by badboy 39 Replies latest jw friends
Big Dog
Five meetings a week, and believe me, my family didn't miss one in 1975.
Yes. Baptized in may, after a six month study course. And in France,at that time,as far as i could judge, all the publishers where convinced that something was about to happen.
Yes I was,
But also remember much earlier we used to have 8 days assemblies & the sessions ended at 9.p.m does anyone remember that?
We were there, 5 meetings a week plus field service on Saturdays and toilet cleaning duty after the Sunday meeting. I remember talks from the platform in which the exact date (in Oct. 1975)of Armageddon was predicted. I remember the Watchtower denials of their false predictions. But most vividly of all, I remember the misery that being a child of the Watchtower was.
But also remember much earlier we used to have 8 days assemblies & the sessions ended at 9.p.m does anyone remember that?
oh gawwwddd! I remember those conventions. The last one that was 8 days was 1969, at least as I can recall. I was 6 months pregnant, and had two little boys (5 and 3) and my hubby, of course. It was so hard. I wanted to be there, but it was an exercise in mental torture.
Anticipating all year that the end of the world would come. I was 15
I was a sophomore in highschool... telling all the teachers I didn't have to take any business classes because I didn't have to worry about a career... Armegeddon was coming after all...
one of my advisors wrote in my yearbook in 77 when I graduated.. HMMM>>> thought you wouldn't be here after 75..
I wasn't thought of until 5 years later.
Yep, I was there. I doubted that anything would really happen but didn't take any chances either. I laugh when I look back on the feelings of anticipatory dread that we all experienced during that time.
But also remember much earlier we used to have 8 days assemblies & the sessions ended at 9.p.m does anyone remember that?
Those long days were tough on us kids.
Thanks for the memories--not!