Yerusalym, You may be right abut 1925 I believe its that or 1928 but 1925 could be, you know with Abraham, David, and whoever else was suppose to appear and live in San Diego they probably stopped Xmas because it would bother Abraham's sensibilities. He was into child sacrifice and celebrating the birth of someone he didn't know wouldn't be accepted, so Joe took his head out of his ass (he was getting hindsight)and did away with Xmas celebrations. However I don't believe they did away with drinking, lying, and other cultish habits. Buff
JoinedPosts by buffalosrfree
Just a couple Questions...
by jolly_green_giant ini was just wondering if anyone knows what year the jw's banned smoking and celebrating christmas.
plus, anyone here still know active jw's that still smoke secretly?
i know a couple that do.
1,000 marbles
by teejay in(forwarded email...).
the older i get, the more i enjoy saturday mornings.
perhaps it's the quiet solitude that comes with being the first to rise, or maybe it's the unbounded joy of not having to be at work.
Teejay the morse was I enjoyed the 1000 marbles ..very much.
Morse has always been a hobby of mine, I use to participate in competitions while in the service in various countries around the world. -
Preconceived Ideas
by Frenchy infrom the article: acquire a heart agreeable to jehovah w10/15/01.
7. a key requirement for acquiring a pure heart is that of gaining accurate knowledge of gods will and purposes.
there is only one source of that knowledge, the inspired word of god.
"Preconceived idea indeed, ........nature, creation, whatever you call it, speaks much loulder about God's will...."
amen to that, crocodiles, cobras, spiders, lions, tigers, bears, rabbits, squirrels, etc. now if we could just understand whats being said.
1,000 marbles
by teejay in(forwarded email...).
the older i get, the more i enjoy saturday mornings.
perhaps it's the quiet solitude that comes with being the first to rise, or maybe it's the unbounded joy of not having to be at work.
Teejay, (**) (* -* *--- --- -*-- * _**) (- *** *) (*--- ----- ----- ----- -- *- *-* -*** *-** * ***) very much, Are you morse capable???
Yet Another Failed WT Prophecy
by metatron induring my many faithful years as a witless zombie, i used to.
wonder how the society could claim that the bible predicts.
stuff like pollution - by quoting rev.11 "bring to ruin those.
Metatron, thanks for the post, My mind is a wicked thing, as I read it I envisioned the GB walking out on a porch enmass, seeing their prophecy, the earth being ruined, in the form of a burning sack, they begin to stomp it and just like all thier prophecies, it turns to s**t and they walk around with s**t all over them.
The UN thing was they themselves toilet papering their own property.
They themselves are the one removing the outside toilet and falling in their own s**t. If the smell gets bad enough, even some of the brain dead will get the message and get out of her before she is destroyed. HUMMMM
WT tooting their own horn
by TweetieBird injust got off the phone with my mom who asked me if i had read the latest awake on the sept. 11th tragedy.
quote, "what a wonderful article, showing what the brothers did for those that came across the bridge, blah, blah, blah.
my first thought was, anyone in ny with an ounce of compassion for humanity was right there along with anyone from the wts doing what they could for the victims.. my second thought went to how jesus condemned the scribes and pharisees for making a showy display of their good deeds, but inside they were vile.
The society surely follows the biblical advice of not letting your left hand know what the right hand is doing don't they. Their aids to society, orphans, widows, refugees, etc. is so secret that no one, even them, know about it, in fact even with a microscope evidence of this love for humanity can't be found. But give three people a glass of water and some rest and by golly this will be declared from the rooftops, god knows how much help they gave the relief workers at ground zero, The leagues of young men and women who didn't show up to help shows how much they really care. Hiding in the dark, probably many secretly thrilled about it, is the declaration that should be trumpeted about their true lack of love and care about people in society in general. They make me sick. Buff
by Seeker4 injust heard that the society is going to stop mailed subscriptions.
magazines will all have to be picked up at the kingdom hall.
not sure when it's starting, but soon, i suppose.. sorry if this has been posted before, but i think this is very new info.
My wife is still a true believer. And I have access to the mags that way, i can't hardly stomach the idea of reading one and the reading of one to "help her" provide a non-contensious answer. As she knows I will answer what I believe to be the "truth" when she asks. I also think it has to do with money, they want to start realoly enjoying it now that they might have to pay some out in court (at least I hope so)
Farkel brought out about the subscriptions being provided to all who ask or at least they should be, well that would/should put them on the spot with the postal police if no one else. Has anyone ever complained about that. I believe they receive special rates from the postal service anyway. Now that they are a "non-prophet" org/borg that would surely go against the grain so to speak.
Maybe some with extra time could call postal service *postal police' and inquire about it regards Buff
Stratton Case Could be Big
by metatron inthe legal challenge raised to the door to door work could be.
huge in its effects.
even if the supreme court strikes down.
FRed - freedom of speech is not the issue, the issue, is whether or not "known" (at least by body of elders) offenders have the right to come to your residence. Not whether you have the right to talk about your particular version of God. As usual you miss the point.
Proplog2 you also miss the point, but then again Jdubs have been missing the point for a long time (i.e. 1914, 1915, 1925, 1941, 1975, yaddy yaddy yaddy)
If you cant stay with the issue then get the hell off of it.
Doctrine Hangs By a Thread?
by metatron inwhen i was in my twenties, i wondered "wow!
what would happen.
if all the annointed died off or couldn't run the organization.
Metatron, Senility is the rule with the slobering bunch of incontinent, insensitive, bedwetting bunch, commonly unknown world wide as the governing bodice er body.
Doctrine Hangs By a Thread?
by metatron inwhen i was in my twenties, i wondered "wow!
what would happen.
if all the annointed died off or couldn't run the organization.
YoYoMama, You are guided by the wanna be perfects of the Governing Body, drool and all, And just what preaching work are you doing??? Walking your fat butts around the neighborhood, getting a few polite people to listen to your drivel, then knock on more doors with no one home, say your out three hours and talk to two-three people per hour, and you call that preaching work. Balooney thats wasting your time because the people who even let you loose your spill aren't really listening to you at all. Nine or ten minutes of talking isnt preaching its wasting your time. You are led by your father, the father of time wasting, geesh get a life, show the homeless how you care, the widows, orphans, those in need, talk to them, Jesus did he didn't go around knocking on doors to make sure no one was home, he went to where the people were, and fed, healed, and talked with them, all you and your ilk do is bore them.