Has one been started...
JoinedPosts by zeroday
How to survive a nuclear attack ...
by IT Support inyet another fascinating ted video: .
irwin redlener: how to survive a nuclear attack.
i'd never before even considered the possibility of survivability .... .
I remember the same drills in the early 60's grade school...it mainly consisted of a siren going off and everyone hiding under their desk...somehow I don't think a wood desk would provide much protection in a nuclear blast...
Sweet Poison? My experience quitting Nutrasweet
by cabasilas inmy doctor has been ragging on me to lose weight for quite awhile.
the last visit i was in he also railed against nutrasweet.
he gave me one of those mass mailing testimonies about nutrasweet which called it "sweet poison.
I can understand but Splenda is an all natural produce actually made from sugar and tastes great...being a diabetic I have found this to be the best sugar substitute out there...
Sweet Poison? My experience quitting Nutrasweet
by cabasilas inmy doctor has been ragging on me to lose weight for quite awhile.
the last visit i was in he also railed against nutrasweet.
he gave me one of those mass mailing testimonies about nutrasweet which called it "sweet poison.
Have you tried Splenda...I love it...
Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 09-21-08 WT Study (GROW)
by blondie incomments you will not hear at the 09-21-08 wt study (july 15, 2008, pages 12-16 (grow).
review comments will be in red.
wt material from today's wt will be in black.
Q 17. Who share in the rejoicing when the seed of truth bears fruitage?
17. How does the sower take part in the harvest "as soon as the fruit permits it"? When Jehovah makes the Kingdom truth grow in the hearts of new disciples, they eventually come to the point where they are prompted by their love for God to dedicate their lives to him. They symbolize their dedication by water baptism. Brothers who continue to progress to maturity are gradually able to take on more responsibility in the congregation. Kingdom fruitage is reaped by the original sower as well as by other Kingdom proclaimers who may not personally have been involved with sowing the seed that produced that particular disciple. (Read John 4:36-38.) Indeed, "the sower and the reaper ... rejoice together."***w8312/15p.13‘GodMakesItGrow’***A farmer may plant a seed, water and cultivate it, but he must patiently wait for God to make it grow to maturity. It is likewise with Christian ministers. As the apostle Paul said: "I planted, Apollos watered, but God kept making it grow." (1 Corinthians 3:6) Although we may proclaim the "good news" and teach God’s Word to interested people, it is God who makes the "seed," or implanted word, come to full Christian growth,
*** w87 3/15 p. 22 A Joyful People—Why? ***No doubt this increase is evident in your own congregation or circuit. New ones are coming to meetings and making necessary changes in their lives so as to be able to serve God. Does this not point to the fact that the preaching work has Jehovah’s blessing? Having a share in this increase can thus be a source of great joy to you. True, you may not have personally studied with an individual to the point of his getting baptized. But we cannot take credit for bringing someone into the truth anyway. ‘God makes it grow,’
***w933/1p.20GodMakesItGrow—DoYouPlayYourPart?***Perhaps you feel that your part in producing spiritual growth is insignificant, even meaningless. Did not the apostle Paul suggest this at 1 Corinthians 3:5-7? He wrote: "What, then, is Apollos? Yes, what is Paul? Ministers through whom you became believers, even as the Lord granted each one. I planted, Apollos watered, but God kept making it grow; so that neither is he that plants anything nor is he that waters, but God who makes it grow."
w933/1p.21GodMakesItGrow—DoYouPlayYourPart?***Like the farmer who patiently "keeps waiting for the precious fruit of the earth," we must first exert ourselves in planting and watering, waiting while God makes it grow.—James 1:22; 2:26; 5:7.
***w533/15p.186par.9ASingingLesson***As Paul said of himself and another brother: "I planted, Apollos watered, but God kept making it grow; so that neither is he that plants anything nor is he that waters, but God who makes it grow." (1 Cor. 3:6, 7, NW
*** w54 11/1 p. 661 par. 14 The Fruitage of the Spirit ***Jehovah is the great Fruitgrower of all Kingdom fruitage, and all the credit goes to him. Under his direction, however, we do some cultivating work, as Paul shows, in the way of planting and watering and weeding, but never forget it is "God who makes it grow."
*** w56 6/1 p. 336 par. 2 Keep Pace with the New World Society ***"What, then, is Apollos? Yes, what is Paul? Ministers through whom you became believers, even as the Lord granted each one. I planted, Apollos watered, but God kept making it grow; so that neither is he that plants anything nor is he that waters, but God who makes it grow.
***w567/15p.420StopEvil,StartGood***The farmer can plant seed and water and cultivate it, but he cannot make it grow: "Neither is he that plants anything nor is he that waters, but God who makes it grow."
Jehovah’s witnesses are well aware of the fact that the growth of the New World society is not due to any man. While one of them may plant the seed of truth found in God’s Word, and while another, responding to the counsel of the Bible to make return visits on sheeplike ones, cultivates, yet in the final analysis it is God who makes it grow.
And here I thought this was new information... -
New Orleans is a lost cause...
by Gregor ini was thinking the same thing gregor.
i think it will soon be a ghost town.
NEW Orleans is a beautiful city I hate to see it happen to them again...as a truck driver I have been thru there a number of times in the last 3 years after katrina and it is a crying shame how devistated that city has become...
COULD there possibly be a world with out a GOD...
by zeroday insay an alien world contacted us and discovered earth was populated with theists and they were shocked and suprised people of another world would believe in a god...would we be suprised shocked or just shaken to our core...could there possibly be a universe with out god...
SAY an alien world contacted us and discovered Earth was populated with theists and they were shocked and suprised people of another world would believe in a god...would we be suprised shocked or just shaken to our core...could there possibly be a universe with out god...
.....Satellite Internet.....
by OUTLAW inliving in the wilderness means i don`t have access to a lot of things unless i bring them here..a good internet hook-up,is one of them........right now i`m on telephone dial up..........it is so slow!........sometimes i want to do this!....then this!......but..then i would`nt have an internet connection at all!.............so..i`m thinking of getting a satellite internet hook-up..it`s supposed to be very fast!...........does any one here have "satellite internet" hook-up?..or..experience with it?.....................outlaw
Move to civilization....
But he's The Messiah! The Chosen One!
WHY elect a Queen when you can elect a God...