1975? Why so many supreme court case victories?
by truth_about_the_truth inthis excerpt from the 800 page expose "be wise as serpents" reveals this:.
jehovah's witnesses.
the masonic goal was to get prayer, the pledge of allegiance, and religious trappings out of.
Jehovah's Witness Video Link!
by omerp inthis movie is a bit old but it is still very good!
now if you can only get them (jehovah's witness) to watch it that would be the next hurdle!
i can't provide a link to it here for some reason but if you do a hot bot search for "jehovah's witness video" at you'll find it.
Judges Probed On Masonic Links - BBC
by Gumbley inwednesday, 26 september, 2001, 15:13 gmt 16:13 uk
judges probed on masonic links .
the justice minister is reluctant to back such a move.
Pastor Russell and the Da Vinci Code
by jwfacts innot surprisingly, the most visted page on my website at the moment is title da vinci code.
due to the popularity i updated it today with a lot more symbols from the watchtower society.
it is at for anyone that has recently seen the da vinci code.. this was one of my intial areas of research on the watchtower society, just after i read the book, and i was gobb smacked to say the least.
FEMA - training pastors for martial law
by truth_about_the_truth infema is currently in the process of training religious leaders to instruct their congregations to cooperate with the government in the event of a national emergency.
the scripture being used to justify this is romans 13 where it says to "submit to the superior authorities" which is being misapplied.. somehow, i have no doubt that the jws are not excluded from this and this will filter down from brooklyn down to the local congregations as well.
two words: remember katrina.... here is the article:.
The end is close! - Look at the pictures! Hilarious
by truth_about_the_truth inhere is a chain email that i got that has been circulating among the jws.. you have to be kidding me right?.
fw: something to think about wow!!!!!.
this is quite interesting seeing the progression of the stone hitting the false religious babylonish image at the base.
Spirituality vs. Religion - what's the difference?
by truth_about_the_truth inhere is an excerpt from a book called "fresh wisdom-breakthrough to enlightenment" that really hits the point:
the con of religion
we have never met a christian who has given up everything and followed christ.
Immigration riots, 9/11, Iraq, Iran...what's it all about?
by truth_about_the_truth in.
this is a must listen, if you have asked yourself this question....