Dizzy Cat I agree with you it would be great if a jdub got the shit kicked out of them if one puts the transcript of Dateline in the local newspaper. and yes we don't want peds coming to our door disguised as brain dead jdubs.
JoinedPosts by buffalosrfree
take transcripts of Dateline/panorama to newspaper
by Cappuccino OC inlet's all help bill bowen with his great work by taking copies of the dateline and panorama to our local newspapers and enfazing children's safety.
this is a good time since there have been so many child abductions in the media.
no one wants pedophiles knocking in their door at their home.
The List of Names
by Amazing instarting tomorrow, i will be filling in the blank each day with the name of a "person of significance" that goes with the city, county and state.
it's up to you to decide what this list is about ... feel free to add your own list of persons of significance.
i cannot say anything negative that is untrue about such persons lest i libel them ... such as i could not tell you if any of these names are part of the list of 23,770, because i cannot prove it, and i don't have access to that list ... but as long as what i post is the truth, then that is my defense ... and may the watchtower dare to bring about a lawsuit ... nbc dateline and bbc panorama will also be invited to the party ... .
Can't wait to see the names that went with the list. petaluma, sure brings back a lot of memories. Sausalito and Zacks place to the south, raiders to the north training camp at community college, russian river to swim, bodega bay to swim, beach, barbecue, and fish. loved that place.
Your View On Capital Punishment
by Dutchie inwe all know the bible's view on capital punishment.
in fact, in the 1969 edition of aid to bible understanding, the author notes the following: .
"the value of life is considered so sacred by god that the blood of a murdered person is viewed by him as defiling the earth and such defilement can be cleansed only by shedding the blood of the murdered.
Cult Sacrifices Child
by cyrano intaunton, massachusetts - a religious sect leader who said he was following instructions from god when he let his infant son slowly starve to death was convicted of murder friday and sentenced to life in prison without parole.. the jury took 6 1/2 hours to find 29-year-old jacques robidoux guilty of first-degree murder.
his son, samuel, was fed only his mother's breast milk for 51 days and died in 1999, three days shy of his first birthday.. during the trial, robidoux said his sister had received a vision from god telling the couple to stop feeding the baby solid food.. robidoux choked back tears as he described how samuel went from a healthy, 10-month-old boy taking his first steps to a baby so withered he could no longer even crawl.
his tiny bones were visible, and he cried in pain.. "his cry wasn't a normal baby's cry," robidoux testified.
This is just as sick as those Jehovah Witnesses who can sit by and watch their loved ones die, for lack of a possible/probable life saving blood transfusion(s). What a buch of sick f**kers. They the society the borg even glamorize it in the Awake (I believe). Now that and the example of this guy and his wife are some real sick puppies. Now just think there is about six million of those sick bastard at least known one or associative ones.
Pledge of Allegiance
by giantjason ina bill by sen. william ``pete'' knight would require that all california schoolchildren say the pledge of allegiance daily.
under sb 1248, public school teachers would have to lead students in saying the pledge at the beginning of each school day.
this is very interesting, although i seriously doubt it would pass.
All in the Kingdum halls say. I pledge allegence to the borg of the united watch tower bible tract society. And to the governing body under which it stands. One JDub below them. With no liberty and no justice for all. Ahhh Shit. It does have its points you must agree. They pledge the love and allegiance to the borg, Now Who said they dont do the pledge of allegence?????
Two pedophiles in every congregation?
by buffalosrfree inhad a long awaited talk with friend of mine out west and he was looking forward to tonights dateline program.
he told me a nutual friend of ours a prior po, had told him when he asked about pedophiles in the congregation that thier is a very real likelihood (sepelling?
) of at least two in every congregation.
Had a long awaited talk with friend of mine out west and he was looking forward to tonights Dateline program. He told me a nutual friend of ours a prior PO, had told him when he asked about pedophiles in the congregation that thier is a very real likelihood (sepelling?) of at least two in every congregation. This former PO has "annointed" in the family, most of his family is in dubville. So he knows where-from he speaks. I know and have great respect for him, and considers his comment close to the real truth.
Israel attack on american USS LIBERTY
by bboyneko in.. http://www.logogo.net/liberty.htm.
on june 8, 1967, during the six day war, israeli forces attacked the uss liberty, a u.s. navy intelligence-gathering ship off the coast of gaza, killing 35 men and wounding 171.. i recently found out about this, is anyone who was old enough to remember this willing to give me some feedback on it, was it a big deal, were people outraged, were their conspiracy theories?
is it true this was never investigated and that the amount of dead was grossly underreported as only 10 dead?
Yes of course the US Flag was flying. Don't remember if we ever talked about another being hoisted. Help never arrived which is obvious, after the fact some arrived, Dont remember anything about lifeboats as these people worked internal to the ship and everything they talked about was happending inside there for them. They never mentioned life boats just the casulaties they were taking inside their particular work space. All my conversations with these people happened circa early to mid 1970's. the question of why, was gone over indepth, There guys truly believed that the israelis knew they were US. They wondered if they got to close or what, there was a lot of speculation but no real hard answers. Weaponry was almost noesistant, Liberty was the same kind of ship as the USS PUEBLO you have to read between the lines there. I thin that the assassinations of Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther quickly pused the USS Liberty into the background and quite frankly most people except those involved didn't seem to give a damn. Vietnam was going full bore then, I know I was there in Nam. Didn't join Navy until 1973.
Israel attack on american USS LIBERTY
by bboyneko in.. http://www.logogo.net/liberty.htm.
on june 8, 1967, during the six day war, israeli forces attacked the uss liberty, a u.s. navy intelligence-gathering ship off the coast of gaza, killing 35 men and wounding 171.. i recently found out about this, is anyone who was old enough to remember this willing to give me some feedback on it, was it a big deal, were people outraged, were their conspiracy theories?
is it true this was never investigated and that the amount of dead was grossly underreported as only 10 dead?
Saint Satan, I personally knew three people who served on the USS Liberty and the BS of massacre of egyptians is one of those urban legends At least thats from their point of view. And they were there. We had many talks about our particular function in the Navy. We even at one time had two guys from the Liberty and and one from the USS Pueblo in the same bs session. Some very interesting points of view were put forth, but absolutely nothing about any massacre.
Telephoning Witnessing
by teenyuck inwell, now i know why there are so many numbers i do not recognize on caller id.
i just pulled this off of just jw's, apparently the jw's are using the telephone for return visits!!
read below.
I can remember when telephone witnessing was being bandied about some years back, everyone oooohed and ahhhhed when brought up in the service meeting. I however thought on my god not again so other stupied way to send a msg. What got my goat the brother giving the pep talk hated receiving unwanted calls especially those relatingto business, sales etc. whatg the hell did he think making calls about religion would do. When asked sometime later, he admitted he had never did, wasn't about to do it, and wouldn't encourage any in his book study group to do it. No wonder people don't like telemarketers, and then the society wanted to encourage telemarketing religion. They can never get it can they.
Where Did All the Fun Times Go?
by Amazing inwhere did all the fun times go?
i was looking at the june 1, 1985 watchtower, pg.
29-31 with its legalistic baptism vows, where one recognizes their association with gods spirit-directed organization, when i was struck by the context of the article.. essentially it gives a last minute warning about proper decorum with swim-wear used for baptism a serious and solemn occasion.
I can identify with this post, seems like the idea of having fun is tantamount to being a demon. The R&F nowdays just seem to meet in little groups at one anothers homes. I have a friend (still in) who thinks it's great to have brother and sister hate to have fun over to do the watchtower with. Gees can you believe it. In an old congregation in Spring Valley we had a brother who organized so much get togethers for the younger ones, basketball, football, softball etc and he definitely had the younger brothers and even sisters participating and helping out all they could not only in recreation, but also helping out at Kindgom Hall activities. When he got in a squabble with fellow elders, he left, and the fun left with him, it was no longer fun to be a witness, and if one took note of all the younger bros and sisters getting into trouble afterwards or just plain leaving they could tie it into Danny's leaving. I greatly appreciated him myself, My son said that it was no longer fun, just tedious boring and mind numbing and that's how he described the elders and ministerial servants there. They the witness have no congregational fun any more, Just small groups and if you aren't part of the cliche then you are a sage brush being blown by the wind all alone.