I too thought Armageddon was here when the gulf war started, then 9/11. I also had this terrible dream just before the earthquake in Asia. I dreamt I was standing on the beach and this huge wave rose up and came over me. i thought 'this is it, armageddon, im going to die'. at that point i woke up, phew. freaked me out though, when a couple of days later the tidal wave happened.
just incase im a prophet, i'd better let you all know i also had a dream recently that i was in a tall building somewhere in america and it just started to fall and race forward, like it was falling off the earth. the building was one of these glass looking buildings and i looked out the window and all the other buildings ere doing the same. everyone was running around and screaming and i just laid on the floor and thought, this is it, this is armageddon. i shut my eyes and waited for the end to come. It did, when i woke up.
in all honesty, if the bible is correct, i think everyone would know it was happening. gulp. for now we get our practice scares with earth tremors and the like. oh yeah which reminds me, i also thought armageddon had come a couple of years ago when we had an earth tremour. dont get many of them in my neck of the woods, so it was pretty scary.