What I would like to know is how this Ralph Deal worked it where the whole congregation stood behind him.
Might be some good lessons we can learn from there.
suppose a whole congregation decides it has had enough of the watchtower.
suppose also that they have paid for their own kingdom hall and the mortgage is paid off in full.. why should they not be free to rename the kh to some other name, or, if they want to, sell it and keep the money?.
legally, why should the watchtower think it has a claim on the kingdom hall property?
What I would like to know is how this Ralph Deal worked it where the whole congregation stood behind him.
Might be some good lessons we can learn from there.
jws pride themselves in being the "most honest people on earth".
could you refute that claim??
JWs tout their Natural Disaster recover efforts. Yet what they fail to tell you is that they STRONGLY insist the entire insurance claim (from hurricanes for instance) be donated to the Society. THE WHOLE THING.
A friend of mine injured himself at a Kingdom Hall build - to the point where he couldn't work his regular job during the week. Thankfully his dad was head of Regional and also the boss of the large construction company he works for (and runs for his dad), so they simply filed for workman's comp.
as a jw were you really willing to make sacrifices, great and small, for the "truth" or did you feel deep down that it wasn't worth it?
when did you decidedly say no to being self denying for the sake of the wts?
... and to finish my though ... so yeah ... once I began noticing a recurring pattern - as well as acknowledged the blatant hypocrisy my dad always spoke of, I began scaling back my amount of self-sacrifice to please elders and gain prominence or - at the very least - "exemplary" status.
as a jw were you really willing to make sacrifices, great and small, for the "truth" or did you feel deep down that it wasn't worth it?
when did you decidedly say no to being self denying for the sake of the wts?
I saw many young and middle-aged elders burning out - or their children growing up resenting being a JW - yet they were "expected" to be a JW just because their parents were elders.
I saw many pioneer sisters start out zealous and then crash into depression - almost as if they had depression beforehand, but some loving elder probably told them to try pioneering and they would never be happier.
I saw many prominent elders step into a role of pioneering to "be an example" - nothing more. Then after a year or two they got bored with it and got some other BIG responsibility that either (a) necessitated not being a pioneer, or (b) (and even better) a BIG responsibility where they could ALSO count most of their pioneer service time towards. Two birds with one stone. Then he could go on the platform at the next District Convention and the speaker would list his credentials, "father, husband, owns his own business, elder, WT Study conductor, KH Construction Overseer AND a regular pioneer"
Oops ... now I digress ... just go with the first two paragraphs. I don't mean to hijack.
i am looking for some good practical examples of cognitive dissonance so if it comes up in the near future i can provide some good non-jw examples ... and then parallel it with cognitive dissonance in the jws.. thanks!.
I am looking for some good practical examples of cognitive dissonance so if it comes up in the near future I can provide some good non-JW examples ... and then parallel it with cognitive dissonance in the JWs.
lol .... .
oasis - don't believe the truth .
for you itunes people: .
LOL ...
Oasis - Don't Believe The Truth
For you iTunes people:
Oasis-Don't Believe The Truth
as the foremost person in the bible who let gods word light his roadway, where is jesus in this article?
wts reminders; otherwise you will not be heard and will not enjoy divine favor.
(psalm 119:175,176) some who have wandered away from the christian .
I was at this Watchtower study - in fact, I ran the microphones.
In my KH there was no dwelling on any apostate or "weak" people. The direction our conductor went was just on using the Bible to guide our life.
One person even answered and said, "Just because someone doesn't come to the meetings and go out in service doesn't mean they don't love God. In fact it may be quite the opposite."
In my head I thought "Wow ... great answer!"
But then he continued and ruined it for me:
"So, we need to do whatever we can to encourage them to come back to the Organization."
well i am no longer one of jehovah's witnesses.
i had fully intentioned to disassociate myself from the platform today, but i decided that if i wanted a chance to save my marriage that i'd better tell my wife.
she immediately went to to one of the elders.
IP Sec,
You and I are almost exactly the same age and have many similarities. Your post gave me lots of encouragement because I have also been hesitant about announcing my decision to anyone.
Thanks for the update and I'll be watching your posts closely.
This will give me a lot to think about during the horrific meeting today on apostates.
googe now has a print search feature:.
you can search actual books!
Googe now has a Print Search feature:
You can search actual books! So when the Society makes an anonymous quote in the literature, you can also search this to see what book it is from.
For instance, search the following (use the quotes too):
"two roads diverged in a yellow wood"
You'll see a list of search results of books where that phrase appears.
Figure many on this list (esp Blondie) would love it.
The new Print Search is still in BETA and many books are not available for search yet, but an early heads-up on the technology never hurts ...
perhaps i would.. struggeling with doubts of course, but going to the meetings and turning in 2 or 3 hours on my report every month like i used to.... what about you guys?
Like many others, I may have left but I would have almost completely blamed it on my own cockiness or selfishness.
Perhaps without the burden of meeting attendance, field service, and all the so-called spiritual family responsibilities I would have had time to do proper research then - but I'll never know now.
But what this site and others did was free me from the chains of guilt that the JWs may be right.
Even though some of the posts on this site might be purely out of anger or overly sarcastic. THe pure evidence against the Society is way more than the Society has often used to discredit other religions (the Latter Day Saints, for example).
At the very least, it is nice to know that i am not going to get zapped at some Armageddon. Even though I haven't approached my wife regarding all this yet, that freedom from Armageddon is very rewarding. . . .and that not going out in field service or attending meetings means that I am evil ... I like that freedom too.