Dear Brothers
You are aware that I am not present this evening following medical advice from our family Doctor. I will attempt in this letter to give you some idea of why that is and how I feel.
The last six months have been emotionally, physically and mentally exhausting. You possibly don’t know that I broke my wrist in a heavy fall six weeks prior to Bertie’s unplanned home birth, all the while looking after Archie, aged two. Bertie was born with a serious and worsening condition culminating in emergency surgery at age six weeks which I attended alone - Paul was in the US on business. Throughout this time and following I have been in a downward spiral of increasing exhaustion from the demands of caring for a newborn and a lively toddler, running a home and keeping up with the rigorous demands of life as a Jehovah’s Witness. Of course my parents and Paul continue to be incredibly supportive to me. Without my family I can’t speculate on where I would have ended up.
During this time I received no help or support from you, my elders and shepherds, and precious little from other brothers and sisters. No one from the congregation cared enough to give me any meaningful support. Likewise I was unable to offer support to others – perhaps we are a congregation of emotional wrecks focused on recruiting new members? Occasionally sisters would stop by at our house for a coffee whilst out on Field Service – nice, but not helpful. On one such occasion I confided to Lizzie Robson that I felt I was nearing a nervous breakdown, but this was not followed up in any way that was tangible to me. Avril Davis commented to me at a meeting that she had coped and I would have to cope too. Although all this was extremely disappointing and upsetting, I do not bear a grudge towards anyone - the life of a Witness leaves little time for Christian works towards ones brothers and sisters. Maybe if I had been attending all the meetings, pioneering, commenting profusely and giving talks I would have qualified for more help! Or perhaps if Christian acts towards ones brothers were reportable on a time slip…but I digress.
The issue that prompted me to examine my faith, as we are constantly encouraged, was Paul pointing out the Watchtower teaching that Jesus is not my Mediator but only Mediator for the 144,000. I needed to know if other Christian faiths held this view or if was unique to Jehovah’s Witnesses. Whilst examining this matter, I was shocked and disturbed to uncover other issues relating to the Organisation that didn't sit well with my Bible trained conscience and God-given powers of intellect.
My other discoveries included:
• The Society's 10 year affiliation with the United Nations and subsequent hasty withdrawal under media attention
• The Society's ongoing and systematic cover up and mishandling of child abuse
• The Society's total lack of evidence in support of their unique belief that 607BCE was the date of the destruction of Jerusalem when all the Biblical and historical evidence points to 586/7BCE
• Ever shifting doctrines on matters of life and death including vaccinations, blood transfusions and organ transplants
• The misuse of disfellowshipping and extreme shunning equivalent to spiritual abuse
• The additions and subtractions made to the original language manuscripts and the intellectual dishonesty and mistranslation of the NWT
The list goes on - I am sure you are aware of other issues. Taking all these matters into consideration, I cannot in good faith attend the meetings right now and am positive that if Jesus were on earth today he would have a lot to say about the matter.
A few close friends visited when my absence from meetings had reached into the weeks and months. Obviously they wanted to know some detail around this and I wanted, not to stumble them, but to explain my conscientious reasons, and I believed these conversations to be in confidence. If I have upset or offended any, I am deeply sorry. However, in view of Jesus counsel in Matthew surely those ones should have been directed back to me to sort out the matter between ourselves? I can find no Scriptural basis for the involvement of a religious hierarchy except in the case of those teaching against the coming of Christ and his subsequent Resurrection – the biblical definition of apostasy. I understand you are using a more wide ranging secular definition in considering our case.
In my heart I know that I remain in good standing before my God Jehovah - I have not broken any of His laws, those he has given us in the Holy Scriptures. These are the laws I live by, not man's. Indeed the simple faith of Christianity is based on salvation by grace, not by performance.
I do not wish to be judged and labelled by you so that all my friends and family can 'officially' shun me forever, even though the majority of them have decided to do that anyway. Apostasy is the term applied to those that were drawing members of the congregation away from Christ and teaching that the resurrection had not happened. You know I am not guilty of this.
Please bear in mind Jesus' words "if they are not against me they are for me, leave them alone". I have no intention to 'enlighten' all about my recent discoveries that have led to my recent inactivity and fail to see how I am a threat to the congregation as I am not there and no one is speaking to me – are you happy this is a loving way to treat someone who needs more help than she has ever needed before? In fact you are aware that we are leaving the country to start a new life abroad in the coming weeks. I would just like to be left in peace with my family to recover and take stock.
You have absolutely nothing to gain by labelling me as I have already lost that which was precious to me - many, many good, lifelong friendships which I now realize were wholly conditional on our joint conformity to whatever belief system emanates from Brooklyn. That which remains most precious - my love of God and His Son, my faith, my husband, my wonderful boys, my amazing parents and great sister - you can never take away from me.
I wish you love and happiness and hope that one day too you will have the blinkers lifted from your eyes and escape. You will always find unconditional love and friendship from the Morrison's if you need it.
Posts by besty
Quotable Quotes; Please Add Yours ...
by compound complex inthe endeavor to compel all men to think alike on all subjects,.
culminated in the great apostasy and the development of the .
great papal system; and thereby the 'gospel,' the 'one faith,'.
"Just because you can see a tall building doesn't make it close" - Paul Morrison 2003
After walking for 45 minutes towards The Stratosphere from the south end of The Strip, Las Vegas. -
This is going to sound strange and probably highly impossible
by Calico Ethel ini think a few of you out there know my story a bit.
i used to live in wisconsin and then i met someone from england, here on jwd, and then i moved to england to be with him and we got married in april...(very happily married i might add).
anyway, in the process of moving i left my kitty behind, only thinking it would be momentarily, but it's been an absolute nightmare to get here over here.
besty are showing a $799 round trip from London Heathrow to Chicago with AirFrance connecting in Paris - just don't bother with the last segment on the return and hop on the Eurostar
It makes me sad to see Ray Franz looking this feeble...
by deaconbluez in
you can see the videos of the meetings here
by AlphaOmega inanyone know if this has been mentioned in the congregations ?.
maybe it is so we can donate money for the literature that we download ?
Minimum donation £5.00GBP - the site makes it easy for them to get a tax rebate on the donated amount if you tick a box saying you are a UK taxpayer - standard practice - they'd be stupid not to do that.
All money to be used in accordance with their Charitable Objects -
Silent Lambs
by BEROEAN inso was this all about money or what?
i was hoping silent lambs would resist the money and push for the exposure of the criminals.
instead they cave in to the gag order and they took the money and ran!
And less bold font in your posts while you're at it please.
Silent Lambs
by BEROEAN inso was this all about money or what?
i was hoping silent lambs would resist the money and push for the exposure of the criminals.
instead they cave in to the gag order and they took the money and ran!
Beroean - life must disappoint you frequently if this post is a microcosm of your decision making ability...please engage your own brain before you engage ours.
Most people that post here will be happy to help reveal facts but please try not to form opinions upfront without even a cursory attempt to do some basic research.
Rant over. -
Re: Annual Meeting-New Understanding Of Leaven At Matt. 13:33?
by Justitia Themis inthis was posted on another db.
has anyone heard this?.
brother barr gave a talk on 4 new understandings.. .
for me this is New Light for the sake of it. it doesn't improve my life philosophy nor advance the christian debate AFAICS.
but the dubbies will be beside themselves with excitement.
shame. -
I have found something truly horrific.
by cultswatter inthis is big, very big.
bigger that pascal petite(well, just as big), bigger than the demonic hand or the rams head in the live forever book!!.
to present this properly, i will need a scan of the page in the live forever book where the thief is running from the police clutching a bag of goods.
cultswatter - you could swatmorecults if you weren't spending 12 hours on the computer photoshopping scans
Besty -
How can they so completely and utterly destroy the meaning of their first four words with the rest of their article...