Hi Dorie and welcome.
JW's predictions and expectations are so convoluted I couldn't begin to explain it here. Suffice to say they believe that in 607 BC the Gentile Times began. In 1914 the time of the end was supposed to have begun with the great tribulation having at its climax the UN (they believe it is the beast in the book of Revelation in the bible) destroying religion. If you can get the Witnesses' Revelation book it will explain it to you. Not that you'll understand it! I didn't, and very few of us here could ever make sense of the Witnesses predictions going as far back as the book of Daniel and further, and I'm getting a headache remembering the rest. Us here on this forum at one time or another all waited for Armagedden. The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society kept changing the dates on us. AND, that is why I left. Along with the fact that too many questions addressed to one of their explanations is viewed as virtual heresy.
Good luck
Hope I didn't confuse you more.