Definitely opinionated here...
Been that way since birth and plan to always state what is on my mind. I'm not rude, but I'm also not going to play games.
i seemed to have a problem with the people there because i am outspoken.
(and this was all before i had any clues to how bad the whole thing was.
) i am just an outspoken person in general and my family (not dubs) are also outspoken.
Definitely opinionated here...
Been that way since birth and plan to always state what is on my mind. I'm not rude, but I'm also not going to play games.
how many of your mates married or otherwise chose to stay with the wt than with you?.
who has been kicked to the curb when they spoke against the borg?.
Those of you who did lose a mate, did you see it coming? Were you already on shaky ground with your marriage?
doing the nasty in a car .
i was twice ,even with the windows all steamy they still knew ,,,,,,,,,,i wonder how?
Oh yeah, we found a dirt road that we thought was a dead end. All of the sudden we saw flashing lights out the back window, and before we could get zipped up the cop approached with his large flashlight. I was more embarrassed than I'd ever been.
Gee, thanks for reminding me...
You are beautiful sweetie!
which jw doctrines, collective personality traits and general history do you find to be the most destructive or disagreeable?
i personally found the doctrine of the other sheep which makes the christ inaccesible to most jws, the devilishly complicated moral code, and the hideously totalitarian behaviour of their leadership to be the worst things on a long list that i've prepared regarding what's unacceptable to me in that society.
i remember when i was arguing with the elders about the fds and their claim to total spiritual supremacy and they were telling me that the idea of democracy departs completely from their way of thinking, here they have a theocracy and that even "talking about the right things at the wrong time" is basically a crime in other words sit and wait for the fds to reveal it at the so called right time, and i should accept things as they are and not as i want them to be otherwise i get thrown out.
Their view of women, minorities, and children. It makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it now.
Mom was baptized when she was pg with me in the early 70's. So does that mean I was re-baptized in 86?
i just finished "state of fear" by michael crichton.
it's his usual mix of great story-telling, did-he-really-die suspense, and his take on science.
very readable and enjoyable.
Sweet Tea: WoW! That was an amazing article. I bookmarked and will undoubtedly refer to it often. Thank you very much!!
My dh just got done with State of Fear. He said the same thing about it. He really enjoyed it, but felt it moved to slow through the middle.
if you weren't known to the local congregation and had a list of dubs home addresses in your area, would you go reverse witnessing door to door?
I read some stuff on Silent Lambs this morning that really made me depressed. About all the wives and kids who get beat up by their husbands, and members of the congregation are told to turn away. IT JUST MAKES ME ILL!!!!!
That is one of the final straws that broke my JW back. Dh and I were in the cong that I grew up in. I had two little girls and was frustrated that they wouldn't sit still during the meeting and brought this up at our sheperding call. Background: This was the PO who was also the PO when I was growing up. He knew all about my father beating my sisters and I and my mom (who would use cover-up to *try* and cover up the bruises) and never did a thing. So he says to dh and I "I always used the wooden spoon on my boys and that always worked." I remember sitting in my bed at night listening to my parent's fight and hearing the cracks and praying desperately for an elder to step in...
i've got all these bethel pics to share with you and i hope i can the good ones posted.
i will only be posting ones of bethel... cause if you want to see nyc there are other places to do that.. .
here is the entrance to walkill... another good use of those voluntary donations.. here's the boys doing some work on... bindery equipment i think (at this point i was still half asleep).
Holy Moly! So did you play basketball in school (ha ha)? I'm 6'0 and was constantly nagged to join basket and volley ball.
I've been to Bethel 3 times. The first time I was busy scouting for men as a single sister. A couple invited us to their room and then we went to Little Italy for the evening. Really wanted to go back and make out, but I'm sure that would not have gone over too well. Always enjoyed the lunchs in which I was informed of where I should sit and how I should act as a sister.
What was your favorite part of the experience?
just wondering if any of you experienced what i did years ago when i was reinstated.
although people were excited about my reinstatement and said things like "welcome home", i could tell when i would see people i used to be close to--that they still treated me differently, almost like i had a disease or something.
maybe it's because i was married to a non-jw and had a baby by then?.
Happened a lot in the congs I've been in. It just depended on who your daddy was and/or whether you had something on one of the elders.