Hello and welcome!
It is great to have you aboard here at JWD. I am looking forward to your posts and contributions.
Miss Peaches.
i wanted to take a moment to introduce myself.
i'm studying for an exam i have tomorrow so i can't write a lot.
one day soon i can share my ongoing story.
Hello and welcome!
It is great to have you aboard here at JWD. I am looking forward to your posts and contributions.
Miss Peaches.
have you ever sent letters to the wt society and if so what was their response to you?.
did they send you an informative reply?.
did they send you a smug reply?.
I grew up in a congregation where if your father wasn't in the troof or a servant/elder then you were excluded by the youths in the congregation.
It got me down so much. I had no wordly friends that was forbidden and no friends in the cong. I was a very sad and lonely girl.
About age 14 I thought maybe there would be witness kids elsewhere in the world who would like to be a pen pal to me. Being nieve I sent a letter all the way across the ocean to brooklyn HQ. I told them my situation and asked if there was anyone they knew of who i could correspond with.
I never got a reply. The elders did though. They told my mum who told me off for writing to Bethel without telling her. Then very coincedentally there was a meeting part not much longer after about how we aren't JWs to make friends and if you are trying to make friends you there for the wrong reason. Then some malarky about how we should spend our time more wisely in the ministry or offering to help the sick and infirmed. It just crushed my teenage ego all the more.
recently they have begun screening a new series called house.
its about a surly dr house who is really smart solves complex cases yada yada yada.. i was watching it last night and they had a preview highlight of next weeks episode.
anyone at all?????
recently they have begun screening a new series called house.
its about a surly dr house who is really smart solves complex cases yada yada yada.. i was watching it last night and they had a preview highlight of next weeks episode.
Recently they have begun screening a new series called House. Its about a surly Dr House who is really smart solves complex cases yada yada yada.
I was watching it last night and they had a preview highlight of next weeks episode. It involves a mother and son. The mother appears to be suffering from Schizophrenia and requires medical treatment for something. A very brief clip was shown with the mother crying out 'NO BLOOD NO BLOOD'.
Has anyone here watched this? Is it based upon JW's?
Miss Peaches - of the curious class.
in one thread it said something said that dodos were wiped out in noah's flood.. did anyone say something absurd,stupid or just plain silly?.
We had an elder caution everyone about the occult from the platform. He was telling the congregation how widely spread it is these days. He said that he had looked up the phone book and found WITCHERY and several different meeting places for them listed. Now as an Aussie girl knows - Witchery is in fact a dress/suit shop chain that is spread throughout the country.
That was just plain silly. A few of us girls had a laugh over his call.
will begin in 8.5 hours.
happy birthday, frog.
i'm in eastern standard by the way, a true insomniac.
Oooh happy birthday little froglett!
I hope you have much debauched fun times on your special day!
Miss Peaches.
ray's a super guy, we all know that.
just wondering if he has ever been open to discussing creation vs. evolution.
he has an essay on his website but i don't really think his arguments are sound at all.. anyone here ever chatted with him about it?
I haven't even seen his website to read his essay!
can someone steer me in the right direction?
Cheers - Miss Peaches
i hate pop ups on my computer.
i can't stand getting salespeople calling from the same company 3 times in a day!
i hate being behind asian or indian drivers........
When my colleagues pick up my blue bic pen and take it away with them...
THATS MY PEN!!! I only like the blue bic pens... sob sob
my friend told me today that she had passed on to her friend my story bout being a jw and how now i dont have any support since leaving the borg mainly coz im marrying a "worldy" person and how my parents dont really have alot to do with me now.
anyway jw's came to this ladies door this week and she plainly stated that she is not interested but they kept hounding and so she said im not interested in a religion that can shun family members for not marrying in your religion, or not believing in the same thing, thats not what a loving god does.
so these jw said "oh you must have the wrong religion we dont do those things"!!!
Hi luv. First of all I think it is great that you have fallen in love and are getting married.
However I am really sorry for you that you are in such a happy period of your life and your family and ex friends from the congregation can't accept that you are happy. You see darl they have been told time and time again that you cannot be happy outside of the org. That you cannot be happy with a non JW. They just refuse to accept the possibility that their beloved society might be wrong. They seriously believe the things they are telling your friend are true. Because they can no longer think reasonably and for theirselves. They are victims of a money making cult.
However sounds like you have a great friend will to defend you and stick by your side. I am not surprised because you come across as such a lovely girl. I am sure you will make many beautfiul and loyal friends throughout the course of your life.
Miss Peaches.
women, you seem to always be able to admit that you can spot an attractive woman and be ok with it.
no need of having any fear of homosexual tendencies, not that there's anything wrong with it...but guys, will you ever admit that you can look at another man and know that he's attractive and good looking, with no fear within your inner being that you may be gay?.
i was in converse with my wife and mentioned to her how attracted men are to other women.
My boyfriend notices when another guy is good looking and will comment upon it.
He doesn't have any gay tendencies at all he just appreciates an attractive looking man or woman.
In fact he will sometimes ask me if I think they are good looking too. If I disagree with him he will disagree with me saying stuff like 'how can you not appreciate they are good looking' etc.
It doesn't bother me in the slightest either because I am the same with both men or women.