Going by my own personal experience with meeting up with ex JWs, its going to be a great time. If you can get a word in edge wise. Good on you for agreeing to go along. I hope you have an excellent time.
JoinedPosts by misspeaches
Getting together with JW friends from 25 years ago
by Champion inhi everyone i don't post much but always check in to see what's happening.
anyway i go to a church where there is another ex-jw who stays in contact with a few other ex-jw's.
he asked me if i would like to get together with a family i knew growing up out on long island.
Funny Symbol - Anyone Recognise It?
by misspeaches inhi guys... on an off chance that someone here might know..... my manager is one of those very well spoken, very clean cut & well attired breed of men.
however he wears this dull gold ring that looks very ordinary.
it has me intrigued because it just doesn't match up with everything else.
Oh my goodness that is hilarious! I told my colleagues and we all are incredibly amused. Its definately that symbol... but it just doesn't seem to fit the guy. I will question him about this now.
I've been hanging around here too long. I thought it looked like an M with a sphere on top and wondered if it was a mason symbol!!!
Funny Symbol - Anyone Recognise It?
by misspeaches inhi guys... on an off chance that someone here might know..... my manager is one of those very well spoken, very clean cut & well attired breed of men.
however he wears this dull gold ring that looks very ordinary.
it has me intrigued because it just doesn't match up with everything else.
Hi guys... on an off chance that someone here might know....
My manager is one of those very well spoken, very clean cut & well attired breed of men. However he wears this dull gold ring that looks VERY ordinary. It has me intrigued because it just doesn't match up with everything else. the ring is solid and has this on it:
Does anybody recognise this? Can you enlighten me?
does it have to be Fiji. I have had one friend visit there recently and unless your on one of the 'exclusive' islands its pretty dirty. Another friend 'chuckie77' is there at the moment and was disappointed. Can we make it the maldives?
However back to your question... um i couldn't do it. Unless all my peeps (apostates from here) are on the island too! Nah not even.. what about my darling fiance???
bye bye
by Devilsnok inits time for me to move on.. some of you will know that recently ive really messed my life up.
i met a lurker on a dub site and while we started off as just friends we became a lot more.
over 3 months we hurt both our partners and ourselves and in the end she ended up running back to her rich boyfriend and cut me off completely.. ok i know that some of you embittered bible bashers just cant wait to reach for your keyboards and start condemning me save it!
(((Matt))) I understand. And I'm sorry. Sometimes the hurt just gets too much.
So you made a mistake, not one person here has the right to condemn you for it. We all have screwed up at some time in our lives. I am just sorry to hear that you are hurting and seem to have gotten the raw end of the deal.
I hope you heal fast. That this experience is simply that. And not a life changing event.
Peace be with you Matt. Should you ever need a listening ear, or someone to chat with, PM me anytime.
Are Faders "better" than DF'd or DA'd?
by ESTEE inthis is something i've been mulling over.
just would like to hear opinions as to whether faders, or inactive ones think they are superior to disfellowshipped or disassociated ones?
what is your experience with this?
labels labels labels! as if we didn't have enough of them in the bOrg...
There is one label we all share. We are ex-Jehovahs Witnesses.
We all have been enlightened and follow new paths all heading off in different directions. Yet we meet here together to share the impact its had on our lives now. Not to compare one another as to who is smarter, who has it better, who has it harder etc etc.
Not one person is better than anyone else on this forum.
stinkin stinkin stinkin... i can only virtually celebrate your birthday with you and I really have a hankering for some cake!
Well happy birthday and make sure to have a slice of cake for me!
I'm I nuts?
by Justice-One ini have a really really bad neighbor.
(i even had to take her to court in an attempt to get a restraning order on her.
) now that it is down to a pissing contest, i was thinking about getting a really scary looking voodoo doll and putting it in the tree in my yard, that is beside the fence we share.
Hell no! not at all nuts. I say get it, perfect season. I would recommend a couple of other 'token' decorations as well. so if the authorities confront you about it you can tell them it was part of your decorating scheme.
Great news Re:violent abusive jw family
by ania ini'm ecstatic have received great news regarding my father: 1) it seems the information that he had been approved as a caregiver for barnardos was actualy incorrect he has never worked for them (sorry for that mis-information) .
however he had been working for cypf (newzealand children, young persons and their families service) and did have one boy in his care for more than a year.
2) my post regarding the abuse he inflicted on myself and family here: (http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/7/120383/1.ashx) has been noted by the authorities and they now have a copy of this in thier records (under his name) .
Ania hats off to you! What a strong person you are despite all odds. You have potentially saved many from being victims. What an amazing thing.
May every good thing come back to you for the work you have done!
Encouragement for Codeblue
by bebu inhey everyone,.
codeblue is needing some major cheering up.
she's been hit very hard by some very difficult news recently, and i know it's been very hard for her these days.
a basket of goodies to cheer you up