But am I bad if I choose not to be a religious person? I honestly have no desire to attend church. If I think about it at all, it's when I'm thinking of my son. Me myself, no thanks. Just not interested. Five Shadows - it took all I had to read the thread you recommended. Religious discussions do no interest me at all. Learning about religion doesn't interest me. When I was a JW, I wanted to learn more and more all the time. I was always reading literature. Now, it's like I just don't ever want to even think about religion at all. Did the borg do this to me? Maybe I'm just too scared of ever having to go through the same thing again. Granted I know that no other religions are like the JW's as far as teachings. But, the idea of gathering w/ those who are to upbuild you, but, rather, turn around and gossip and stab you in the back. NO F#$@%$ WAY! And, maybe not all churches are like that, but from what I hear, they all have there faults. So, why bother?