Before you make any decision one way or the other, I would suggest you truly and honestly look into every aspect of any religious group before you commit yourself to it. I left behind organized religion long ago because of all the hypocrites and the false information that is given on a regular basis. I would never wish to discourage anyone from having a true and honest relationship with their creator, but you need not belong to any organization to do that. Many feel the need to belong to a group who believe the same things, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, as long as the group doesn't take control of your spiritual relationship with your creator, and your life. I wish you all the best.
[Watchtower spokesperson J. R.] Brown said Witnesses believe that sexual activity between men and women should "follow the normal course." of things. "We feel that oral or anal intercourse would go beyond that."
*** Watchtower 1992 July 15 pp.8-13 Christ Hated Lawlessness?Do You? ***
Hating Sexual Uncleanness
15 As Christians, we must particularly hate all uncleanness that involves sexual matters. By creating mankind with strong mating instincts, God served two fine purposes. He made certain that the human race would not die out, and he also made a most loving provision for happiness. Even people who are poor, illiterate, or disadvantaged in some other way can find great happiness in the marital relationship. However, Jehovah has set bounds within which this relationship may be enjoyed. These divinely stated limits must be respected.?Genesis 2:24; Hebrews 13:4.
16 If we hate lawlessness, we will studiously avoid all sexually unclean practices and immoral entertainment. We will therefore avoid all morally questionable books, magazines, and newspapers. Likewise, if we hate lawlessness, we will not view any unclean visual presentations, whether on television, in motion pictures, or on the stage. If we find a program to be immoral, we should be moved to switch off the television set at once or should have the courage to leave the theater. Similarly, hating lawlessness will make us guard against all music that is passion-arousing in its lyrics or its tempo. We will not seek knowledge of immoral matters but will be ?babes as to badness, yet full-grown in powers of understanding.??1 Corinthians 14:20
*** Examining the Scriptures Daily 2002 ***
Friday, February 22
?Flee from fornication.
"While sexuality is a gift from God, it is not to be Expressed without restraint, even within the marriage arrangement." Eph. 5:28-30; 1 Pet. 3:1,7
Outside of marriage, sexual relations are forbidden. The Bible is quite specific on this matter. ( Ex. 20:14; Mark 7: 21,22 ) What is meant by the word "fornication"? It is translated from the Greek word por·nei'a, which is Sometimes used to apply to sexual relations between unmarried people. ( 1 Cor. 6: 9 ) Elsewhere, such as at Mat.5:32, 19:9, the term is broader in meaning and refers to additionally to adultery, incest, and bestiality. Other sexual practices between individuals not married to each other, such as oral and anal sex and the sexual manipulation of another's genitalia, can also be designated as por·nei'a. All such practices are condemned ?either explicitly or by implication?in God's Word.?Lev. 20:10,13,15,16; Rom. 1:24,26,27,32.