A C.O. said at a circuit assembly...
"And remember brothers, back in my day, we didn't call them gays, we called them faggots!!"
inspired by one of the other threas on todays board i was remindedof what the po of my 'then' cong' said just befors i left for good.. can't remember what the subject was but he ended up quite proudly announcing.....'if jehovah asked me to.....i would have no trouble killing someone, i would find it easy'!!
stunned silence.......this man is now a circuit overseer!
the phrase 'crazed extremist' comes to mind.. what was the most unbelievable, outrageous thing that was uttered in your earshot.
A C.O. said at a circuit assembly...
"And remember brothers, back in my day, we didn't call them gays, we called them faggots!!"
did anyone ever actually admit it if they hated it?.
Yes, I did enjoy it, not so much in rural areas though. Too much driving around in the car.
I liked it in downtown Toronto, meeting people from all over the world, learning about different cultures, practicing my Chinese, doing street witnessing early in the morning with good friends, learning to deal with all types of people and adapt to them. Didn't like it so much in the cold of winter though. lol
just to let all those who visit me... i will be moving april 15th..... so call to find me if you want to visit there...it is in waterloo....
All the best!
Waterloo is a nice University town :)
i must be in a bad mood the last couple weeks on this board.
i see people that a critical and mean.
yes i even do this, but only in self-defense and not proud of it either.
I agree that at times threads degenerate into name-calling and insults. It would be nice if everyone had a healthy respect for others' opinions. The key to remember is that everyone has a different sense of right and wrong, and of what is reasonable and unreasonable. What one person views as absurd, or several people view as absurd, might be viewed by several other people as completely reasonable. But who is too judge? Thus respect, while disagreeing, should be in order.
That having been said, no one is under obligation to be polite. Free speech involves the right to insult and degrade however impalpable it may be. One only need to look at the controversy over the Danish cartoons. An argument could be made that if knowing that publishing the cartoons would offend many people, they should not have been published, out of courtesy and respect. However, the truth is that no one should become violent over being insulted. Freedom of speech involves the right to blaspheme, as Robert Fulford wrote recently in The National Post. And on this board, free speech involves the right to insult, regardless of how it irks us.
looks like a good place to start, maybe you guys can help me figure out what to do with my extremly messed up family.
my family are either jws or were at some point.
im sure you can see why this leads to a completly disfunctional family.
I respectfully disagree with the idea of forcefully keeping your children away from the KH and JW's. Rather, encourage them to do research. Talk to them about why you know JW's are wrong. At 12 and 14, they are becoming old enough to figure these things out. Give them the information they need, encourage them to question and examine, and I'm sure you'll find that they will stay away of their own accord.
hope everyone is having a good day.
wondering how many fellow ontarians there are here?
please drop in and say hello, thank you.
Hi I'm in Toronto too...
i am going tohave the opportunity to meet condi rice tomorrow while she is visiting ottawa.
she is arguably the most powerful/influencial woman in the world and i am excited about the meeting.. i am not a fan of her (bush's) policies but still meeting someone of this influence is not lost on me.. if you could say anything to her, what would it be?.
Congratulate her on what she has achieved and how strong minded and dedicated she is.
towards the end of my time as a jw, i must confess to cheating whilst out on field service.. 1. i would turn up at the field service arrangement with my wife, and we would say that we were working together that day to do return visits.
as everyone went out, we would simply get into our car and drive home.
(hypocritical i know).
I was a bit different, I always tried to "maximize" my time...
I was the kind of pioneer who would get out of the car and talk to people walking along the street while others were at a return visit. Although I had some good pioneer friends, I think some of the other pioneers resented me a bit b/c they felt I was trying to "show them up" or act overly righteous. Even though I was sincere in wanting to "witness" at the time, I was also trying to show off. I used my cellphone alot to make return visits and talked to people informally quite a bit too. Some of the months I pioneered, along with my 70 hours, I placed up to 100 magazines, had upwards of 200 return visits counted, and 20 bible studies was my most in 1 month. All the numbers were real, I counted carefully, never exaggerating. It's amazing what you can do if you really do make use of your time when make the effort. Plus the fact that the territory I worked in was very productive compared with most in North America. But as I say, one of main motives was "showing off", not sincerely helping others. No wonder I liked turning in my time slip each month...lol
i was wondering if anyone had the pioneer book, whats in it ?
i am just curious cause no one else beside pioneers are suspose to see it.
anyone know if it is availible online somewhere ?.
I was in pioneer school Dec. 2002...as mentioned, the book didn't contain anything that would qualify as "secret". There was some interesting information but I hardly ever looked in the book after I got it.
I'm not sure what came of this but just before I left I heard about a plan the society had to send long time pioneers, and pioneers who have already been to pioneer school, back to pioneer school for another 2 weeks of updated training...lol
after talking with these folks, the issues they talk about ring a familiar bell.
the insurgents are still convinced that saddam is going to return to power.
they will continue these attacks until he is dead.
Yes, please clarify more.
I supported the US led invasion, and am still hopeful for a bright future for the people there.
But are the insurgents really fighting for Saddam? From what I've read, the majority of them are not even Iraqi's, and the ones that are are acting mostly out of bitterness toward losing power to the Shiite majority. Also the tenets of Islam and Quran and the need to fight "infidels" also comes into play. Am I right in this? If i'm not mistaken, you are stationed in Iraq, so I'm sure you know much more about the situation than I do.