Welcome on board livingalie!
Love & Peace,
hello to all im new to the site i have been looking for about two weeks now .i was at brooklyn bethel from 1994 -1999 and i worked in the barber shop office blgd.
(25 columbia heights ) .i just wanted to say hi and that many of your post have really been helpful to me as i have gone though some tough times on all levels .
thanks for letting me just state that .
Welcome on board livingalie!
Love & Peace,
in my attempt to make this issue as simplified as possible, i have set out to determine exactly wherein the wts' missing 20 years must be found (607 bc versus 587/86 bc).
i think i have done it, and i would like some confirmation/correction from alleymom, leolaia, narkissos and any others who consider themselves scholarly types.. first, using the kiss method alleymom posted some time back i regressed the accession years of the kings.
since the hillah stele astronomically confirms the first regnal year of nabonidus in 555 bc, and since the wts unqualifiedly agrees with this date (although they neglect to inform why they agree), nabonidus' accession year was 556 bc.
Per phone conversation with society on the 607 vx 586:
"its only 20 years difference"
When presenting list of kings and calculating the years of each as to the pitoval date of 539
"you are doing traditional math"
When asking if they were not forcing a date to get to 1914 then 1918 for being appointed over all by Christ
"We go by what the Bible states and that is why 607 is correct and not secular dates"
You can put as much as you want in front of them and they will not accept it because to do so would take away their power, I believe they can see it but it is the "control", "power", and "$$$$" that blinds them to show love to the flock, who are in fear of leaving the Society, opps I mean Jehovah.
the investigative committees and the judicial committees are a function of brooklyn, not the congregations.
the elders on the committees are appointed by headquarters, not the congregations.
the elders on the committees report to headquarters, not the congregations.
Garybuss, I think you hit the nail on the head with the firewall.
I recently had a friend that they tried to out by JC even though he had not been active in over a year and no longer living in same area as the congregation. He went to the meeting, got their full names and then proceeded to deny the charges and stated in writing that if they announced his name he would personally sue each and everyone of them and that his attorney had a copy of his letter of denial and circumstances. He has never heard back from them nor has it been announced as no longer a JW. Also told them to never contact him again.
I have a feeling when they contacted the Society they may have been told they are on their own as to legal actions and not going to have the Society to bail them out.
can anybody please help me out with some links on the cross versus torture stake debate either on jwd or external sites?
i know there was a thread on here not so long ago but i can't find it.. also, if any of you long time posters can recommend any outstanding ones from the deepest recesses of jwd which you might have kept as favourites, i would be most grateful.
i have to go offline for a while now so many thanks in advance for your help.. emo
Bumble Bee:
The book that was quoted by Parsons is online at gutenberg.org, not very long but interesting read. Basically he said it can not be proved one way or the other if Christ was impaled on stake or cross. Then goes on with history of the cross and other interesting opinions that do not match JW beliefs.
*** bh chap.
1 p. 10 par.
7 what is the truth about god?
Sick circle reasoning.
Just as it was brought out on an older thread as to the Daniel Book Study - Chapter 16 paragraphs 8-10 how Jehovah allowed Communists to creep into the Lord's organization and even appointed to high positions of service (gosh where is the Holy Spirit) and these inflitrators caused some faithful ones to fall into the hands of authorities (torture and rapes) "Jehovah allowed such things to happen for a refining and a cleansing of his people" so they could learn endurance from testing of their faith, quoting James 1: 2,3 to consider it all joy. But I guess I thought that the tests were from men not a "set up or Sting" from Jehovah, because James 1:13 When under trial let no one say: "I am being tried by God: For with evil things God cannot be tried nor does he himself try anyone."
The Blind leading the Blind.
i was disfellowshipped in 2003. systematically my family stopped talking to me.
i am only 22 years old and i feel a big void in my life.
what can i do to feel better?
Ryry Welcome to the board this is just the beginning for your to reach out and find friends to help you. Since you have access to the internet make use of it to find answer for yourself that you may have on religion, or whatever is upbuilding. I say kill them (shunners) with kindness and you never know one day they may have questions about what real love is as Jesus taught his followers. Look up articles on disfellowshipping under jwfacts.com and get some insight on how you have been treated.
If you were a JW by having parents that were JW's then really ask and answer for yourself what your beliefs are by reading the bible and other bible aids that the Watchtower. Do not isolate yourself from people as there are many good people out there in the world that will be good friends and not judge you.
i am a white male and was d'fed in late 2000. i started attending the sunday talk and wt for the last two years.
my old congregation was merged into a new congregation following the years that i was gone (downsizing yes) with now all the elders are another race than myself.
i wrote a re-instatement letter in mid dec...which the elders never answered till mid jan... for a committee hearing.
Do you believe if you are not a JW in good standing that you will die at Armageddon? Is that why you are going through all this nonsense? If I was you I would start a personal study of the bible and the society. Have your read Crisis of Conscience? There are many good websites to learn real history and get answers to your religious questions. I am still doing a personal study to validate or throw out all that I thought I knew what the Bible said per the Watchtower, it is truly an amazing journey.
If you have family and friends that shun you believe me there are many good people out there in the world and will accept you without strings attached. Remember Jesus did not come to condemn the world he came to save it, so dont let them brainwash you into thinking you are dead already if not a "JW"! This is between you and your God.
Peace & Love,
it is surprising how intellectually dishonest an otherwise wonderful person can be; (a loved one) when it comes to holding on to.
a horrible lie.. you see it everyday.
a woman will defend her husband against child-molesting and disbelieve her own daughter.
I found this simple timeline book on history at Borders & Book on sale table: Investigate World History. authors: Anita Ganeri, Hazel Mary Martell, Brian Williams (Dempsey Parr Book Publishing). I had been conducting a Bible Study in the Knowledge Book and was on the chapter 10 God's Kingdom Rules, pg 96 #16 "Therefore, the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians in 607 B.C.E> was very significant.." I had covered this section, never questioning the date being different from historical records and then on History Channel was a show about the History of God and they said Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 B.C.E., thinking that THEY WERE WRONG, I found this book I had purchased earlier and looked it up and sure enough the date of 586 B.C.E. was shown. I was shocked.
So started my research on WT CD, calling the society directly (told it was only a difference of 20 yrs and that using the Kings list from prior posts and reviewing WT literature the kings list does end up being 586 BCE, which I was told was because I was doing Traditional Math, Hello.......Oh and by they way he told me that I could write the Society for more information that they didnt publish but only gave to those who dug deeper but I had to write for it. Which again blew my mind what would God's food be on special order and disbursed to all.
Your wife will not find anything showing 607 BCE because it is only the WT that comes up with this date to force the 1919 being appointed as sole channel for Gods earthly organization. You can put in Destruction of First Temple Jerusalem in Search Engine and will get a lot of sites that are not apostate (per society). Especially going into Israel's official website will take you to this historical dates. Gee I would think they might know their own history, but no so according the WTS the whole world is wrong, even the publications they use as resources for 539 Pivotal Date for fall of Babylon will confirm the length of Kings to 586 fall of Jeruselm.
I have original book Babylonian Chronology 626 B.C.-AD.75 by Richard A. Parker and Waldo H. Dubberstein, 1956 - Brown University Press, which is quoted often in Insight Books and WT articles, which was given to me by elder JW to help me on research of 586 vs 607 and he supposed it would uphold 607because it was quoted for 539 date. It just shows that we accept what they print but often do not read what is referenced. It clearly supports 586 BCE!!!!!!!
Sorry for the long post, enjoy your research.
this is probobly a long shot & i doubt it`s happened but does anyone know if any circuit overseers or district overseers have ever left.
if so, in what circumstances?
Skyman, what was the Tacoma Gate scandale?
patrick and i just got back a week ago from a 10 day long escape to hawaii.
it was wonderfully relaxing.
the weather was in the mid 80's and sunny everyday.. patrick jumping off a boat that we took for a snorkel tour.
ALOHA glad you had a great time on the Big Island. If ever on Maui let me know.