Happy Be-lated Birthday!
From what you have said about your Uncle Cliff - he sounds like he is a lot of fun to be around and he loves you!
this week on jan.11 i turned the big 55, you know, senior citizen stuff.
i'm not real happy about the age but life if good.
i been out of the jws now for 5 years with no contact from witness relatives.
Happy Be-lated Birthday!
From what you have said about your Uncle Cliff - he sounds like he is a lot of fun to be around and he loves you!
Congratulations for making a 1000 posts!!!
I don't think that I will ever get to a 1000 posts.
i was just browsing through my files, and came across a few cool / neat / weird photos i thought i'd share.
these are from my trip to bethel in mid-april of last year.. .
there i was, right outside hq.
Nice pics....the people on the bus trip, look Thrilled! haaa
gee, i must eat lasagna about 2 times a week, like i just did now.
i have french fries with just about every meal (lunch and dinner) not breakfast....you fools .
For lunch my husband and I usually eat left overs.
Dinner always has somekind of meat: example this weeks menu was
Monday: Meatloaf, Scallop Potatoes
Tues: Chicken and rice
Wed: Chicken from Popeys
Thrus: Roast beef, potatoes, green beens
Frid: today is pork chops and salad/green veg.
Weekends are for going out to dinner - this weekend is my birthday, so I get to choose the restaurant
i thought i perfected the fade, but i guess not.
i live with my parents, and only my mom is a jw.
i haven't been to a meeting since july, and she rarely goes (not for theological reasons).
If this was my situation, I would just lie about everthing. Tell him that you have been really busy. Use your job, overtime, working a 2nd job....make up some excuse.
Let them know that you have been keeping up with your studies, even though you haven't been able to make the meetings.
While on the phone with him, act like there is another incoming call or that you just got company. Thank him for his call, concern and say good-bye as quickly as you can.
right now i am doing a water fast (just drinking water, no food), and for a few days more.
surprisingly after 48 hours i am not feeling weak or cranky, instead i feel revitalised and relaxed, free from moods and disruptive emotions.
some doctors say it's a great way to detoxify but it is more its ability of clarifying up the spirit that motivates me.
I fast once a year...drinking just water. I started fasting about 4 years ago and my reason is to detox. My mother died of colon cancer and I started to do some research on the benefits of fasting. It gives your organs a mini vacation and it flushes out toxins that are trapped in your cells. ( such as Medications, chemicals in processed foods and stored fat )
Since then, my sister has tried it and she told me that her sinus problems just disappeared.
i'm so happy to have found this site.
i'm not a j/w, but my son is.
several years ago, he became involved with a j/w, although she was being shunned at the time.
Welcome Riverwatcher,
I have to agree with what NYCkid stated:
Certainly he will be encouraged by congregation members to be cautious with you. Signs you've probably noticed already can include the avoidance of holiday-related functions, birthday celebrations etc. All you can do is keep the line of communication open and be aware that eventually they will try to convert you and your husband as well. If he and his wife do begin avoiding you or state that they need to shun you because of your religious disparities,
Sad to say...being a JW for 19 years, I have seen this situation happen! Hopefully, the bond that you and your husband have with your son, this might not happen. Stay close to your son, Daughter in Law and grandchild as much as you can.
All the best to you
mrs ozzie and i wish you all a happy and peaceful 2006.
Happy New Year to Everyone!
Getting ready to go to a party....7 more hours to go!
imagine that you won a couple of million $, would this have a huge bearing on you or would you just make slight ajustments to your life?.
i'd be the same person, but with more resources, that's all !!!!.
i'd be more "me" and wouldn't change into someone else because i became rich.. how about you?
I think that it would change my life and you would have relatives coming out of the wood work....saying, 'here I am, your favorite ____'
A few years ago...I was at work and collecting money for a lottory poll. I collected $5 from 19 people. We won $150,000.00! We were one digit off from millions. ( our last number was a 7 & the lottery number was an 8 )
Money makes people go crazy! There were people at work who were mad at me for not collecting thier money. I got threats from people! Some stopped talking to me. Days later...I was at work and crying over how my co-workers were treating me.
If that situation would ever happen to me again...I would never tell anyone that I won. I would never sign the agreement to have an interview or to make it public.
Just as a note: You don't get your money right away...the lottery does a back ground check for liens, back taxes and etc. When you get your check, it is surprising how much taxes they take out. haa
i can remember being an attendant at one of the circuit assemblies in nottingham, where a group of pentecostals were picketing out by one of the gates.
i was intrigued for a short while, until a guy in a motorised wheelchair type thing, tried to get into the assembly by ramming himself into us.
i could of quite happily baptised him in the trent !!
Why was he called Mr Coffee? I do have to admit, he was a little scary, but those guys should of never threw paint on him.
From what I remembered of him, he was an older guy! That could of gave him a heart attack!