The pope was admitted to hospital and on the national TV (RAI) they were saying that he has an entire apartment right in the H just for himself, not only that but the room just below was emptied just to avoid noise for him. Unbelivable! I know!!!
Recently a man in Italy died because the ambulance could not find a bed for him in a hospital so by the time they arrived to the one bed that was available 200Kms away he was dead. So please dear catholics out there make a prayer that your leader, next time he goes to his little window to make another un-understandable speach, that he say "Sorry I'm such a prick!".
This goes to show that other borgs are even worst. Ex-jws are very demading of their ex-leaders (and rightly so, may I add!!!!!) and in their anger after finding them at fault they maight even reconsider the catholics as an option. If a GB member did that... well .. boy o boy.
Stromboli of the "abolition of all the borgs" class