Thanks Randy for posting this about Barbara and all the work that she had done. As I read over your post, a lot of the publications/articles I can remember reading. And the whole time it was writen by a women?.... Amazing!
october 8, 1986 awake!
i did all of the research for awake!
editor and senior writer, harry peloyan, for the 1993 booklet, "what is the purpose of life?
Thanks Randy for posting this about Barbara and all the work that she had done. As I read over your post, a lot of the publications/articles I can remember reading. And the whole time it was writen by a women?.... Amazing!
i'm new to these boards.
i'll introduce myself.. i was raised a jw, baptized at 13, pioneer at 15, married at 18, divorced at 21, disfellowshipped and pregnant at 22, and here i am.
i gave birth to a beautiful baby boy about five months ago, and i've never been happier, but that has required a lot of sacrifice and hurt.
my apologies in advance for the long post.
this is the story i thought i'd be taking to my grave so just to have the chance to put it out there feels so freeing.
thanks for listening.
Welcome to the board!
have you ever considered the anointed, the number of partakers at the memorial and the governing body together?
if you examine the number of partakers you can clearly see that sometimes the numbers increase.
i asked some jws about this and their reply was, "those are replacements for unfaithful ones".
I had noticed that the numbers had changed from one year to the next. So in 1991 I took all the publications that I had in my little library and placed them on the floor. When I noticed that the numbers were changing by a few hundred, I thought that this must be an error. I called one of my local elders and he told me that 'you are studying way to much and not to question what is printed in the publications.'
'hmmmm studying to much?' Not long after that, I was out....and I never looked back.
I know exactly what you are talking about.
My mother is from Germany and when she spoke, she emphasized certain words harder than others. So an elder approched me and explained that when I speak, that I hit certain words harsh and my voice is like my mother. ( I was so shocked when he was telling me this....)
He told me that I needed to tone my voice down and stretch my words out. This will soften my tone of voice. His example was when I say 'hi' or 'hello'. The elder said to me, 'say it like this, Helllloooooo'.
Who talks like that? But I tried it, to please Mr. Elder and began speaking softly and streeeetchinnnnggg out my words.
Needless to say, since I left the JW's, no one has ever told me that I needed to tone my voice down or stretch out my words. haaa
mine is a lab/boxer mix.
she is about 8 months now and thinks she is a lap dog!
she is as graceful as a cat, and can be on my lap in about a second with no notice.
I have a cat named Pheobe and my husband and I spoil her so much.
She sleeps with us and she has a bad habit of waking us up at 3 am, to scratch her back. That's spoiled!
But we her dearly!
got a phone call from my daughter who lives in florida a couple of hours ago.
her significant other who i chose to call my son-in-law (because he is the best thing to ever happen to her) got a phone call that his 6 year old daughter was killed in an auto accident near lake placid, florida and his 5 year old son is in very critical condition.
the ex wife is also critical.
HD - This is so sad! My thoughts and prayers are with you, your daughter and s.i.l.
looks like it may happen.
have you seen my mother
Glad to hear that you and your family are safe!
I first read Angels and demons, which I thought was a little far fetched at the end of the book.
The Da Vinci Code does make you think about some of the possiblities that are writen. But my sister and I discussed some of the details and I explained to her that it is just a book and the writer (Dan Brown- excellent writer) gave the reader's something to think about.
My husband and I love Netflix. We have had it for 1 1/2 yrs and have watched over 200 movies. I love the idea of never having to go back to the store. Once you watch it, you seal the DVD in the envolope and put it in the mailbox. So easy!