Lawrence, you might give some thought to making a fire-holder for yourself. The use of these lends more signifance to a challenge. And while you are at it why not make a number for others to use? This should buy around 25 hours of time for each person.. Guaranteed to get a result.
JoinedPosts by dostprefer
Pioneerers can count up to 25 hours for taking special language
by DaCheech inone of the latest announcement letters from the wts is that people should attend special.
classes setup for the purpose of preaching to foreign language communities.
these special classes are.
What I remember from 1975
by Big Dog insince i am sort of late to the party this has probably been beaten to death and if it has just kick this thread to the curb.
i was 11 years old in 1975 and i remember being scared silly the whole year.
i mean there was so much hype about it and the tension in the air was so thick it was unreal.
good question, hang on a minute mate!
:"you must say to this people, 'Hear again and again, O men, but do not understand; and see again and again, but do not get any knowledge. Make the heart of this people unreceptive, and make their very ears unresponsive (quite denunciatory and galling unless you have the stomach to read to the end of verse 10) Isaiah 6:9-10
That answers 'why' and it did happen to some (but not to the majority who did listen.)
The postings reveal the pain and make one even more determined to eschew the obstinancy and pride which could entrap any of us. The '1975' thing is 'old hat' really. The task of 'eluding to it again and again' is now the preroccupation of those making postings on forums. . -- a strange irony.
The majority of over 6 million witnesses have 'come in' since then (and others came back - plenty of them!) And they are just glad to be able to finally repudiate the disgusting world in which they suffered so long. And the steady 'oldies' already knew there was no need to go back there.
What I remember from 1975
by Big Dog insince i am sort of late to the party this has probably been beaten to death and if it has just kick this thread to the curb.
i was 11 years old in 1975 and i remember being scared silly the whole year.
i mean there was so much hype about it and the tension in the air was so thick it was unreal.
Jimbob First of all it is that 'they all think the same' and then 'they dont all say the same'. This encouraging people to have a mind of their own must be why 'they' are still witnesses. Yes, in the 60's and 70's 'they' went to all those assemblies sporting sideburns, wearing flares, stilletto and cuban heels, loved the beatles, beegees and abba and now they have the effrontery to change! And still put on this pretence of being human? Can't something be done to make them conform?
Heinrich Himmler had an excellent programme for them but unfortunately (for him) his time was cut short. Surely there must be some like-minded authority out there to create a programme to bring these miserable imposters into line.
1975 proved to be one of many tests that finished off many and that still do. Sadly, jumping to conclusions created a 'living death' for some whose bitterness still surfaces on these pages. What did happen is that many initially came to believe, albeit tentatively, that they would live forever on a paradise earth. But in their case it failed a strength test. A failure to set their minds to it, which is tough because nobody else can do that for us. The pain expressed ,sometimes crudely, sometimes eloquently in postings, is really about the inevitability of physical death with no seeable prospects beyond that. Don't they call it 'End of LIfe Scenario'?
Which all of us must face up to. But using slings and arrows to express one's disappointments in life becomes a sideshow, a diversion ,an expression of deniial
On this forum one is reminded of Thoreau's observation that "the majority of mankind lead lives of quiet desperation', although 'quiet' does not accurately describe many postings There seems to be a denial of that basic truth in postings..
Most Witnesses during the 70's, did not abandon their composure even though some may have stumbled a bit. They have become stronger and have learned not to blame others for misfortune, mistakes or misunderstandings.
Happiness is not proved by photos of ourselves as 'strong' or 'happy' people or by tirades and displays of bravado. Doesn't it come from inside oneself? For complainers of their lot in life such happiness is produced stillborn. One has the body but not the life. Harsh critics would recommend 'get yourself a life'. A kindlier encouragement would be 'return to the shepherd of your souls'
What I remember from 1975
by Big Dog insince i am sort of late to the party this has probably been beaten to death and if it has just kick this thread to the curb.
i was 11 years old in 1975 and i remember being scared silly the whole year.
i mean there was so much hype about it and the tension in the air was so thick it was unreal.
re speculation about 1975 It's most interesting that you should perceive that "the wtbs didn't do a thing to put a stop to it".
On the one hand some may feel that the organisation is 'too controlling'. On the other that it does not control enough. Which do you prefer? As Jesus said about Matthew 11:16-19. About the sulking generation who kept changing their tune and then complained that the witnesses of that time would not dance to it. If posters to this forum insist on playing the dead march from 'Saul" they should not be surprised that ticket sales at the door are down. Better to consider the example of the sensible woman who said to her husband "waltz faster dear, they are playing a rhumba'.
Just Learning
by Law infirst off to everyone that has replied to my messages thank you it helped me understand more about your religion.
i am a catholic and wanted to learn more about this religion and my friend had told me to come here.
so far i've learned alot more then i have had known before.. if theres any information that you would like to tell me about just reply to this message.
David, refreshing to read your straightforward comments. I'm new to this sort of thing and getting a buzz - have you found it productive?
Awake Moving To Monthly Publishing
by Valis ini just recieved this note from one of our faithful and discreet slaves... keep an eye out for the march 2005 km.
word is that the awake will only be published once a month starting in january 2006.. sincerely,.
district overbeer.
Interesting to hear from someone who can work a miracle in explaining 'what you meant to say' . And recommending Googling as a pathway to knowledge (but like Stan Freeberg's 'Bridie Murphy' I'm not knocking it. But neither shall I presume to call you a 'Google Apologist'. Better to turn down the humble request for answers to begged questions, but yes, please keep rattling the can Who knows that someone may be disposed to throw in a a bawbee or two. However you have changed the colour of the Nile somewhat and I detect a croak or two from those usually delightful green amphibians. That is two miracles and my day is complete. And hopefully, not without humour. As they say in the modern parlance 'cheers'.
Awake Moving To Monthly Publishing
by Valis ini just recieved this note from one of our faithful and discreet slaves... keep an eye out for the march 2005 km.
word is that the awake will only be published once a month starting in january 2006.. sincerely,.
district overbeer.
Please note that I intend to be a gadfly on this forum. But take heart - one gadfly does not make a plague.
As another forum member said ' It's hard to keep up with God's Chariot'. We don't want to be like Pharoah whose wheels fell off. Driving in a straight line is a good plan and why not do that in the forum? 'Truthseeker' is partly right. We used to ask for a contribution toward cost of literature. Mags used to be 4pence each - 3 cents in the 60's! A sensible and fair arrangement. But we all became an eftpos society. Thenceforth donations were suggested. This gave an opportunity to generously minded and grateful people. But this has largely been discontinued. And many felt more comfortable with never asking at all. (This to dispel suggestions of 'regimentation' which has been suggested in the forum.) Regarding Truthseeker's thought that 'they are losing their way". Didn't Pharoah say that when he decided to go after them at the Red Sea?
Awake Moving To Monthly Publishing
by Valis ini just recieved this note from one of our faithful and discreet slaves... keep an eye out for the march 2005 km.
word is that the awake will only be published once a month starting in january 2006.. sincerely,.
district overbeer.
Happy that the big 'A' not to happen until after 2005?
Reminiscent of the man who after being told by the judge that he would be hanged for murder on the 10th of November, thought about it for a moment and then asked the Judge, "Is that this year or next year?"
Awake Moving To Monthly Publishing
by Valis ini just recieved this note from one of our faithful and discreet slaves... keep an eye out for the march 2005 km.
word is that the awake will only be published once a month starting in january 2006.. sincerely,.
district overbeer.
just heard about the change to once a month Awake. This could have been anticipated by some (for a number of reasons):1.There is an oversupply of knowledge media items these days2. Many do not go so far as to read at least a page. An age of small 'bites' and pix. 3. Comments on this page demonstrate some disdain for avoidance of or almost a built-in resistance for and towards written or printed material, but lets face it, literacy is still essential if one is to keep up with the play. 4. A commenting forum is interesting but we should not be deluded that we are 'in' on the real information. For Instance, I understand (and all I have got is one email from a family member about any of this) that the focus and content of 'Awake' is going to change. Nothing about 'imminence of 'the end' etc as a rationale, but fascinating that was suggested by a forum member. My, not disrespectful suggestion is 'If you want to know who is going to win the race, ask the horse'. Further - wisely place your bets before the end of the race Happy foruming everyone!