I go back and forth between "Help!" and "A Day in the Life."
JoinedPosts by Tristram
Favorite All time Beatles Song- Please List
by flipper ini've been inspired by ip sec here starting a thread on all time favorite led zeppelin songs.
so i will give credit where credit is due, thanks, ip sec !!
so what was your favorite beatles song of all time ?
JW Illustrations Ripped off from Secular Sources
by neverendingjourney infirst, let me apologize for my extended absence.
i was out of the country and took a vacation a while back.
when i came back, i realized that i had inadvertently broken my jwd addiction.
I think "Godfather III" is an unjustly underrated film. If it had been released a couple years after "2" it would have been considered a classic. But then again we have to factor Sofia Coppola's performance into it. Egads, that was bad, and just a fill-in because Winona Rider dropped out. Still, a pretty decent movie. Sorry to go a little off topic there....
What Did You Actually Do At Meetings?
by minimus inwere you a note taker?
did you truly listen??
were you a daydreamer?
I gave the people w/ the "priviledge" of cleaning the hall something to do. My fingernails were laying all over the floor around my seat.
That's just gross. I was cleaning the hall a while ago and found fingernail clippings under the seat and got queasy. Kind of like finding hair on the toilet. As for me, I daydream, make "to do" lists, sometimes go to my car to catch up on sports scores, look in vain for interesting Watchtower articles, pretend to do research in the library, volunteer for any assignment that will enable me to get up and move around...
Inattentive elders...anyone else experience this?
by B_Deserter ineveryone always talks about the elders and people in the congregation coming around to see why you aren't at meetings...but i've never experienced this.
i've been away from the meetings for months, and not one single elder has called me.
my friends occasionally call me but never bring up my lackluster attendance.
Most of the elders I have known only give you attention when something is wrong (or they think something is wrong.) Other than that aloofness pretty much is the order of the day. I can't really blame them though, as most are so overwhelmed and bogged down by everything the organization puts on them, compounded with the dwindling ranks and fewer future elders in the pipeline.
As A Witness, What Were Your Aspirations?
by minimus inhaving been raised a witness, i was taught to never refuse an assignment.
view everything as a "privilege from jehovah".
so naturally, wanting to be an elder was very important to me and to my family.
Really wanted to go to Bethel, but part of that was to live in NYC. Always assumed I would be an elder by this point, but that ain't happenin'.
The Countdown is on......
by AK - Jeff infor the new 'jw only, don't you damn apostates dare look at and analyze it anymore watchtower' dated january 2008.. any bets as to whether we will see an issue before the rank and file?.
jeff .
I wonder if they will watermark the WT's with a secret code, much like the movie industry does with advanced copies of dvd's. The watermark identifies where the movie is sent, in the event of piracy they have a pretty good shot at tracking down whoever leaked the movie.
So what if each shipment is "watermarked" with the congregation number or some other code identifying the final destination? Then when a copy gets to the outside world, the boys in Brooklyn can track down the offending congregation and the investigation can begin.
Damn, I probably just gave them a good idea.
Don't call me paranoid. They bred it into me.
Could Elder Loss "Reform" the Organization?
by metatron init is clear that, outside of areas with high immigrant populations, the society is having trouble keeping.
i also think they are "looking the other way" on a lot of moral lapses in some areas because.
How are they looking the other way? I think they're stricter than ever before.
Minimus, I think he means individual elders as opposed to the organization as a whole. The organization is definitely getting stricter, as is evidenced by the now infamous September 2007 KM Question Box.
ATTN WT MONITORS!! Enforcement Action Needed NOW!!
by Open mind inthere is a disturbing trend in my area that desperately needs attention from headquarters.
congregations are getting together for picnics, parties, "fun nights", etc.
this shocking disregard for theocratic order reached a head recently when what should have been termed a "get together" was flagrantly referred to as "the congregation picnic"!!!
No worries here, Brothers. We haven't had a congregation picnic in years. We are good little boys and girls.
but nowadays they regularly have skittles matches at pubs
What is a "skittles match?" In the U.S. Skittles are a fruity candy.
Never personally to me, but I have on very good authority about an elder I know thinking some of the society's prophetic speculation is seriously flawed.
How Do You Get on the Cover of a BOrg Magazine?
by Clam indoes anyone know where the models come from who appear on awakea and watchtowera magazines?
it would make sense to me that theyre dubsa as this would be saving the societya money.
or are they worldlya people?
A few years ago they experimented with using stock photography for some of the pix, including the cover. There was one with a good looking blonde about unfaithful marriage mates. Then they decided since they didn't have control over the models (ie, she could wind up in a porn movie or something) that they would keep doing everything in house.
My favorite pictures are when they try to portray some seedy side of life, like gang activity. The witness models they use end up looking like rejects from the Village People. I doubt they would make it in the Crips or Bloods.