My prayers and thoughts are for your mom, you, and your family. May she be fully recovered soon.
and you know how i know...... not because my dad called me or anthing like that..... thanks to years of working in law enforcement/public safety i'm pretty nosey and have a "scanner" in my house that monitors police, fire and ambulance calls.. just heard the ambulance go to my parents house because my mother wasn't breathing properly..... she has renal failure and must go to kidney dialysis 3 times a week.
sometimes for no reason her body simply stops processing fluids and she "fills up" and basically begins to drown from the inside.. i can only assume that this is the case tonight....of course nowdays hospitals wont tell you anything without the patients permission...... keep her in your thoughts....she may shun me but i can't help but worry about her.....
My prayers and thoughts are for your mom, you, and your family. May she be fully recovered soon.
hey, can someone let me know if this works?.
thanks, tracy
Belated Birthday Greetings Valis,
I hope you had a real good time celebrating your special day.
May you have many more.
hi y'all from chimpgirl in the uk.
have been posting on support board for exjws for a year or so now and someone there pointed me in your direction.
glad i found ya!.
hello my friends hope u r all well?
what i would like the poeple know in the chat room of a night i would like u to know that 1) i have a learning promblem 2) im not a good speller as sum 1 really hurt & upset me last in the room & im thinking of leaving cos of this person 3) my parents died now im living with my foster parents i call then both mom & dad as they have been very good to me 3) i have got abit of dyxsile so if no 1 wants to help me then please dont talk behind my back if u have sum thing to me a message 4) i do belive in god & all im asking is for sum help 2 help me on my travels thank u 4 listening angel.
Hi Angel,
Welcome!!!! Please don't let one person be a reason for you to leave this forum. In any group there will always be a few bad apples. The majority of the people here are very encouraging, supportive, and helpful. So give us a chance, hang in there, and share your story /experiences.
What kind of help do you need? Are you a JW, exJW, DF'd, DA'd, or fading? What's going on in your life?
I'll be checking back to see what's up with you.
well - this is my first post.
i want to express my gratitude to all of you in jwd land for the help you provide.
i'd be glad to relate stories, and experiences in the future, but wanted to introduce myself first.
when my husband was convinced to be baptized back in '74, the jw who studied with my husband went with him to meet with the elders.
when the elder asked for my husband's birthday for his records, he said nov 12 and the jw says "not my birthday, he wants yours".
my husband says, "it is mine".
My birthday is February 12th, i9__. These are the people who share this date of birth with me.
1809 Abraham Lincoln 1934 Bill Russell 1968 Josh Brolin
1809 Charles Darwin 1938 Judy Blume 1969 Darron Aronofsky
1898 Wallace Ford 1939 Ray Manzarek 1973 Tara Charendoff
1904 Ted Mack 1945 Maud Adams 1976 Silvia Saint
1915 Lorne Greene 1950 Michael Ironside 1980 Christina Ricci
1917 Dom DiMaggio !953 Joana Kerns
1923 Franco Zeffirelli 1955 Arsenio Hall
1926 Joe Garagiola 1956 Paula Zahn
just to say hello.
been lurking awhile.nice site!
will tell my story real soon.
this site has been a place that i have visited many times.. i would like to make some friends and meet local people.. to blondie ... words cannot explain how much i appreciate.
the reviews.
i can see so clearly how the studies keep members.
seeing as it's friday i thought i would ask a drinking question, which of these 2 would you go for or if not these what else??.
an ice cold mgd (miller genuine draft) or a chilled bud?.
well i would choose an mgd.
A glass of nicely chilled, semi-sweet, fruity wine or a fruity mixed drink either iced or frozen.