I believe many of them still believe it is the Truth. But I think Jaracz takes the cold, calculating course. He is a disciplinarian. That is how he expresses his love. I have fleshly family members that are the same way. I don't doubt their love though. In fact it is usually fear and love that cause some people to become so strict and regimented and controlling and suspicious. Something in their life made them that way, and it wasn't holy spirit.
If you knew Jaracz at all or had to sit through dozens of his tirades you would know that. Don't worry, I don't expect you to understand. I must tell you that when I have looked in his eyes, I felt a dark force ... something really scary. And that was when I was a dyed in the wool JW.
Plus SlimBoyFat - just remember that many of the 'postates on this site don't really mean some of the harsh things they say - it is the result of being a pent-up spring in the congregation (to use an age-old JW illustration), not able to ask questions or express true feelings. Some come to this site and it just gushes out. I know I personally vascillate back and forth between feeling sorry for JWs and then being angry with them ... depending on the stresses of life and stresses of being a JW.
That being said .... I doubt you will get an apology from IP_Sec about hoping Jaracz would keel over ... and I can't say that I blame him ... heh.