Blondie seems to be as informed as those in the inner core of the org.
Could it be that blondie is actually a bethel 'heavy' in disguise?
Come on you can tell us...
someone informed me today that in two months time there will be a "special announcement" to all congregations.
everyone must be present at the kingdom hall for it.
my elders already know what it is, but won't tell me.
Blondie seems to be as informed as those in the inner core of the org.
Could it be that blondie is actually a bethel 'heavy' in disguise?
Come on you can tell us...
i downloaded and heard the "da" talk by littletoe and man all i can say is that it reminded me of that phrase in that def leppard song "it's better to burn out, than to fade away!".
that was tremendous.
i read on another thread that this is the reason why the new public talk outlines are now more manuscript than before.
I downloaded and heard the "DA" talk by littletoe and man all I can say is that it reminded me of that phrase in that Def Leppard song "it's better to burn out, than to fade away!"
That was tremendous.
I read on another thread that this is the reason why the new public talk outlines are now more manuscript than before. I do remember the society doing an overhaul of the outlines sometime in 2002 back when I was still doing them. Is it true that the society crapped in their pants when they found out about this and came out with new outlines to prevent something like this from happening again?
For those here that are thinking of calling it quits and haven't yet, instead of fading away how about leaving the society with another decision to make before you leave? On your last day of field service, come up with a presentation like this:
"Hi my name is ----, one of JW. This is the last time I will be visiting your home because as of right now I no longer consider myself as one of them. JW believe that you and your family will be eternally destroyed at armageddon because you are not one of them. Unless you convert now, you will die. If this message appeals to you, I'll have this person (point to your service partner) visit you again. I no longer believe in this and it does not appeal to me." Then walk away.
What's next then...memorized field service presentations that the society will be have to enforce? Actually they are pretty close to doing that now with the "suggestions" in the KM. But those "suggestions" will now have to be enforced as mandatory usage verbage. Who wants to go out in service now????
every time i've attended a dc in an indoor arena, i 've noticed a u.s. flag hanging on the rafters or somewhere prominently displayed.
of course it is a permanent fixture of the arena.
anyways, since national flags are symbols of idolatry.
thanks for noticing. sorry if you were eating chicken while you were posting on this thread.
but weirdly enough, i've been mentioned here before, when one of my posts at lj (about whether or not subjection to the organization is relative) caused a bit of a war among ljjws.
i found this forum googling my username, actually.
i was wondering if anyone here has any theories as to why it is that, the more meetings we skip, the less we want to go.
if you really want to find out if you've broken a rule or have done something that is not encouraged..go tell your elders you have been reading/posting on this site. See what happens.
I have no problem with the society in itself not being perfect but if you claim to be the mouthpiece of Jehovah, you BETTER be perfect. Otherwise you are misrepresenting him.
If you are an org TRYING to lead ppl into serving Jehovah, just say so admit that you are not perfect and leave the "chosen, hand-picked by Jehovah" stuff out. You are leaving yourself wide open for blasphemy when you screw up. Kinda digging your own grave when you make such tremendous claims.
every time i've attended a dc in an indoor arena, i 've noticed a u.s. flag hanging on the rafters or somewhere prominently displayed.
of course it is a permanent fixture of the arena.
anyways, since national flags are symbols of idolatry.
Yeah, especially after 9-11 with all the patriotism going on.
i guess they're damned if they do and damned if they dont. They choose to keep the hanging idol and hope no one notices the inconsistency and compromise. It's working so far.
me not afraid at all of the big bad wolf:
Yes. you can see that I'm a hot chick.
but weirdly enough, i've been mentioned here before, when one of my posts at lj (about whether or not subjection to the organization is relative) caused a bit of a war among ljjws.
i found this forum googling my username, actually.
i was wondering if anyone here has any theories as to why it is that, the more meetings we skip, the less we want to go.
Hi there fellow new poster! I made my first post today too. Is this kinda like getting baptized on the same day?
every time i've attended a dc in an indoor arena, i 've noticed a u.s. flag hanging on the rafters or somewhere prominently displayed.
of course it is a permanent fixture of the arena.
anyways, since national flags are symbols of idolatry.
Every time I've attended a DC in an indoor arena, I 've noticed a U.S. flag hanging on the rafters or somewhere prominently displayed. Of course it is a permanent fixture of the arena. Anyways, since national flags are symbols of idolatry. Is it proper to have an idol hanging in a place that is being used for 'pure' worship? Can you imagine having a statue of Baal in the convention site?
What's amazing about this is that no one really notices.
Has anyone noticed that no one notices this too?
Notice: Overuse of the word "notice" has been noted.
i went to take my daughter to school today and right at the end of her line was a jw with her child.
seeing as i had to take my child to her line, i had to stand very close to her.
i seen her out of the corner of my eye looking at me.
I recently reunited with my best friend who I havent seen since 1989 when he got DFed.
I was unable to contact him for 15 yrs because of the DF indoctrination, but finally decided to contact him.
It was one of the best decisions I've ever made.
Jesus never shunned anyone. Neither should we. Especially our close friends and family members.
The Bible says to not even eat with "sinners, fornicators, etc" This is a personal decision and a practical suggestion. basically, if i think you are a jerk....then it is wise for me to not hang out with you. Plain and simple. It doesn't command us to shun and individual as a group based on decisions made by other men.
DFing is plain wrong.
jehovah's witnesses are told to never talk against the organization.
they say that talking against the organization is the same as talking against jehovah god himself!, now that we have the freedom to speak our minds, say something true.
Matt. 24:45
Look for the word: "Class".
Dont bother gettting a magnifying glass. It aint there.
Read the context..all Jesus is saying is to stay awake during the last days by means of a parable. Nothing more, nothing less.