What do you have to say to all the JWs who under the direction of the Governing Body are lurking and spying on this forum and then give the gathered intel to their masters?
JW spies on the JWD
by greendawn 57 Replies latest jw friends
Hi guys!!
How you doing? Are you happy? We are!
I would say " stick around and you might actually learn something ".
"Knowledge is power..." (get some)
I see london, I see france, how do you like your wooly itchy governing body approved underpants?
Actually I'd say.....go hang out on ebay or something where you may make an impact.
I ask how it feels to be sneaky and deceptive for your religion? I would really hope that none of the brothers and sisters would stoop to such tactics, but really don't doubt it in light of the things I've seen....
Elders, supposed shepherds of the congregation accusing their daughters' sexual escapades on other, less-"loved" (active) young sisters. When the truth found out, nothing done, the besmirtched and innocent young sisters scarred forever.
Elders, who, when found to have hardcore porn collections, physically and verbally threaten young brothers with unspecified retribution if they tell.
The constant, constant unspoken judging of your fellow brothers and sisters.
The rare, truly beautiful, truly loving brothers and sisters being marginalized and largely ignored.
What do you have to say to all the JWs who under the direction of the Governing Body are lurking and spying on this forum and then give the gathered intel to their masters?
I don't really know... but I'm sure it would need to be censored.
Decades ago your predecessors set a time bomb. Can you hear it?
You've had many opportunities to defuse it, you still can but you refuse. Do you hear it?
The bomb, once so skillfully disguised is now exposed. You scrabble to hide it from view but they are starting to hear it.
We heard it a while ago and got out before it was too late. It's ticking is clear, how long can you ignore it?
Save yourself, or save them? You could flee, or stay and dismantle it.
tick...tick... tick...tick... tick...tick... tick...tick... tick...tick... tick...tick.................................................