okay help me out here... I can't get you tube to work at my work. Is it a song about the JWs?
JoinedPosts by misspeaches
by Kudra in...by joe satriani !!
enjoy, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2odpgamog5a .
it made me think of you guys... <3 .
GG/BG & OFG Sitting in a Tree.....
by OpenFireGlass inwhere the hell have i been?
ummmmmmmm... i've been in love!.
it's been so long i don't even know where to begin...... well... i guess it all began here at jwd... the beauty of it all, it that this is not a dating website, and the very fact that i was falling in love with a person whom i had no idea of her physical appearance... i was falling for her inner beauty and strenght to leave everything she knew to be happy, to live life.... i had finally met a person who understood me, and i could relate to her stories.... i had met my new best friend, but didn't know it yet... things progressed..... we emailed (which later led to unsolicited photos from her).... then exchanged phone numbers, etc..... then before i know it she had convinced me to purchace an airplaine ticket to meet her.
Oh my goodness... This just warms the cockles of my heart... Hehehe
Seriously - GGBG - I'm so happy for you that you've met someone so fabulous. I can't get the smile off my face. I really am stoked for you. Your both very lucky people.
I ONLY HAD ONE CHOICE - a "poem" by GG/BG (work in progress...???)
by Good Girl or Bad Girl? inso i wrote this poem, if that is what you can call it.
not saying it's good or anything, but it's how i feel.
it's about my experience as a jehovah's witness.. .
I'm not usually a fan of poetry (except Dr Seuss...) but this really was very poignant. (spelling?) It hit home, hard.
I can't believe my girl is so talented...
Where are Gumby and Mary?
by UnConfused injust saying i have noticed them not around the last few days.
Mrs Peaches still honeymooning.............we need a "Cannyfest"
Hello Deeksis! I wish I was still honeymooning. In fact works been so busy its horrible. They actually called me whilst I was on my honeymoon and begged me to come back to work. Stupid me went back. Sigh. Great start to married life. Right now I'm travelling the country. I'm sitting int he Qantas club at Brisbane Airport about to fly to Sydney. The previous 2 days I was in Darwin. Next week I head to Perth, Adelaide, Hobart & Melbourne. Once this work situation has calmed down I would adore to have a Cannyfast. I think that would be MARVELLOUS
Door to Door Dangers
by Outaservice ini understand people's growing reluctance to answer their doors anymore with the crime rate soaring etc.
jw's must be a nuisance to many because of this.. however, as a jw did you ever find yourself in a dangerous situation because of calling on someone who was dangerous?
do you feel, or did you feel you would have had divine protection in such cases?
as a JW did you ever find yourself in a dangerous situation because of calling on someone who was dangerous?
Dangerous Situation? Would you define being locked inside a house and threatened with a loaded shotgun a dangerous situation? The fact the 'householder' quite obviously had an emotional condition at the time didn't help either.
Do you feel, or did you feel you would have had Divine protection in such cases?
At the time I just wanted to get the heck out of there.... Divine protection never occured to me.
Has anyone ever been 'hurt' in the field service?
Hurt? Only when I slid down a steep driveway ripped up my skirt along the process and ripped up the backs of my thighs.... hmmm fond memories.
Where are Gumby and Mary?
by UnConfused injust saying i have noticed them not around the last few days.
Oh poor Gumby!!! What a horrible religon that he has to go to such drastic measures. I luv him regardless. I feel so sorry that he has to sit there and listen to that bull crap.
Hope your feeling better young Mary, I would hate to think a head cold/flu is inhibiting you at all! :o)
'allo Uncle Bruce. Whats new with you these days friend?
Software recommends, anyone?
by GentlyFeral ini finally have an answer to my self-pitying question, "who would hire a typist with tendonitis?
" the answer, of course, is "me!
" given decent voice-recognition and ocr software.
Hi Gently Feral
The department I work at uses Dragon Naturally Speaking. They road tested quite a few ones on the market but Dragon was the best by far.
Why don't JW friends come over and say hello?
by JH ini always wondered why jw's didn't stop by to say hello, just to encourage or by friendship?.
but if i showed up at the hall, after many months, they would be happy to see me, and would come to talk to me, and ask what,s going on in my life as if they were really interested in me.
so, if they were happy to see me at the hall, why wouldn't they be happy showing up at my place too.. why is it that only the elders come over to see me once in a blue moon?.
Hi JH - actually that nonsense makes me angry! What is their issue? Maybe because we are baptised they can't count time on us. But at the same time you know they are lurking in the shadows just waiting for you to stuff up. When that happens they will be back in your life in a flash!
Convention Hotels
by Billzfan23 ini have heard an experience a thousand times (in conversation as well as from the platform) of a person who had a talk on the district convention program that did not stay at a hotel on the recommended lodging list.
this person was spotted by a fellow conventioner and was asked why he was staying at a hotel that was not on the list and happened to be just across the street from the convention location.
his reply was that he has a part on the convention and it would be more convenient for him to stay there than use one of the approved hotels.
We stopped staying at them when mum realised that they were charging higher rates for the JWs than standard travellers. Kid you not. This was in Sydney.
Can we start a Secret Santa Recieved/Sent Thread?
by restrangled ini'm worried because i sent a christmas card plus had a gift sent by ups over the internet about 7 days ago and haven't heard anything.
i would feel really feel bad if my person didin't receive their gift or card.
so i think we need to have an official post place.
Better late than never! I haven't had a chance to get online before today and I would like to thank my SS for their gift. I really love the box and the photo frame. I've put one of our wedding photos in the frame and it is being proudly displayed. the little box looks gorgeous in the bathroom to hold my bits and peices.
I hope you had a lovely christmas and that this will be the first of many. Thank you for your note - I hope you are okay.