JoinedTopics Started by Toronto_Guy
Letters from readers - National Post
by Toronto_Guy inits been a while since i posted here...hope everyone is well.. some in canada may read the national post newspaper...friday they had an editorial entitled "halfway between religion and cult", discussing the blood issue as it relates to the the surviving sextuplets in british columbia, canada.
i decided to respond, and to my suprise it become the "letter of the day", published in this weekend's edition of the post.
below is what i wrote.
those in Wisconsin...
by Toronto_Guy in.
anyone in wisconsin (or anywhere else) know gerald and sue wilson?
if so please send me a pm.... toronto_guy
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on 60 Minutes last night
by Jourles indid anyone else watch the interview of mahmoud ahmadinejad(iran's president) on 60 minutes last night?
i thought his answers were both clever and honest.
it's funny i never heard about the letter he sent to bush three months ago.
Witnesses Now for Jesus Convention (October 20-October 22, 2006)
by reneeisorym in.
so.. who is going?.
i am :)
NEWS ALERT! : The End of The World will be on August 22
by Ms. Whip inthe president of iran will give bush an answer about their nuclear program in two weeks.
august 22nd.
august 22nd is an important day in islam.
Favourite Websites
by chuckie77 inim sure something like this would have been posted in the past but does anyone have any cool new websites they like to visit?.
my current favourite is its a travel website with about 80,000 people registered worldwide.
if you're planning a trip, you can see who's registered in the area you're visiting, read their profile, send them an email and, if its available, stay on their couch!.
National Healthcare for the USA
by sammielee24 injust an fyi for anyone interested - there is a major drive on to push the bill forward for national healthcare in the usa.
you can sign the petition by going to it has gone through one part of the process last year and now the push is on to get it moved to the next level - it is backed by over 400 groups including the uaw i believe.
it is no longer if it happens, it is only a matter of time as to when it happens.
10 reasons why we should embrace our muslim friends
by Pleasuredome ingod loves muslims!.
muslims are loved by god in the same way that he loves all people.
like all humans, muslims are created in the image of god (genesis 1:26-27).