Lady Lee, what's wrong with laptops? I use one, a MacBook Pro to be exact. With wireless I can JWD in the study, JWD in the bedroom, JWD on the couch, JWD in the bath and when having a poo. The problems not the laptop. It's OCD and JWD!
JoinedPosts by stevenyc
Ahhhhhhh Computer died
by Lady Lee inwell the power source to be more exact.. i should have it fixed by the end of the week.
for now i am on my laptop and it is a real pain so i won't be posting much.
So little knowledge
by grissom6471 inso many people here and so little knowledge of jehovah's witnesses.
there are still people here associating jehovah's witnesses with the watchtower society when that is not the case.
so many people look to the past not the future.
Grissle: The Watchtower Society is a printing company, nothing more.
Actually, your wrong. The Watchtower Society is the legal representative of the organization known as Jehovah's Witness. They say so in all their court cases.
So, now you've learned something about Jehovah's Witnesses from a forum.
steve -
My dear atheist posters, what would you recommend . . .
by pennycandy infor a reliable, accurate study of the authenticity of the bible and/or the existence of god?.
Another to add to the mix is: Misquoting Jesus, by Bart D. Ehrman. Although he has issues based on his own ex-religion, he demonstrates in plain english how what we read in the bible is not what was originally written. Therefore, not the so called 'word of God'.
steve -
Happy JWD Day Matt.
Your only a few days older than me !
I can remember your first few posts, all the way up and through your exit both with the JDubs and your marriage.
Wow, how much can change over a couple of years.
A question for you. If you could go back two years, would you change anything?
steve -
If you could turn back time, how far would you crank the hands of time?
by avidbiblereader inhow far in your life would you turn back time and why?
what would you hope to change?.
I'd go back and shoot Abraham.
steve -
Thing I LOVE and HATE about living in ENGLAND.
by nicolaou ini love:.
the weather.
cornish pasties.
Things I miss about England
My family
My friends
I decent pint of Guinness
Watching football in the pub
Waking up to radio 4
Pork-pies and Worcestershire source
Hedgehogs and urban foxes
Two sided politics
Decent news programs
Smokey Bacon crisps
Things I don't miss about England
Fear of success
suspicion of strangers
more drizzle
Milton Keynes
It's very expensive
Did I mention the drizzle?
steve -
by RAF inwhen it comes to believe its all about what is believable to you.
so this is not a question for believers in god, i mean if you are a believers (you think that there is a god) or an agnostic (you think that there might be something very unexplainable yet) the one i want to get into it by giving there reasons are atheists.. it feels comfortable to just follow what scientists are saying (it is supportive because they are able to explain some science) but by now about evolution its only about concept related to science to explain a possibility, but there is no scientific proof in facts.. why is it more believable to you that we are the result of a big bang which would actually comes out of something very tiny full of development codes?
i guess from that, that it would still mean that there is something bigger than just that (like believers or agnostic do think).. so why are you atheist?
RAF, I guess speaking for myself I would say it all comes down to what's practicable. There is a poster here who is a self confessed 'last-thursdayist'. His theology dictates that the entire universe as we know it was created last Thursday. Including the deliberate placing of ancient fossils and old texts and buildings. Now, it is not possible for science to 'PROVE' he is wrong. But, for all practicable purposes, he is.
An agnostic will leave space in his understanding of his universe for the possibility of some God. An atheist leaves no such room. And, even though an atheist cannot disprove the existence of a God, for all practicable reasons, he does.
steve -
by RAF inwhen it comes to believe its all about what is believable to you.
so this is not a question for believers in god, i mean if you are a believers (you think that there is a god) or an agnostic (you think that there might be something very unexplainable yet) the one i want to get into it by giving there reasons are atheists.. it feels comfortable to just follow what scientists are saying (it is supportive because they are able to explain some science) but by now about evolution its only about concept related to science to explain a possibility, but there is no scientific proof in facts.. why is it more believable to you that we are the result of a big bang which would actually comes out of something very tiny full of development codes?
i guess from that, that it would still mean that there is something bigger than just that (like believers or agnostic do think).. so why are you atheist?
Hi there RAF.
Being convinced that there is a God and Devil and therefor the reasons for existence, including all the beauty and all the suffering come from Them, is a bit of a cop-out for me. Passing the buck if you will. When I traced the roots and origins of modern religion I found that they all started out as the bizzar ramblings of tribal mystics explaining the questions of what makes their universe tick. It makes for great anthropological reading into 'how we got here' but I don't see much use for directing my life on the belief that the Earth is the centre of the universe, we all exist in a Gods dream, or if I don't do well I'm coming back as an ant.
We know longer believe that the heart is the centre of emotion or thought, because science has shown otherwise. Science will never be able to disprove the existence of God, but, science is showing that the existence of God is very unlikely.
I feel that the only place left for God is the the realm of metaphysics and hyperbole, both an unprovable and unquestionable space. Unless of cause you've got his telephone number ;) .
steve -
Your favorite JW euphemisms...
by AuldSoul inthe heart and soul of doublespeak is euphemistic references.
i think many jws are not aware of how often they do this.
since leaving slightly over a year ago, i have discovered many that i had not even been aware that i used.
The "class" system is worth mentioning here. The Jonadab class, FDS class etc. They are all man made interpretations and yet we believe they come directly from God the the FDS CLASS.
steve -
607 Question....not debate
by Zuko into make a long story short i work with one of my old friends who happens to be a ms. we often get in discussions about witnesses and i have got him too admit that i am right about somethings in the past.
i think he has looked into some of the things we have talked about and found that i am right but he just kinda dismisses them.
anyway here is the deal.
Assyrian, Babylonian, Egyptian, and Persian Chronology Compared with the Chronology of the Bible, Volume 1: Persian Chronology and the Length of the Babylonian Exile of the Jews ISBN 82-994633-3-5 By Rolf Furuli.
Check his wiki here:
Make sure to see the critical analysis link at the bottom of the page.
PS, Technically, you could be going back to the hall. In which case I hope they give you mike duty.