Undoubtedly SUV related
you crack my up!
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/4370601.stm pair jailed after fatal shop raid
calls for tougher laws on knives
Undoubtedly SUV related
you crack my up!
why is it that a jw is considered "spiritually sick" by the elders and the members of the congregation, if he suddenly decides to stop going to meetings and doesn't see eye to eye with the organization anymore?.
i see people who belong to other faiths, and are very active and seem spiritually healthy, even though they don't believe in what jw's teach.. .
i've been told by elders, that i was "spiritually sick".
I think I have a clearer meaning what being spirtual really is. I feel like my personal relationship with God is the same as always. Now that I am moving away from the organization I am free to feel and express my spiritually being---------freely and openly.
I am not in a suffocating box, now my bounderies are exploring new lines.
I like to think of how witnesses look for marriage mates. Looking for another JW.....one who is strong spiritually, good job, good looking. Many of the marriages cannot withstand a disfellowshipping as many were in love with the standing in the congo spiritually. You have to love the person for who they are deep inside.
If the organization crumbles.........any religion crumbles........my relationship with God will still be intact.
ps........If only I could express myself clearly as so many others do so well. I am not good at getting what is in my head to paper, so I think I sound crazy......hmmmmm maybe I am crazy!
another tradgedy ... .
Thanks for posting........I don't see much on the tv this am about this......The Terry Schiavo feeding tube dilemma (sp) is the main topic. What are schools doing to our children?
in the beginning god was god creates stuff man comes along god rests satan comes along adam and eve sin god pronounces jugement against mankind moses and israelites leave egypt israelites complain the mosaic law was created people are taught good hygene .
- preston.
Gods angel looks like he has hold of Minimus.......that Minimus is everywhere!!!!
There is so much talent at this little community. glad to know you all. purps
kingdom ministry - april 2005
week starting april 18th
15 min: living w/ soundness of mind in an electronic age.
I remember going over this information at the meetings.......Seems some of it was Q&A. People making comments about the internet who had never been on it at all. I secretly was snickering inside at how they sounded so authoritatve about what they were saying. And sounded rather judgemental. I covered up how much I was on the internet for a long time.
But then I had met so many people from online. I mean how do you explain people staying at your home from Australia and London. And all over the US.....so I just started saying, isnt it great to meet so many brothers and sisters from all over.......I met them on the internet.
ummmmmm sorry.......busted in on your thread
i have always wonder even as a young child growing up is how will we know that the world has entered into the "great tribulation"?
how will we know when it is armaggeddon?
will jehovah or jesus announce from the heavens that it is the time?
that could be sooner than we think, I hear it is 3 bucks in cali.
today, i bought one of those nifty shower heads that come off the wall and have pulse/massage type settings.
well, i didn't follow directions and i ended up snapping it right off the pipe....oops.
so, i took it back to the store and said..."i don't know what happened.
at least you'll be a clean liar.
in honor of my favorite show finally returning to new episodes this easter sunday, click on the link below and take the test - .
I took the test..........it says I am Susan........never saw the show........but she Rocks!
would someone who has the new od book explain any changes in "keeping the congregation clean"?
is it still the same policy or have they actually changed anything?
i'd especially like to know if they are changing their tune on the "inactive".
Let's starve them to death, that'll show them how much love we have for them!
a mild (or sometimes pretty severe) form of shunning takes place, and the person barely gets spoken with or acknowledged at the Kingdom Hall.
I was thinking about my own situation. Single mom ....working full time .....I was making all the meetings, average of 10 out in service........even aux last year for a month. I am glad you made the statement about the shunning when FS goes down. It makes sense now the treatment at my hall, and I really don't care what they think ........it's impossible to meet to their demands and not feel homicidal!!!!!! I am glad I got off the treadmill. They will step over a brother or sister to get time in. If they would only care for their own.........
I thought it was gonna be a bottle of Viagra..!