physical near 4 years
mental near 4.5 years.
moved on? Wouldnt recommend you letting mrs flipper near me yo!
i have been out over 5 years now.
i feel we all start healing at different speeds depending on how much hurt we went through in exiting ; and how much we've educated ourselves about how and why we were sucked in by a mind control cult.
at first i felt anger towards the organization , but after learning about mind control within 3 years of leaving the cult i felt sorry for those who are still trapped inside the witnesses being deceived.
physical near 4 years
mental near 4.5 years.
moved on? Wouldnt recommend you letting mrs flipper near me yo!
i haven't seen too many posts on this so i thought i'd approach this topic.
absolutely tragic story this week i'm sure many of you read where this man killed 10 people including family members after being totally stressed from bad things happening in his life - he cracked totally into pieces.
he went on a rampage in 2 different counties in southern alabama killing these people, setting his house on fire, then committed suicide all in 1 hour's time !.
If we all had guns these pussy gangstas would not get away with killing more than one person.
i was shocked to come across this video on u tube.
it documents two bills in congress h.r.
875 and s.425 that could effectively put small farms and organic farms out of business.
I honestly dont understand why you people obey laws. You are human beings. You do not belong to the state if you say you dont belong to the state. You are stronger than they are. You are more Numerous than they are. You do not have to do as they bid thee.
I stop at red lights. Cause its the law? Hell no! Cause I dont want to cause a wreak.
I have car insurance. Cause its the law? Hell no! Cause someone else shouldnt have to pay for my mistake.
I SMOKE POT! Its again the law. OMG whatever shall I do. Fuck them. Do your worst to me.
I dont register my private property. Its again the law. OMG whatever shall I do? Do your worst MOFOs.
I am a human. So are you. So are they. They have no power lest what you give them.
Good day (pu$$!es)
for a three day vacation.
going to go to galveston and see the ocean for the first time.
will probably go to the space center in houston.
damn you prolly pass right through lafayette on I10. Too bad you cant stop and say hi.
i just came across this, though it's been on youtube for some time now.
maybe somebody has already put it on the board.. .
would you like to live forever? hell to the no. kinda look forward to croakin and finding out fer shure (or not) if there is anything on the other side.
lololol where every man is your brother? Naw that make every chick my sister... and ummm with my ummm addiction... that'd be just weird.
for a three day vacation.
going to go to galveston and see the ocean for the first time.
will probably go to the space center in houston.
ummm... ok
1. Yes galva bay is the ocean. It is the gulf of mexico which is tech part of the atlantic ocean. You arent looking at the intercoastal channel. It is the gulf. The water is just as salty there as montaray bay mmmkay?
2. Cali is cool too.
3. Moody Gardens in galva is cool... cheep? not that i remember.
4. Coo museum? Nat hist La CALI with la brea.
i really get hot under the collar when i read the stories of ex-jws being told to leave weddings, funerals, and family gatherings simply because the.
wt has overstepped their bounds and passed public judgement on these people declaring them "unfit to be around".. .
these judgements are based on adherance to wt interpretation of scriptures and organizational rules and laws they have devised from this "pick.
i dunno. shunning has been only a blessing to me.
they bore me. |
indeed dude. every last one of them.
just thinking back on my own family that started with the jws in the early 50's, .
both of my parents came from different religious backgrounds one was catholic and the other a anglican.. what probably sparked my mother's attention, who was the first to be in contact with a jws, .
was of course the destruction of the system of things and a new paradise for those that god approved.. and i'm guessing that this what catches most peoples attention just as it did to my mother.. i'm also assuming that this is most likely what grabs other people as well.......any comments ?.
cause they want to.
i am fading out after 18 years in jw cult (pioneer, ms, elder etc ...).
my wife was born in jw family, very strong family bonds, very loyal to jw.
at home we can talk pretty open, but she is so blindfolded, so loyal, not willing to admitt jw could be totally wrong... is there any chance to help her step by step?
she is a unique human. do not 'get your wife out' she will get out when/if she wants to 'get out'
unfortunately i don't possess "the legends of the jews" by louis ginzberg.. apparently in volume 5 of this work (pp 43 - 46) there is a description of the messianic banquet, where the redeemed of yahweh, in their roof garden, are served the inexhaustible, delicious flesh of the monsters behemoth, leviathan and ziz(?
), whilst drinking the liquors of the four sweet rivers of paradise.. as far as i can find the wt only acknowledges the existence of the first two monsters, but makes no mention of ziz.. leviathan they say is the crocodile (a memory of egypt?
) and behemoth is the hippopotamus (was this known in israel?