JoinedPosts by MsBHaving
Radical Acceptance
by MsBHaving inanyone have any thoughts on this concept.. radical acceptance practice allows us to unearth the very root causes of so much of our emotional angst and suffering.. radical acceptance is a way of saying yes to each and every moment mindfully.
if we can radically accept that we wont always be accepted or liked by others and that life is full of challenges, for example, we can clear the pathway from the power of rejection and negative experience and/or thoughts and how we may have experienced them as severing our belonging.
we can then make way for much more positive thoughts and feelings.
Thanks I will check that out... oh god! I don't want to to deal with any religion though... had enough of that
Radical Acceptance
by MsBHaving inanyone have any thoughts on this concept.. radical acceptance practice allows us to unearth the very root causes of so much of our emotional angst and suffering.. radical acceptance is a way of saying yes to each and every moment mindfully.
if we can radically accept that we wont always be accepted or liked by others and that life is full of challenges, for example, we can clear the pathway from the power of rejection and negative experience and/or thoughts and how we may have experienced them as severing our belonging.
we can then make way for much more positive thoughts and feelings.
anyone have any thoughts on this concept.
Radical Acceptance practice allows us to unearth the very root causes of so much of our emotional angst and suffering.
Radical Acceptance is a way of saying yes to each and every moment mindfully. If we can radically accept that we won’t always be accepted or liked by others and that life is full of challenges, for example, we can clear the pathway from the power of rejection and negative experience and/or thoughts and how we may have experienced them as severing our belonging. We can then make way for much more positive thoughts and feelings. Rejection or any other defined negative experience only has the power that we continue to give it. Radical Acceptance, in essence frees us up emotionally in reassuring ways that allow us to take back our personal power, or to not give it away to circumstance and whim anymore.
Today's My Birthday
by minimus inmy good friend says i'm the only guy he knows that tells everybody about his birthday.
he says being a jehovah's witness really screwed me up/.
Happy Birthday!!! I will remember yours for sure, its my sisters anniversary too
I Just Talked To An Old JW Friend About The Dumbness of The Organization
by minimus inhe came by my work and we talked.
he pretty much became irregular (as a publisher), moved away and recently moved back into the area.
he's now a ms again and he's bemoaning his lot in life and sees a lot of stupidity within the "truth".
Hi Minimus,
its been a long time since I visited this site. just noticed this post. My thought, for me it was partially laziness but also when I did try to do research I always seemed to run into more confusion, conflict and could never seem to get a straight forward answer so I would give up. The other piece was fear of disapproval... whatever, I am so glad I finally jumped. I have never looked back.
God dammit!!! I hate this cult!
by bluesbreaker59 inso my girlfriend and i are getting very serious, and i've bought her engagement ring, should be done being built sometime in may.
then at some point later, i'm going to ask her to marry me.
she was with me and picked out her ring, so she knows its coming.
Kudos to you bluesbreaker. Don't let him bother you...
God dammit!!! I hate this cult!
by bluesbreaker59 inso my girlfriend and i are getting very serious, and i've bought her engagement ring, should be done being built sometime in may.
then at some point later, i'm going to ask her to marry me.
she was with me and picked out her ring, so she knows its coming.
Send us all invites, we'll come....with bells on
God dammit!!! I hate this cult!
by bluesbreaker59 inso my girlfriend and i are getting very serious, and i've bought her engagement ring, should be done being built sometime in may.
then at some point later, i'm going to ask her to marry me.
she was with me and picked out her ring, so she knows its coming.
Bluesbreaker, welcome to the board.
My daughter was married last November and a similar situation occured. My husband and I as well as our children and numerous other family members have all faded away over the last 10 years, none of us are DF'd. However, there are a few die hards still hanging onto the "CULT" .
My husbands mother showed up at my daughters door a few days before her wedding to inform her that she wouldn't be able to come because something else came up... mind you this was after she sent back her reply card with a YES... nowwhat else can come up that would conflict with your grandaughters wedding, other than you planned on being dead or something. Anyway the long story short is that she went to the elders in the congregation and asked them what she should do, and they told her not to come. Dumbass can't think for herself. Its painful and we have had many years of this kind of CHIT with the JW"S ... Part of the reason why I no longer want to be associated with hateful people. These people are so brainwashed.
So anyway, do the right thing and send the invitation, don't offer excuses to anyone for your fathers behavior. ENJOY your day! He is the Loser in the end.
Rules from the society for d'f that the bible doesn't say you should be in
by cognac introuble for.... can you think of different rules?.
i'll start:.
no smokingno drugsno oralno swearing no clubbingtaking blood - (there were no consequences in the scriptures for taking it)watching pornnot screaming while being raped (at certain points you could be d'f for doing this)(i think you can get d'f for 3, 4, and 5).
My father had been councled for questioning the need to put your name on the time cards for service. He was also yanked in the back room for even questioning the need to go from door to door. He said he witnessed in other ways.
Shocking Proof that the END IS NEAR!
by BONEZZ inthe "world" is so corrupt that they are now "faking" wine...yeah, counterfeit wine!
is there no end to their evil ways?
i'd bet the residents of sodom & gohmorrah didn't even think of that.. so i suppose i have to check and see if my two-buck chuck is really one-buck chuck?.
It was probably Boones Farm Apple Wine