Hey there Outback Aussie.
I haven't met you before but its always good to hear of people doing well. Hope you stick around. There's probably lots of new people around for you to meet!
Miss Peaches
actually, it has been so long i hardly remember who's who.
i thought i would pop in and say hi, share alittle love and hugs with the folks that can use 'em.
i hope kelpie is doing ok, i haven't heard from her in the longest time.
Hey there Outback Aussie.
I haven't met you before but its always good to hear of people doing well. Hope you stick around. There's probably lots of new people around for you to meet!
Miss Peaches
my gf and i just came back from london and scotland and this came up during the trip.
i like to joke and make small talk with the service people and other guests i encounter while my gf thinks this behavior is rude.
in all fareness she is from the north, conn. and only moved to the south a few years ago, while i moved from mass.
I have my moments. All of a sudden I'll be somewhere striking up inane conversations with strangers having a grand old chat... Then as I walk away I ask myself how I managed to end up in conversation in the first place. But I do love a good chin wag...
what do you have to say to all the jws who under the direction of the governing body are lurking and spying on this forum and then give the gathered intel to their masters?
If your religious leaders ask you to stoop to spying does this not pose to you that there might be something wrong.
When did religon begin including spying. Isn't it meant to be about the love shown to us by God and returning it?
I feel sorry for the JW spies. I hope one day they will have the same happiness and freedom I have.
okay you know the drill.
answer the questions so we get to know you better.. **miss peaches of the i'm in a silly mood class.. where would you take a gorilla on a date?.
who would you like to be stuck in an elevator with for three hours?.
You lot have cracked me up...
Seriously be careful it just encrouages me to be odd!
wow, yeah i was looking fr the theocratic ministry school oral review questions and i came across an apostate site!
the site was www.jehovahs-witness.com and was just fill of retarded apostates!
they were not only using a domain name and header name that denotes a conection with the actual watchtower society, but where using it to blasphem the jehovah's true organization in order to help people break away.
Don't you listen at the meetings... You are meant to stay away from the evils of the internet. Maybe next time you self righteous fool you should settle for the oral review questions handed out to you at the meeting.
Perhaps one day you may like to follow the advice given to the Boreans to Keep on examining if the things being taught you are true. And really delve into what the history and the teachings of your beloved religon really are.
In the meantime I suggest you go back to your local kingdom hall and confess your sins to your body of elders that you surfed the net and even bothered to register with an 'Apostate' site. Should you ever have the courage to stop leaning upon that 'religon' as your crutch in life feel free to crawl back out of your hole, feel free to come back here and behave like a civilised person. Stop displaying such appalling behaviour and live up the the love your precious religon professes to have.
That is all.
okay you know the drill.
answer the questions so we get to know you better.. **miss peaches of the i'm in a silly mood class.. where would you take a gorilla on a date?.
who would you like to be stuck in an elevator with for three hours?.
AK - Jeff A little bit odd... but in a good way yeah? Sometimes I get struck by moments of silliness...
boy that would sound weird to most normal people.
my brother is still a jw.
he has never attempted to talk to me since i was dfed/daed.
Toladest that is wonderful news! I am so pleased for you. I hope this is the start to a journey of healing between you and your brother.
That's the best news I've heard all day
okay you know the drill.
answer the questions so we get to know you better.. **miss peaches of the i'm in a silly mood class.. where would you take a gorilla on a date?.
who would you like to be stuck in an elevator with for three hours?.
Where would you take a gorilla on a date? To the Banana-rama roller rink
Who would you like to be stuck in an elevator with for three hours? Ummmm do I have any weapons of my choice to use on this scum?
If cannibals caught you, how would you like to be cooked? Like a yabby, dip my toes in the boiling water and let me scream and turn red
If they were coming for you, where would you hide? I'd build a tree-house and live like an Amazonian homeless man, snacking on tarantula's and hornet bees
What food best describes Dave? Dave is a meat and 2 veg kind if guy, with a lot of sauce
Beside what entry in the dictionary would you find your picture? CRAPANNUAL - one who has had a crap year, only to get better next year.
Who is at the door? The neighbours, asking me to clean the spew from their balcony and the feathers from the stairs, there looking for Roxy, Jenny from the block, Trixy and Kitty...long story
How many people are here? Just me and Jim, Jim is sitting next to me eating a frozen muesli bar, sipping a long island iced tea - he just got back from the Bahama's, Pity no one else can see Jim, it hurts his feelings being invisible..
Which office is Mr. Smith's? The smelly one down the end, at first I thought something was fish in there but then I realised it was the open tuna can left overnight in the bin.
Where is Ahmed? I think he is in a black car driving to the airport
When are your office hours? 8-5pm, my choice of course - starting at 8 I get to have a day off every 2 weeks :)
What is that man's name? Who....ah him, that's Augusta, he is from New Venezuala and is a local tribesman. He drives cabs on weekends and calls himself Patrick from Kenya, Augusta has one claim to fame - he got through the tv show "border security" with an unknown substance in his bowel, now he always carries doggy treats in his wallet
Who can speak French? Jenny, the girl next door - she is really loud and always sings sweet Eiffel tower music at 2am
How many people will be there? Where??....ah the bush dance - ummm me and some others, I'm making Jim stay at home that night, but Augusta Patrick will be driving me and picking me up. Apart from that it will just be a lot of hay bails with holes in them, why the holes im not sure - but they do!
Which person might help us? The bears will be outside lifting hay bails, if you fall over they can help you. Ahhhhh you want help with that...go see the doctor, you can get over that little problem, there is medication for it now.
There seems to be a lot of kids in the neighborhood, don't you think? Well the way that French lady says hi to the mailman its no wonder! The other kids walk around saying "man" and "dude" a lot, in the fish n chip shop one bumped into me and called me a "dude"
Do you know "so-and-so"? So-and-so is an absolute toss pot who I'd like to see out one day!
Have you noticed the traffic getting worse? Tell me about it!!!! Sunday morning at 3am the traffic must have been bad cause a guy had to drive up the wrong side of the road outside MCDonalds, he was in a hurry though and the 3 police cars must've wanted to tell him that it wasn't busy and he could move over. Good to watch though
do you come here often? No its my first time, but I get paid to come here so I might do it more often. What about you?? If you come back, look for me - I'll be in the corner sucking on a cask of wine and staring into space.
okay you know the drill.
answer the questions so we get to know you better.. **miss peaches of the i'm in a silly mood class.. where would you take a gorilla on a date?.
who would you like to be stuck in an elevator with for three hours?.
Okay you know the drill. answer the questions so we get to know you better.
**Miss Peaches of the I'm in a silly mood class.
Where would you take a gorilla on a date?
Who would you like to be stuck in an elevator with for three hours?
If cannibals caught you, how would you like to be cooked?
If they were coming for you, where would you hide?
What food best describes Dave?
Beside what entry in the dictionary would you find your picture?
Who is at the door?
How many people are here?
Which office is Mr. Smith's?
Where is Ahmed?
When are your office hours?
What is that man's name?
Who can speak French?
How many people will be there?
Which person might help us?
There seems to be a lot of kids in the neighborhood, don't you think?
Do you know "so-and-so"?
Have you noticed the traffic getting worse?
do you come here often?
my history,.
47 years doing the jw thing from the age of 3.. many good times and many times i thought i was worthless especially as a teenager.
couldn't be good enough to please some elders.
I hope you enjoy your stay here. I love your rebellious attitude... so my style.
Looking forward to hearing more of your story.
Miss Peaches