From observation of a JW, I'd say stressed out, always thinking of ways to evade an issue or giving a simple answer to a question. Tired, bored and devisive. Seems to have a split personality, I never know where they're coming from. Worried and has a hard time making a decision, always changing their mind and always saying something offensive and too dumb to even realize it. It's got to be a hard life, getting doors slammed in your face, being told off and having to isolate onesself from a world that God has created for them to be a part of. I've gotten used to this person's ways, but I don't tolerate them, I tell them how I feel about their foolishness because I love them and I know they love me as well.
JoinedPosts by amazin
Describe The Life of a Jehovah's Witness
by minimus intypically, what life does a jw lead?
witnesses relish the thought that they are "different" from the rest of the "world" so???
How much of a Witness are you? Take the quiz!
by AlmostAtheist ini've wasted most of a day putting this quiz together.
it's only 10 questions, please give it a go and see what you get!.
if you think it could make a decent anti-witnessing tool, i might dress it up with links to the quotes site and the watchtower site to prove the accuracy of the points made.. if you see any inaccuracies or misleading comments, please let me know.. url = (embedded below).
40% JW, baloney, I don't think so. I'm not now a JW and being brainwashed isn't in my makeup. How is it that JW's believe that the Bible is the devinely inspired word of God, when they've chosen to twist just about every verse in it that doesn't support them being in control? Where'd you get that from? Yes, I drive a 4 door car, it's dented, the seats are stained and it's a 1989. but it's roomey and if someone rides with me they don't have to be a contortunist to get in and out of it. But, your quiz answered a question for me which is 'why did my grand-son's wife trade in a convertible Firebird for a 4 door Ford Tarus'. She recently got reinstated (I guess that's the right word) back into the JW's after being disfellowshipped because she decided she needed to sow her wild oats. What's puzzling to me is that JW's don't pray or fellowship with anyone outside of the cult, but they can marry a Baptist (my grand-son is a Baptist), go to bed with them and have sexual relations and get pregnant. To me that's quite a fellowship outside the JW's.
Is there a difference between a "wrong expectation" and a "false prophecy"?
by booker-t inas many of you posters know by now that my mom has been a devout jw for 40 years and just cannot accept the fact that i am no longer a jw and feel that i am being deceived by apostates and will be destroyed at armaggeddon.
well the other day we had another knock down debate about "false prophecies" and the wts.
my mom insist that the wts are not false prophets but merely had many "wrong expectations" the same as other bible writers and disciples of christ.
Hi Kennson! Matt. 24:3 "Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives the disciples came to Him privately saying, "Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming and the end of the age?" Since Christians serve a live and a living God that means this present age and this present generation as well. 24:3 says "And Jesus answered and said to them: "Take heed that no one deceives you." C. T. Russell & Judge Rutherford deceived the JW's, Jesus didn't for He cannot lie. 24:14 Jesus is speaking "And this gospel will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come." This verse clearly expresses the anticipation that the good new of Jesus Christ will be preached all over the world before the end of it; it involves the declaration of the message of grace for forgiveness and power of deliverance from sin. We certainly can't save ourselves although some teach that you can, it's only by God's grace and mercy that we are forgiven and saved. Through our faith in Jesus and our trust in Him that He is who He says He is can we show evidence of change. Maybe that's one reason why JW's are so heartless and obnoxious and uncharitible. An organization that would tell it's members that they cannot a funeral, not even their mother's, if it is held in a church, well, demonic comes to mind. "To all nations" which includes every group of people will hear about the insuring "proof" of Christ's resurrection life and present power to save and heal. God cares for all people; Jesus died for every person; and the Word of God is for every nation before the end. Verses 32-35 of Chapter 24 of Matthew is telling us even the present generation (right now) would know Jesus and be a witness to Him (and that certainly means not only JW's). I Jesus in His incarnate state does not know the time of the Second Coming, and the end, it is futile for others to speculate. Nobody can say with any degree of certainty when Jesus is coming again, because He clearly said that even the angels in heaven do not know that day (Mk. 13:32). No man knows that day, this knowledge is reserved strictly for God the Father so since C.T. Russell & Judge Rutherford are not God, they then are false prophets, who taught false doctrine and twisted scripture and who harmed many and since the WTS won't reveal this but try to cover up these deceptions they too, are false prophets, telling lies. It would do you well to admit it because no matter what you say this Word of God is for this present generation, it is the revelent Word of God, God manifested in Jesus Christ and endowed by the Holy Spirit within us not a force of nature. If you didn't get it this time get a Bible and read it and make sure it's a real one not the NWT. Goodbye and God bless you, in Jesus Name!
Is there a difference between a "wrong expectation" and a "false prophecy"?
by booker-t inas many of you posters know by now that my mom has been a devout jw for 40 years and just cannot accept the fact that i am no longer a jw and feel that i am being deceived by apostates and will be destroyed at armaggeddon.
well the other day we had another knock down debate about "false prophecies" and the wts.
my mom insist that the wts are not false prophets but merely had many "wrong expectations" the same as other bible writers and disciples of christ.
Hi Kenneson. Well, if God cannot lie, then Jesus cannot lie, but Charles Taze Russell and Judge Rutherford can, then who do you choose to believe? The verse says 'we know neither the day nor the hour' and at least we should have the good sense to know that and, as someone posted previously, not run around like a bunch of idiots predicting the end is coming. It falls under the catagory of "Charles T. Russell and Judge Rutherford Were Just Plain Liars and Were Quite Possibly Nuts." I wish someone would answer my question "If a JW can't fellowship with churches or pray with people outside the cult, how can they marry outside it, say to a Baptist, and have sex with them? This seems like fellowship to me.
Is there a difference between a "wrong expectation" and a "false prophecy"?
by booker-t inas many of you posters know by now that my mom has been a devout jw for 40 years and just cannot accept the fact that i am no longer a jw and feel that i am being deceived by apostates and will be destroyed at armaggeddon.
well the other day we had another knock down debate about "false prophecies" and the wts.
my mom insist that the wts are not false prophets but merely had many "wrong expectations" the same as other bible writers and disciples of christ.
Hi, here are the definitions of 'expectation' and 'prophecy': Expectation-something EXPECTED to happen; to look forward to someting happening, to suppose or to think something will happen. It's like 'I was expecting it to snow, but it didn't', that's wrong expectation. Prophecy-is "Thus saith the Lord"; the inspired Word of God; the inspired declaration of God's devine will and purpose; an inspired utterance of a prophet. Always true, God cannot lie. Prophet-one who utters divinely inspired revelations from God; a spokesman for God. BIG DIFFERENCE, WRONG EXPECTATIONS ARE NOT THE SAME AS FALSE PROPHECY!!!
Is there a difference between a "wrong expectation" and a "false prophecy"?
by booker-t inas many of you posters know by now that my mom has been a devout jw for 40 years and just cannot accept the fact that i am no longer a jw and feel that i am being deceived by apostates and will be destroyed at armaggeddon.
well the other day we had another knock down debate about "false prophecies" and the wts.
my mom insist that the wts are not false prophets but merely had many "wrong expectations" the same as other bible writers and disciples of christ.
Hi Booker-t! First let me define expectation and prophecy for you: expectation-something expected to happen; to look forward to something happening; to suppose or to think that something will happen; to anticipate something happening. Doesn't mean it has to happen, it's like 'I was expecting it to snow, but it didn't', that's a wrong expectation. Prophecy-"Thus saith the Lord"; the devinely inspired Word of God; the inspired declaration of divine will and purpose; an inspired utterance of a prophet. BIG DIFFERENCE!!!!!!!! I'll go ahead and define 'Prophet' while I'm at it: one who proclaims God's message or tells a message he has received from God; a prophet announces a message at the direction of the Lord God; God's commissioned spokesman. The Bible says in Matt. 7:15 Jesus is speaking "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves." Rev. 16:13,14 says "And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs coming out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty". We all know who's going to win that battle, matter of fact it's already won, Thank you Jesus for dying on the Cross for the salvation of our sins. Charles T. Russell and Judge Rutherford were false prophets and left behind a whole bunch of others. They prophecied the end of the world, Armaggedon when the Bible clearly says in Matt. 24:34-36 "Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place. Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away. But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only." The Bible is the devinely inspired Word of God for 2,000 years it has been and these two come along and blaspheme it, and twist the spriptures to just what they want you to believe. No one even recognizes the NWT as a bible but the JW's, don't you think that strange. Don't you think it strange that so many are entrapped by the society or the governing body. News flash, God is in control, not the governing body and no matter how brain-washed you are, you are going to be held accountable at the second coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ because you didn't trust Him and have faith in His Word. Tell you mom not to be looking down on "born-agains" and to get her a real Bible which was here first and is the truth and compare it with the NWT (come up with in the 18th century) and see the error in the NWT. You teach that there is no hell when the Bible clearly states that there is, now that's a false expectation and a lie. Question: How is it that you can't fellowship with churches and pray with a Christian, but you can marry outside your beliefs and go to bed with your husband/wife who's a say Baptist and have sex and produce children? Wouldn't you say that that is an ultimate fellowship? Hypocrites!!