And that's the root of your problem, I'm guessing this by the above statement. You must be jealous that the Organization does have money. Well, do you realize that carrying on the preaching work around the world requires money? In case you haven't noticed it's not cheap to organize conventions, publish millions of literature, build new kingdom halls, and mainting the thousands of missionary and special pioneers. I know this is isn't enough to convince you, because you are so blinded that you will probably come back with some other silly attack.
Last time I checked, VOLUNTEERS did not get paid. Last time I checked your publications were NOT FREE. Last time I checked, your windowless prison KH were built using lots of FREE labor. Your "Costs" are almost NILL. Dont try and preach that your 'loving' Org is suffering for $$$$. Everything you do for them is FREE. Its all VOLUNTEER.
Thats a BILLION EVERY YEAR- TAX FREE. If you honestly think those old fools in Crooklyn are out spending a BILLION every YEAR to support YOU than you are an IDIOT. Why dont you write Crooklyn and ask for a Financial Statement????? If they are as honest as you think they are, Im sure they will give you a detailed Financial Statement detailing all of there expenditures. So please, write to them and see what happens.
More likely, all the money they are taking in is being SPENT on LAWYERS to protect their asses form all the CHILD ABUSE and FALSE BLOOD POLICY LAWSUITS.
Do yourself a huge favor and do some research on your own and see what you'll find. But, since you are AFRAID of the TRUTH, im sure you will just sit on your ass, read some AWAKE garbage, and continue to Wait on Jehovah-- Is it 1975 yet????