So many people here and so little knowledge of Jehovah's Witnesses. There are still people here associating Jehovah's Witnesses with the Watchtower Society when that is not the case. So many people look to the past not the future. So many people point to and are stumbled by what people do. So many people here that are weeping and gnashing their teeth. If you only knew where to get real knowledge of Jehovah's Witnesses, which is never on a forum.
So little knowledge
by grissom6471 66 Replies latest jw friends
If you only knew where to get real knowledge of Jehovah's Witnesses, which is never on a forum.
Ok, I'll bite. Where?
Lady Lee
So many people here and so little knowledge of Jehovah's Witnesses. There are still people here associating Jehovah's Witnesses with the Watchtower Society when that is not the case.
you have got to be joking.
- just where do you get all your publications from?
- just where do you get all your beliefs from?
- just where do you think the elders get all their talk outlines from?
So many people look to the past not the future.
- There is a very good saying that to see where you are going you must know the past.
- to know the past means hopefully you learn from it so you do not make the same mistakes
- ignoring the mistakes of the past is a sure way to repeat them
So many people point to and are stumbled by what people do.
Well at least we are learning something new instead of the same old, same old, year after year after year
So many people here that are weeping and gnashing their teeth
Well the Bible says there is a time to cry and believe me most of us here need a lot of time to mourn the losses we have experienced as JWs. And we have every right to be angry at the injustices we experienced as JWs
If you only knew where to get real knowledge of Jehovah's Witnesses, which is never on a forum.
Oh we learned alright. We learned at the kingdom halls. We learned at home. We devoted our lives to living what we later discovered was a lie. It almost killed some of us. And many of us know someone who did die because of it.
There are still people here associating Jehovah's Witnesses with the Watchtower Society when that is not the case.
How is it not the case, exactly?
The Watchtower Society prints the literature that Jehovah's Witnesses distribute.
The Watchtower Society prints the literature that Jehovah's Witnesses use to direct their behaviour, their beliefs and their attitudes.
The Watchtower Society is the corporation that collects money that Jehovah's Witnesses donate to the World Wide Education Work™.
When someone is baptized as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, the second statement - which the candidate must answer in the affirmative - requires that the candidate acknowledge that this act of submitting to baptism identifies them as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in association with God's spirit-directed organization. (Watchtower, June 1, 1985, p. 30, Watchtower, January 15, 1989, p. 13)
Just because the Watchtower Society instructs Jehovah's Witnesses to not identify themselves as representatives of the Watchtower Society, does not mean that there is not an association between them.
Could you kindly elaborate what you mean when you say that it is inaccurate to claim an association between Jehovah's Witnesses and the Watchtower Society, because the evidence, Mr. Grissom, says that the association is a very strong one.
Lady Liberty
Dear Grissom..
I beg to differ with you! I was raised in the organization, and am not unfamiliar with its teachings, as most here can also say. What makes you think that we have no JW knowledge? It was my life. I would challenge you on any subject!! I am neither disfellowshipped nor disassociated. I am a lover of truth, I am moral, I am faithful, and I am a lover of Jehovah God and his son Christ Jesus! I think that to lump everyone in the same catagory is typical narrow minded JW thinking!
Lady Liberty
Grissom666 - what do you hope to gain? what is your motivation here? you cannot think you are preaching to people on this board? if you really were a JW, you would not be here because visiting apostate sites if forbidden by the religion.
And as for people stuck in the past, if you do not learn from your mistakes of the past, you can never move towards your future. Sexual molestation is a real problem in the religion. Treating people like second class citizens is a real problem in the religion. The list does go on of course, but those are to name a few issues that engulf the congregation.
You question people who bring up the past. Well truthfully I do not care what Russell or Rutherford did. Yeah I know their stunts and their claims to fame. I do not care, but to cast aside another's interest and questions is to go contrary to the teaching in the Bible itself, when the christian congregation was encouraged to not take what was said at face value but rather to question and research.
And as for so little knowledge ... hee, hee, hee ... you are kidd'n right? Besides the fact that we have people on this site who know the religion and its origins backwards and forwards, you have people who are generational in the religion and have lived it and whose families have lived it.
Well peaches, my guess is that you are going to have to experience the religion and all its ugliness all on your own. Good luck to ya, cause clearly, based on your postings, you are clueless.
So many people look to the past not the future.
Isn't that exactly what the watchtower society/jehovah's witnesses ask of 'worldly'™ people in regards to examining their own religion? J-dubs use the past mistakes of other religions
as a way to push their 'bible students'™ into converting to this cult. Don't think for one second that jehovahs witnesses shouldn't be placed under the same microscope.
Do not confuse knowledge with wisdom. Knowledge is something defined by man to be of value. Wisdom is something learned by life, to be of truth. You wish for us to seek knowledge, but instead we found Wisdom and hopefully, one day you will too.
I smell a troll.
I smell a dumba$$ JW elder.