Thanks for the feedback...
The website is (takes you to another link) - and then click letters on the left side - however, Blondie is right, unfortunately you need a username and password to get in.
its been a while since i posted here...hope everyone is well.. some in canada may read the national post newspaper...friday they had an editorial entitled "halfway between religion and cult", discussing the blood issue as it relates to the the surviving sextuplets in british columbia, canada.
i decided to respond, and to my suprise it become the "letter of the day", published in this weekend's edition of the post.
below is what i wrote.
Thanks for the feedback...
The website is (takes you to another link) - and then click letters on the left side - however, Blondie is right, unfortunately you need a username and password to get in.
its been a while since i posted here...hope everyone is well.. some in canada may read the national post newspaper...friday they had an editorial entitled "halfway between religion and cult", discussing the blood issue as it relates to the the surviving sextuplets in british columbia, canada.
i decided to respond, and to my suprise it become the "letter of the day", published in this weekend's edition of the post.
below is what i wrote.
Its been a while since I posted here...hope everyone is well.
Some in Canada may read the National Post newspaper...Friday they had an editorial entitled "Halfway between religion and cult", discussing the blood issue as it relates to the the surviving sextuplets in British Columbia, Canada. I decided to respond, and to my suprise it become the "letter of the day", published in this weekend's edition of the Post. Below is what I wrote. Any feedback is welcome.
Re: Halfway between religion and cult
Having been raised by devout Jehovah's Witness parents, and having been a zealous member of the faith until I was 24 years old, I have followed the B.C. sextuplet case with interest. To their credit, Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe in or practice infant baptism, because they feel that a person should be old enough to understand the faith and have a personal relationship with God before committing one's life to him, and to the faith. However, why does this thinking not apply to blood transfusions? Jehovah's Witness babies are not baptized members of the faith, and are therefore not bound its edicts. I don't have an issue with adults making the conscientious decision to reject certain medical treatment on the basis of faith, regardless of how irrational it may be. What bothers me is that fact that, had I faced a life threatening medical condition as a baby that required a blood transfusion, my parents would have fought to ensure that I die instead of breaking the rules of a religion that I, as an adult, no longer have any faith in and no longer practice.
anyone in wisconsin (or anywhere else) know gerald and sue wilson?
if so please send me a pm.... toronto_guy
Anyone in Wisconsin (or anywhere else) know Gerald and Sue Wilson? If so please send me a pm...
Yes, we had over 20 at one time.
In the late 80s and early 90s there was cong in downtown Toronto which had over 60 regular pioneers, the most of any congo in Canada and the United States at the time.
did anyone else watch the interview of mahmoud ahmadinejad(iran's president) on 60 minutes last night?
i thought his answers were both clever and honest.
it's funny i never heard about the letter he sent to bush three months ago.
He seems like a very smart man - not the evil dictator that Bush paints him as.
This is an interesting comment. If you were to study the history of the 1930's, there were a number or journalists, as well as world leaders (i.e. Neville Chamberlain) who visited Hitler and came back saying very similar things, that he was smart, charming, etc, and not what the critics said he was.
Yes, Catholic World Youth Days in Toronto, we had a special campaign, out on the streets, met people from all over the world...pretty interesting.
so.. who is going?.
i am :)
im sure something like this would have been posted in the past but does anyone have any cool new websites they like to visit?.
my current favourite is its a travel website with about 80,000 people registered worldwide.
if you're planning a trip, you can see who's registered in the area you're visiting, read their profile, send them an email and, if its available, stay on their couch!.
couchsurfing looks really cool, although I've never actually tried using it...
the president of iran will give bush an answer about their nuclear program in two weeks.
august 22nd.
august 22nd is an important day in islam.
It is an interesting theory! I've read about it in some other places, obviously it is unlikely to happen...
The President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, believes, as many Shia do, in the second coming of the mysterious 12th Iman. He has spoken about this in many of his speeches. Further, August 22 is the date which corresponds to 27 Rajab on the Muslim calendar. This is a very important date in Islamic history, as it was supposedly the day that Muhammed ascended into heaven from the Asqa Mosque in Jerusalem. This event is known to muslims as the 'Miraj.' According to Islamic history, on this date, as the Prophet was ascending upward, the heavens lit up in a spectacular display of light, supposedly to welcome Muhammed into heaven. The rumor (and i'm not saying it has a valid basis!) is that the President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has chosen this date, August 22, to light a fire over the night sky of Jerusalem that has never been seen since the Miraj. It has been said that this is the date he has chosen to launch a nuclear war on Isreal, to fulfill his recent promise to wipe Isreal off the map. One person who has made this claim is the president of the Reform Party in Syria, Farid Ghadry. Whether he has any credabiltiy or not is up to the reader, I have not investigated him at all, and obviously he may have political reasons for making such a statement. Anyways, August 22 is coming time will tell!
just an fyi for anyone interested - there is a major drive on to push the bill forward for national healthcare in the usa.
you can sign the petition by going to it has gone through one part of the process last year and now the push is on to get it moved to the next level - it is backed by over 400 groups including the uaw i believe.
it is no longer if it happens, it is only a matter of time as to when it happens.
Cubans are exporting their great healthcare, they have such an abundance. Costa Rica as well.
Its just such a shame that this will change soon once the evil capitalists have their way
And it looks like its getting closer and closer to happening!