Crumpet - what you did was the best thing that you could of done! To shun someone, you need a victim! You contacting your parents showed them that you are not a victim and you are the better person!
You asked for examples: My son and his wife wrote me a letter about a year ago explaining that they could not talk to me. Bull$hit! Last week I stopped in to see my son, but he was at work. His wife answered the door and started to shake while she was talking to me. (She is pregnant, with my first grandchild) I was there to see if everything was ok and if they needed anything. I gave them some money for their anniversary and a little something for the baby. She told me that she had a doctors appointment that week and she would let me know after the appt if everything was ok. Well, 3 days phone call.
So yesterday, I called my son up and asked him. I said to him ' I am not going to keep you long on the phone, but I was just calling to see if everything was ok at the doctors visit.' He was so pleasant to me and we laughed and said our good-byes. (I'll probably receive another letter telling me that they can't have any contact with me! ) haa But I'll be back knocking on his door again!
Oh and by the way....Happy Belated Birthday!