I remember in the 80's being in New York City at Bethel. It was during the summer and the front doors were opened....so you could see the street and the people walking by.
It was only for a brief moment, but a man (an apostate) was standing at the front doors and staring at me. You would think that most people would keep walking, but I couldn't stop looking at him.
He stretched out his left hand and his fingers pointing at me, he screamed out, ' CONDEMNATION ON YOU '!! He kept on saying it over and over again. I couldn't move.
One of the sisters standing by, grabbed my arm and told not to look at him. The brothers walked up to the doors and closed them! (Of course he was still screaming Condemnation on you!
The women who pulled me away, told me that he is called the Coffee Man. He use to be a JW, but Df'd and we nicked name him the Coffee Man.
Yeap, it sure did scare me!