I really enjoyed reading that!
Being a post 75 dub dragged up in the organisation I had no idea that it used to be like that. For me personally all I knew of was the drudgery part...
This thread has been very enlightening.
does this sound like the jw organization you know today?
yes, on july 17th, 1970, my wife and i were baptized as jws at the "men of good will" district assembly (convention today), at the oakland, california coliseum - where the raiders play.
nearly 70,000 attended, and over 750 were baptized ... and it all made the news in the san francisco chronicle & examiner and other newspapers and radio stations.
I really enjoyed reading that!
Being a post 75 dub dragged up in the organisation I had no idea that it used to be like that. For me personally all I knew of was the drudgery part...
This thread has been very enlightening.
i've been having a bit of a browse around on www.myspace.com looking at the jw groups.. there are so many listed there and heaps of young jws seem to frequent the sites.. how feasible would it be for someone to setup a jw group under the guise of being pro and slowly but surely bring up questions like... 'hey my history teacher taught from <insert publication name here> that jereuselum (sp) wasn't destroyed in 607bce but in 587bce.
is that true?
whats that all about???'.
Okay so lets work this out... plan of attack style.
1) Obviously first need to have a personal page on My Space created so they can go back and cross reference. I could probably get something together but any input is welcome on stuff to include. Like interests etc. I want this to appear kosher.
2) Create a group with a name that JW kids can easily find.
3) People are more inclined to join groups if they see other people are members. If anyone else can create a page and then join the group... excellent
4) Richie you might know... can you send out invitations to people to join your group? Or do you guys reckon that might scare them off a bit?
5) Have some meaty discussions going. Richie suggested some topics earlier but any others would also be good.
**Post your ideas here or PM me...**
i've been having a bit of a browse around on www.myspace.com looking at the jw groups.. there are so many listed there and heaps of young jws seem to frequent the sites.. how feasible would it be for someone to setup a jw group under the guise of being pro and slowly but surely bring up questions like... 'hey my history teacher taught from <insert publication name here> that jereuselum (sp) wasn't destroyed in 607bce but in 587bce.
is that true?
whats that all about???'.
I've been having a bit of a browse around on www.myspace.com looking at the JW groups.
There are so many listed there and heaps of young JWs seem to frequent the sites.
How feasible would it be for someone to setup a JW group under the guise of being pro and slowly but surely bring up questions like... 'Hey my history teacher taught from <insert publication name here> that Jereuselum (sp) wasn't destroyed in 607BCE but in 587BCE. Is that true? whats that all about???'
etc etc...
Just a thought...
yep... beautiful.
bottle of cab, spaghetti bolognese, garlic bread..
love you guys..
ohhhh a nice cab sav... my favourite!
of course the best ones come from the rutherglen wine district here in Australia...
oooohhhh rutherglen... me thinks it may be coming up for another winery tour sometime soon....
i was assimilated at birth... .
my maternal grandparents came to england in the early 1940s, and learnt the troof here.
my grandfather opposed my grandmother for a while, but then he decided it wasn't worth the fight and studied the blue "troof book" and my grandparents got baptised at the same assembly.
Lets see. We had a lady move in next door with 2 boys around the ages of my own and my sisters. It was my sisters birthday party coming up so mum asked the new neighbours to the party. She got the whole 'We don't celebrate birthdays' speech and this piqued her interest. Now the neighbour lady didn't feel competent to witness to mum so some ladies from the cong started calling round. At the time I was about 2 years old. By age 3 mum was a baptised member of the cong. So i was dragged up in it believing all and sundry that was fed to me from the platforms. Until my late 20's when I realised it was not right at all.
I still think its weird that my mum became interested because someone wouldn't let their kids go to birthdays. This actually impressed her! I mean seriously what mother would be impressed by denying their child the simple pleasure of attending or hosting a birthday party. I'll never get my head around it.
i remember hearing of a failthful older brother who was attacked by vicious dogs while in service.
even though his clothes were shredded and he was bleeding he continued walking door to door to finish his assigned territory for that day.
Or the person who had a vicious dog who used to go berserk whenever the dubs would call around. So the man poked the mags through the fence and the dog took them and gave them to the owner of the house. The owner was so impressed he started studying and was a dub before you knew it.
heard that one a few time down under...
i was really trying to sneak in here...but, it's only right to say "hi" and make a brief introduction.
glad to be here.
i just want to say that i apologize in advance for anything i might say from here on out.
Ohhhh!!!! (rubs hand with glee)
A new person. I can just tell your going to be the spice of life Ms Whip!
Hurrah - delighted to meet you...
..would you thank the bullies now?.
i must admit that the social pressure was a large factor in my exiting.
though it was hell at the time i'd rather that than life as as dub now.
Yes I was bullied. And no I wouldn't thank them.
First I didn't have friends in the congregation. My dad wasn't a dub so my siblings, mother and were routinely excluded from everything. We didn't fit in. The girls my age in the cong were mean spiteful little cows encouraged by their jealous mothers. You could say fellow JW's bullied me.
I went to a primary school of little over 100 students. Everyone knew I was a JW. I made a 2 or 3 friends who didn't give me a hard time. The rest of my primary years were spent hiding from the bullies.
Then I went to high school. Now I was attending school with over a 1000 students. This was a culture shock within it self. I was hoping to keep my JW status quiet from everyone else. Unfortunately 2 girls from my congregation were now in my high school. They deemed it fit to publicise to as many people as they could that I was a JW, neglecting to let other people know that they were also. And so the bullying began again. But on a much grander scale.
I never did anything to prompt being bullied. I was a victim of a cult. I was forced to follow the rules of this cult. My youth was the saddest most depressing period of my life. Just remembering the pain brings tears to my eyes now...
If you can be grateful for some reason that you were bullied kudos to you. I could never do it. I would forgive them if they met me now and apologised because I am not a grudge holder. But a person can't forget that pain.
in preperation for a class i'll be taking starting next month entitled "history of love, sex and marriage" i would like to probe your heart's desire to find out the 5 biggest turn on's and 5 biggest turn off's you find in men.
and well, hell, i also would just like to add to my general knowledge.
Turn On's - Confidence - When a person is confident it usually means they have something good to offer
Height - I like my man to be taller than me. When he is I feel protected
Acceptance - A man who is not biased and accepts people places and events upon his own judgement and not what his mates think
Humour - I love to laugh. I can't be stuck in a relationship with a man who isn't funny
Conversational abilities - When my man speaks from the heart, doesn't make himself to be something hes not, opens up to his feelings, works through his frustratios
Turn Off's - Lateness - I hate it when I am expecting him to turn up at a certain time and he is late
Uncleanliness - Daily Showers, Deodarant, Clean socks, clean bedroom etc are a must
Laziness - If he sits around the house watching me clean it aint gonna work
Inability to make decisions - decide what movie we can watch, which restaurant to go to. Don't leave it all too me
Overly Critical - don't criticise everything I do. maybe I do things differently but I am a different person. As long as the stuff gets done. Criticsm should be used as a helpful thing.
i don't.
it reminds me every day of what i was was and not what i can enjoy.
I don't hide it. If it comes up then I let people know. People at work see me perusing this site and ask me about it. I tell them a bit about it and a few of them now lurk on this very board.
Hi Guys!
I have found that it helps people understand some of my idiosyncrasies and accept them. Especially when I was still developing normal social skills...