where can i get this book?
...well except for the appendix.
i felt i didn't need to!
this book is unbelievable!!!!!!!!!
where can i get this book?
since the bible was put together after the christian 'church' was formed, since the ot was largely superceded by the teachings of jesus and finally since the new testament was largely a series of letters to individual churches - why do we put so much credence on a set of translated scriptures written by a culture seperated from our own by 2000 years?
and as a back up to this question - if the canon of scriptures are clearly not the sole basis of the early christian church - what should the church be built on?
Well I still believe the Bible is the inspired word of God and thats the material he wanted in it - a selection of enough stuff for us to live by. Many would disagree with me, i know. I dont have a problem with the Bible or believing its Gods word, i just wonder at the interpretations from the original languages, and then the individual interpretations of the church, jws etc. i can see why so many people are confused. for every scripture that points to hell being death, someone can quote something that makes it look like a place of torture. which then means we have to look at other stuff to qualify it all. it makes ma brain hurt!
i wish i could read hebrew and greek!
or anything similar???
the nearest i came was knocking myself out - my life actually did flash before my eyes.
it could only have been seconds before bumping my head and hitting the ground, but i flashed through scene after scene of life events, from childhood to adulthood.
Im not sure what I think of near death experiences. some doctors say people have these experiences when there is no brain activity, so there must a spirt that survives death. i wonder - bec when i bumped my head my life flashed so fast before my eyes, not just briefly, but with clarity, and i wonder if these experiences people have happen in a flash the same way.
my mother says she died on an operating table and was floating near the ceiling, seeing everything that happened. she said she had a noise in her head from the last word she heard before she came out of her body - rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
i read a book that says many of those who have NDE's, afterwards lose their fear of death and for some reason, if they wear a watch, it just stops .............strange.
or anything similar???
the nearest i came was knocking myself out - my life actually did flash before my eyes.
it could only have been seconds before bumping my head and hitting the ground, but i flashed through scene after scene of life events, from childhood to adulthood.
Or anything similar??? The nearest I came was knocking myself out - my life actually did flash before my eyes. It could only have been seconds before bumping my head and hitting the ground, but i flashed through scene after scene of life events, from childhood to adulthood. very strange.
the pope was admitted to hospital and on the national tv (rai) they were saying that he has an entire apartment right in the h just for himself, not only that but the room just below was emptied just to avoid noise for him.
recently a man in italy died because the ambulance could not find a bed for him in a hospital so by the time they arrived to the one bed that was available 200kms away he was dead.
I give'em to weeks in purgatory before he is booted to hell
LOL. i love it.
first off to everyone that has replied to my messages thank you it helped me understand more about your religion.
i am a catholic and wanted to learn more about this religion and my friend had told me to come here.
so far i've learned alot more then i have had known before.. if theres any information that you would like to tell me about just reply to this message.
Hello and welcome
I prefer to believe the jws - the thought of the wages of sin being death, is much more comforting than the catholic churches view of everlasting torment in a place called hell.
i have been lurking on this website for about 2 years.
mainly i haven't posted because a lack of information technology at my house.
Hello Smurf and Welcome to you
if a pill or some treatment was developed to allow you to live to 200 - what would you do with the rest of your life?.
let's just say that you started to get old around 175. you're in your 50s.
would you work longer, enjoy life, help a needy cause or travel?.
dont know if i could stand 200 years on this planet!
well, haven't you had things happen and you just know they're not accidental ...... or are they?
some people don't 'believe' there are such things as coincidences but whatever, what's the greatest of coincidences that has ever happened to you?
kinda like "what's the most coincidental of coincidences", eh?
Praying for God to show me the truth, then the jws turning up at my door an hour later !
this is my first forum post though i've been out here reading yours for a while.
i didn't know how to post my bio.
i became a jdub at the age of 16. i had a child out-of-wedlock who was 1 year old at the time and i was searching for answers - i wanted my son to have a future and the one the witnesses portrayed was better than anything i'd ever heard!
hello and welcome to you