Naeblis, I believe the only inspiration the GB receives is one when they have been constipated for days (from eating MREs they are in a holy war with spirits you know) and they suddenly as a group have an urge to go, all at the same time, now if that ain't inspiring, what is???
JoinedPosts by buffalosrfree
Question for a JW
by Naeblis innot sure if there are any active jw's here.
i think i've seen a few floating around.
(i'm not talking about obvious lunatics like you know but an average jw) here's my question.. were all the bible writers prophets?
And if no after-life, what.......?????
by JW72 inregarding war and killing and justice:.
i think the problem lies in what people 'believe in'.. if you believe in any kind of after-life, you have a certain safety net that allows you to be extra peaceful and in a sense say 'it doesn't matter if i die because i'll be dying for my faith and i know i'll be reunited with my family'.. but, what about those of us who don't believe in an after-life, this world is all we have.. it is so unfair to expect us to sit back and peacefully protest and die in doing so.. it's all about whether you believe there is more than just this 'system' to look foreward to.
jw72 about the after life, those who don't believe in it will be either ashes or worm meat, and of course those that do will too. buff
Do Not Call List
by anglise indo not call list.
an ex-jw in the uk has come up with a brainwave!!.
he canvassed his local area and came up with a signed list of several thousand householders who did not wish to be called on again by jehovahs witnesses.. this list was then handed to the local congregations and the london bethel who were then obliged to list all those households as do not calls.. has anyone else tried this?
Mad, this idea of setting around drinking whiskey and preaching to the choir, were you referring to the Judge???? Just kidding, you have a great idea there. But isn't that what goes on at the meeting, preaching er...excuse me, teaching the choir and sucking up the Bull. Buff
HIT with a Hammer
by Amazing inin conjunction with my appeal for calm, i might add that when we are working on a construction project and hit our thumb with the hammer, we might scream, cuss, and throw the hammer at something out of a sense of anger with the event and with ourselevs.. if my co-wroker hits me with the hammer, then i might turn and take a swing at him out of an immediate reactive sense to defend myself.
likely, i might cuss him out, scream, and threaten.. as the pain subsides, i might then start to calm, and look at what happened and determine needs to take place.
i could accept an apology and move on, or if i thought it was deliberate action on his part, i might take it to the boss and get some sense of justice.. our nation, and really all good nations, were hit with a hard hammer tuesday.
Waiting, hi! If you were referring to me as one of those older ones who would put himself in front of the younger soldiers to be blown away. Contrary to that, I would be blowing those in front of me away. I ain't in a war to die, I would be in it to make them die, you win more wars that way you understand. Buff
and now a minutes silence for the people of Iraq
by GWEEDO inyou know, as much as i was horrified and felt sick to the gut by the wtc disaster (i must have watched that plane crash into the wtc about fifty times).
there are other things going on in the world that largely go unreported by comparison but constitute just as much suffering(if not more) as the wtc disaster.. one of the questions i've asked myself is why is the u.s. so hated by certain arab groups.
maybe this article from off the 'noam chomsky archive'[url][/url] will go a little way to answering that:.
Gweedo, are you an Iraqi? You seem to blame thier ills and spills upon the U.S. I didn't know we were over there running their camel backed economy. Geeesssh I must have missed that, and people who are illegally sending toys medicines and other stuff to Iraq are being harassed? Excuse me isn't there a law against that???? Abetting the enemy is what you seem to do. Go home to your camels and have a nice Suddam. buff
And now, a word from Babylon the Great
by GentlyFeral inthis is the text of a brief service hastily organized by the chaplaincy department at alta bates medical center (where i work) on the national day of prayer, 9/14/01.. prayer for america.
source of life,.
we join in prayer to celebrate this nation.. we give thanks in our hearts for this country.. we give thanks for and bless the souls of those who have nurtured this land.. we ask that your spirit now fill our hearts with righteousness.. may we play our parts in the healing and the furtherance of our country.. may we be cleansed of all destructive thoughts.. may judgment of others, bigotry, racism, and intolerance be washed clean from our hearts.. may our minds be filled with thoughts of unconditional love and acceptance of all people.. may the greatness and the beauty of this land burst forth once more in the hearts of its people.. may we live in honesty and integrity and excellence with our neighbors.. may this country become a light unto the nations of hope and goodness and peace and freedom.. may violence and darkness be cast out of our midst.. may hatred no longer find fertile ground in which to grow here.. may all of us feel the spirit of grace upon us.. re-ignite the spirit of truth in our hearts.. may our nation be bound together in healing from shore to shore.. may we be repaired.. may we be forgiven.. may our children be blessed.. may we be renewed.. amen.. prayer for the world.
I thought you said babylon the great, that would be the society right, I mean they have put themselves higher than the original tower of babylon.????? I thought the true word from Babylon The Great was more door-to-door, lets take advantage of the tradegy to move magazines etc etc. blah blah blah. In fact when the time came they shut their doors didn't they, hiding as usual. BS artists now that is the society. Buff
by MadApostate ini just drove by the local kh on my way home, and the parking lot was overflowing, almost like at the memorial.
there were probably 50% more autos than are normaly at the average ms/sm.. is this just a local "phenomenon"?
anyone else here live near a kh?
More thoughts, on the KHs being fuller. I feel heart sick for those that died in this terrible tradegy, however i feel sick also for those going to a KH looking for solace, because they wont get any, all they will get is more mind numbing GO OUT IN FIELD SERVICE, LETS USE THIS TRAGEDY TO SELL MORE MAGAZINES, LETS FIND THOSE EMOTIONALLY CRIPPLED AND CRIPPLE THEM EVEN WORSE. All problems can be solved by just one more hour in field service. What a bunch of crap and speaking of crap when i read the title of this thread "KH overflow" I immediately thought of a cesspool overflowing, shit does float doesn't it???? I feel sorry for them, because all they are going to get out of going there is a bunch of the same old bull shit. buff
by MadApostate ini just drove by the local kh on my way home, and the parking lot was overflowing, almost like at the memorial.
there were probably 50% more autos than are normaly at the average ms/sm.. is this just a local "phenomenon"?
anyone else here live near a kh?
notblind, hi well it seems the Service Overseers have it, the answer to terrorism is to go out in service more. Thats the WTBTS answer to everything, pray, go out in service, go out in service some more, and if that doesn't help, we can always go out in service more. I have been waiting months forthe assholes to come to my door so for thier sakes i guess its good they didn't/haven't. my 02 buff
by Marvin Shilmer inbut whoever has this worlds means for supporting life and beholds his brother having need and yet shuts the door of his tender compassions upon him, in what way does the love of god remain in him?
little children, let us love, neither in word nor with the tongue, but in deed and truth.1 john 3:17-18 nwt .
you must love your neighbor as yourselfmatt 22:39 nwt.
Hillary_step, lets not forget that the society has never been one to take care of orphans and widows, if they wont take care of even thier own hehe brothers and sisters who are naked and without food, why should it surprise anyone if they wont take care of crowds of people who are crushed and hurt and exhausted because of the cowardly act of terrorism. It doesn't surprise me at all. Buff
by Marvin Shilmer inbut whoever has this worlds means for supporting life and beholds his brother having need and yet shuts the door of his tender compassions upon him, in what way does the love of god remain in him?
little children, let us love, neither in word nor with the tongue, but in deed and truth.1 john 3:17-18 nwt .
you must love your neighbor as yourselfmatt 22:39 nwt.
Nicodemus, lets not forget the miracle of the baskets, where did they come from?????
12 guys feeding 5,000 that takes time to go to each group and give them food for 50 people. thats 100 trips for all 12 (ifn they went to the group together) make em tired it did. Buff