"A cult is a religion with no political power.",Tom Wolfe
the organization teaches that we leave everyone and everything else behind when we join christianity (also known as the "truth").
your father, mother, brother and sister all have to be given up to become a "real" christian.
friends that you grew up that are not of the same religion must be abandoned.
"A cult is a religion with no political power.",Tom Wolfe
i wonder if anyone can remember a drawing, i think it was in the old children book (pink/orange hard cover if i remember correctly), of babies being offered up as sacrifies to a false god.
the god looked like a huge chair/alter with flames ( i think) and horns.. .
Rebel8 - yes your right," The paradise book".
If anyone has a copy and a scanner I'd apprieciate a lot.
it's the good life.
it really is... taking the boss's money!
I guessed you were a network techie.
It's a great life.
I didn't take you for an Indian/Sri Lankan / Chineese though.
the wts & its various corporations are a behemoth, rudderless ship with no one at the helm; only concerned with self-preservation.
the result is an inflexible organization slow to make change and not interested in the welfare & rights of individual members.. the internet and boards such as this allow for excellent communication and freedom of information.. because the internet is free and provides relative anonymity it has proven to be one of the greatest threats to the wts.. the wts leaders could be proactive and act in an ethical way, but they'd rather react when a perceived "threat" arises -- telling members to avoid the internet, shun family members, do more/stay busy, and so on.. as jt used to say, "i love this 'net thang".
i wonder if anyone can remember a drawing, i think it was in the old children book (pink/orange hard cover if i remember correctly), of babies being offered up as sacrifies to a false god.
the god looked like a huge chair/alter with flames ( i think) and horns.. .
I think the perspective was from the front of the idol and below. But it looks like this was taken from a different angle, If you know what I mean.
i wonder if anyone can remember a drawing, i think it was in the old children book (pink/orange hard cover if i remember correctly), of babies being offered up as sacrifies to a false god.
the god looked like a huge chair/alter with flames ( i think) and horns.. .
I wonder if anyone can remember a drawing, I think it was in the old children book (pink/orange hard cover if I remember correctly), of babies being offered up as sacrifies to a false god. The god looked like a huge chair/alter with flames ( I think) and horns.
Does anyone have a scan.
as most of you know by now i have told you that my mom has been a "devout" jw for over 40 years and i can't get her to budge.
well the last time we debated she left me totally confused and in a daze.
i did some fast research and this past sunday we had a free-for-all debate that lasted 5 hours.
Check out Quote's site here:
A lot of the jw defence is mearly semantics. If it gets tough you could try qualifying what the definition of prophet is. They admit that the GB inturprets words and "signs" to predict the future. They have stated future events with dates. There are NO dates in the bible. 1914 is nowhere.
Ask them if bible charactors who interpreted dreams were prophets. The bible is inspired by Jehovah, but those dreams were inspired by Jehovah as well. It's the same thing. So, if those dream interpreters were prophets by using the holy spirit to interpret dreams to predict the future, the same can apply to the GB by using the holy spirit to interpret Jehovah's words to predict the future. Remember, the number 1914 is nowhere in the bible.
This is very different to say a stock broker or sports commentator predicting the future. They use form and intuition to make an assumption. The GB doesn't make assumptions . So, if its not assumptions to say what IS going to happen in the future ESSPECIALY when siting dates, it sound to me like prophecing.
However, if you end up getting a juditial commitee, you will not win. You will be given two choices. The same two choices religions have been giving for hundreds of years. Repent of your sins and accept the church or die (spiritually die and familly communications die) . If you want to stay in good communication with your mom you'll probably have to back down.
I posting this to let you know that I believe your argument to be correct, and strong. You are right. There is a bigger picture than argument with this sect, and that's your relationship with your mom. And for that I do not envy your position. Many of us on this board have been through similar situations.
Please keep us updated on your progress, and ask for help here whenever you need it.
Keep strong.
as most of you know by now i have told you that my mom has been a "devout" jw for over 40 years and i can't get her to budge.
well the last time we debated she left me totally confused and in a daze.
i did some fast research and this past sunday we had a free-for-all debate that lasted 5 hours.
Jeff S. said
How would you like being a nurse delivering a baby from a Doctor that takes as many missteps as the Society.
Nurse: What do I do? Doctor: Well right now in during this time of present truth in a few minutes the stork will arrive and... Doctor: Hold on..Sorry that was past truth... etc.
This is the reason.
Your mom and elders think their speaking to Gods Org.
If the nurse asked what to do and the reply was, "get her to stand on her head and push"
the nurse would see it didn't work and start thinking
if the next reply was then, "get her to lay on her belly and pretend to be a fish"
The nurse would now have suspisions that it wasn't the doctor on the phone.
forgive me i haven't been on the board in a bit, but what is the current train of thought on the 1914 generation never dying.
is the belief finally dead and they're now picking something else?
last i checked it was a broader sense of the word, like napolean's generation was like anyone from the 1800's or something.
Please, everyone stop complaining about this, "it's says clearly" ?
?..and these generations shall by no means pass away until all these things have occurred? Book of Brian Ch4:v12 ? ?Newer World Translation of the Holy Scriptures? 2007 ? (Patent Pending)
actually, i sorta dislike that description.... oops!
anyway, to continue:.
I'm still a newbie, and everyday I'm finding sooooo much info on this site
I've notice I'm no longer a newbie, but a Junior Member, Woohoo for that!
So, welcome all you newbies, come and drink life's water free.